Chapter 238 The Wolf and the Lion(狼和狮子).jpg

ROAMING BY the mountainside at sundown, a Wolf saw his own shadow become greatly extended and magnified, and he said to himself, “Why should I, being of such an immense size and extending nearly an acre in length, be afraid of the Lion? —
黄昏时,在山腰徜徉的狼看到自己的影子变得异常延伸和扩大,他对自己说:“作为一只如此庞大且长达近一英亩的狼,我为什么要害怕狮子呢? —

Ought I not to be acknowledged as King of all the collected beasts? —
难道我不应该被承认为众兽之王吗? —

’ While he was indulging in these proud thoughts, a Lion fell upon him and killed him. —
”他沉溺于这些骄傲的思想当中,一只狮子突然扑过来将他杀死。 —

He exclaimed with a too late repentance, “Wretched me! —
他懊悔地叫道:“可怜的我!这种对自己的高估是我毁灭的原因。” —

this overestimation of myself is the cause of my destruction.”