Chapter 179 The Peacock and the Crane(孔雀和鹤).jpg

A PEACOCK spreading its gorgeous tail mocked a Crane that passed by, ridiculing the ashen hue of its plumage and saying, “I am robed, like a king, in gold and purple and all the colors of the rainbow; —
一只孔雀展开它绚丽的尾巴,嘲笑一只飞过的鹤,嘲讽它羽毛灰色而没有一点颜色。 —

while you have not a bit of color on your wings. —
如同一个国王一样,我穿着金色和紫色,并且拥有彩虹的各种颜色; —

” “True,” replied the Crane; —
而你的翅膀上没有一点颜色,没错,鹤回答道; —

“but I soar to the heights of heaven and lift up my voice to the stars, while you walk below, like a cock, among the birds of the dunghill.”

Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.