Chapter 285 The Wolf and the Lion(狼和狮子).jpg

A WOLF, having stolen a lamb from a fold, was carrying him off to his lair. —
一只狼从羊圈偷了一只小羊,正打算把它带回自己的巢穴。 —

A Lion met him in the path, and seizing the lamb, took it from him. —
狮子在路上遇到他,抓住羔羊,从他手中夺走了它。 —

Standing at a safe distance, the Wolf exclaimed, “You have unrighteously taken that which was mine from me! —
狼站在一个安全的距离,尖叫道:“你不义地夺走了我的东西! —

” To which the Lion jeeringly replied, “It was righteously yours, eh? —
”狮子嘲笑地回答道,“是吗,是你公正地夺走的吗? —

The gift of a friend?’