Chapter 192 The Jackdaw and the Doves(松鸦和鸽子).jpg

A JACKDAW, seeing some Doves in a cote abundantly provided with food, painted himself white and joined them in order to share their plentiful maintenance. —
一只寒鸦看见一个鸽舍里有充足的食物,于是把自己涂白了,加入他们中间,与他们一起分享食物。 —

The Doves, as long as he was silent, supposed him to be one of themselves and admitted him to their cote. —
鸽子们以为他是他们中的一员,只要他保持沉默,就让他进入了鸽舍。 —

But when one day he forgot himself and began to chatter, they discovered his true character and drove him forth, pecking him with their beaks. —
但有一天他忘记了自己的身份开始说个不停,鸽子们发现了他真正的本性,用喙啄他,把他赶走了。 —

Failing to obtain food among the Doves, he returned to the Jackdaws. —
寒鸦在鸽子们那里找不到食物,于是回到了寒鸦群中。 —

They too, not recognizing him on account of his color. —
寒鸦们也没有认出他,因为他的颜色不同。 —

expelled him from living with them. —
他们把他赶出了寒鸦群,不让他与他们一起生活。 —

So desiring two ends, he obtained neither.