Chapter 210 The Peacock and Juno(孔雀和朱诺).jpg

THE PEACOCK made complaint to Juno that, while the nightingale pleased every ear with his song, he himself no sooner opened his mouth than he became a laughingstock to all who heard him. —
孔雀向朱诺抱怨,夜莺用他的歌声取悦了每一只耳朵,而他一开口就成了所有听到他的人的笑柄。 —

The Goddess, to console him, said, “But you far excel in beauty and in size. —
女神为了安慰他,说:“但是你在美丽和体型上远远超过其他动物。 —

The splendor of the emerald shines in your neck and you unfold a tail gorgeous with painted plumage. —
你的颈部散发出像翡翠一样的光辉,展开的尾巴则是丰富多彩的羽毛。 —

” “But for what purpose have I,” said the bird, “this dumb beauty so long as I am surpassed in song? —
”“但是我有这样一个哑巴般的美丽有什么用呢,只要我在歌声上被人超越? —

’ “The lot of each,” replied Juno, “has been assigned by the will of the Fates — to thee, beauty; —
”朱诺回答道:“每个人的命运都是由命运女神决定的 - 对你来说,是美丽; —

to the eagle, strength; to the nightingale, song; —
对鹰来说,是力量;对夜莺来说,是歌声; —

to the raven, favorable, and to the crow, unfavorable auguries. —
对乌鸦来说,是吉祥的预兆,对乌鸦来说,是不利的预兆。 —

These are all contented with the endowments allotted to them.”