Chapter 298 The Mules and the Robbers(驴子和强盗).jpg

TWO MULES well-laden with packs were trudging along. —
两头负重的骡子沉重地行进着。 —

One carried panniers filled with money, the other sacks weighted with grain. —
其中一头背着满满的装有金钱的篮子,另一头则背着装满粮食的袋子。 —

The Mule carrying the treasure walked with head erect, as if conscious of the value of his burden, and tossed up and down the clear-toned bells fastened to his neck. —
负责运载财宝的骡子昂起头,仿佛意识到自己背负的财富的价值,并且颈间的清脆铃声不断摆动。 —

His companion followed with quiet and easy step. —
它的伴侣跟随着轻松、安稳的步伐。 —

All of a sudden Robbers rushed upon them from their hiding-places, and in the scuffle with their owners, wounded with a sword the Mule carrying the treasure, which they greedily seized while taking no notice of the grain. —
突然,山贼们从藏身处冲出来,在与骡子的主人搏斗中,用剑伤了背着财宝的骡子,而贪婪地夺走了财宝,却未注意粮食。 —

The Mule which had been robbed and wounded bewailed his misfortunes. —
遭到抢劫和受伤的骡子为自己的不幸哀叹。 —

The other replied, “I am indeed glad that I was thought so little of, for I have lost nothing, nor am I hurt with any wound.”