Chapter 277 The Hunter and the Horseman(猎人与骑士).jpg

A CERTAIN HUNTER, having snared a hare, placed it upon his shoulders and set out homewards. —
某个猎人捕到一只野兔,将它放在肩膀上,朝家的方向走去。 —

On his way he met a man on horseback who begged the hare of him, under the pretense of purchasing it. —
在路上他遇到了一个骑马的男人,他以购买的借口请求兔子。 —

However, when the Horseman got the hare, he rode off as fast as he could. —
然而,当骑马人得到兔子后,他尽可能快地骑走了。 —

The Hunter ran after him, as if he was sure of overtaking him, but the Horseman increased more and more the distance between them. —
猎人追着他跑,仿佛肯定能追上他,但骑马人之间的距离越来越远。 —

The Hunter, sorely against his will, called out to him and said, “Get along with you! —
猎人非常不情愿地向他喊道:“走吧!我打算送你这只兔子。” —

for I will now make you a present of the hare.”