Chapter 276 The Crow and the Serpent(乌鸦与蛇).jpg

A CROW in great want of food saw a Serpent asleep in a sunny nook, and flying down, greedily seized him. —
一只饥饿的乌鸦发现一只在阳光明媚的角落里睡着的蛇,迅速下降,并贪婪地抓住了它。 —

The Serpent, turning about, bit the Crow with a mortal wound. —
蛇绕过来咬了乌鸦一口致命的伤。 —

In the agony of death, the bird exclaimed: “O unhappy me! —
在死亡的痛苦中,乌鸦呼喊道:“哦,我不幸啊!在我认为是个幸运的意外中,竟然找到了我毁灭的源泉。” —

who have found in that which I deemed a happy windfall the source of my destruction.”