Chapter 93 The Huntsman and the Fisherman(猎人和渔夫).jpg

A HUNTSMAN, returning with his dogs from the field, fell in by chance with a Fisherman who was bringing home a basket well laden with fish. —-
一个猎人带着他的狗从田野回来时,偶然遇到一个渔夫,他背着一个装满鱼的篮子。 —-

The Huntsman wished to have the fish, and their owner experienced an equal longing for the contents of the game-bag. —-
猎人希望得到鱼,而渔夫也同样渴望猎人背包里的猎物。 —-

They quickly agreed to exchange the produce of their day’s sport. —-
他们迅速达成一致,交换了他们当天的收获。 —-

Each was so well pleased with his bargain that they made for some time the same exchange day after day. —-
他们对自己的交易都非常满意,以至于一段时间后每天都做同样的交换。 —-

Finally a neighbor said to them, “If you go on in this way, you will soon destroy by frequent use the pleasure of your exchange, and each will again wish to retain the fruits of his own sport.”

Abstain and enjoy.