Chapter 73 The Widow and Her Little Maidens(寡妇和她的小少女们).jpg

A WIDOW who was fond of cleaning had two little maidens to wait on her. —
一个嗜好清洁的寡妇有两个小女仆来侍奉她。 —

She was in the habit of waking them early in the morning, at cockcrow. —
她习惯性地在清晨,也就是鸡鸣时分把她们唤醒。 —

The maidens, aggravated by such excessive labor, resolved to kill the cock who roused their mistress so early. —
这两个女仆受够了如此过度的劳作,决定杀掉每天使她们的主人那么早醒来的公鸡。 —

When they had done this, they found that they had only prepared for themselves greater troubles, for their mistress, no longer hearing the hour from the cock, woke them up to their work in the middle of the night.