Chapter 113 The Three Tradesmen(三个工匠).jpg

A GREAT CITY was besieged, and its inhabitants were called together to consider the best means of protecting it from the enemy. —
一座伟大的城市正在遭受围攻,城中居民们聚集在一起讨论如何最好地保护城市免受敌人侵害。 —

A Bricklayer earnestly recommended bricks as affording the best material for an effective resistance. —
一个瓦工热情地建议用砖块作为有效抵抗的最佳材料。 —

A Carpenter, with equal enthusiasm, proposed timber as a preferable method of defense. —
一位木匠同样热情地提议以木材作为首选的防御材料。 —

Upon which a Currier stood up and said, “Sirs, I differ from you altogether: —
于是一位鞣匠站起来说,“先生们,我完全不同意你们:“抵抗之材料没有什么能比得上毛皮的包覆,”也没有什么比皮革更好的了。” —

there is no material for resistance equal to a covering of hides; —
各自为战吧。 —

and nothing so good as leather.”

Every man for himself.