Chapter 155 The Hare and the Hound(野兔与猎犬).jpg

A HOUND started a Hare from his lair, but after a long run, gave up the chase. —
一只猎犬从洞穴中开始追逐一只野兔,但跑了一段时间后放弃了追捕。 —

A goat-herd seeing him stop, mocked him, saying “The little one is the best runner of the two. —
一个牧羊人看到它停下来,嘲笑道:“小家伙跑得比两者中的较好的一个还快。” —

” The Hound replied, “You do not see the difference between us: —
猎犬回答说:“你没有看出我们之间的区别: —

I was only running for a dinner, but he for his life.”