Chapter 259 The Lark Burying Her Father(井底之蛙).jpg

THE LARK (according to an ancient legend) was created before the earth itself, and when her father died, as there was no earth, she could find no place of burial for him. —
据古代传说,百灵鸟在地球诞生之前就存在了,当她的父亲去世时,由于还没有地球,她找不到一个合适的地方来埋葬他。 —

She let him lie uninterred for five days, and on the sixth day, not knowing what else to do, she buried him in her own head. —
她让他尸体放置了五天,第六天她毫无办法,将他埋葬在自己的脑袋里。 —

Hence she obtained her crest, which is popularly said to be her father’s grave-hillock.

Youth’s first duty is reverence to parents.