Chapter 117 The Ass Carrying the Image(驮着画像的驴).jpg

AN ASS once carried through the streets of a city a famous wooden Image, to be placed in one of its Temples. —
一只驴曾经穿过城市的街道,运送一尊著名的木像,准备放置在其中一个寺庙里。 —

As he passed along, the crowd made lowly prostration before the Image. The Ass, thinking that they bowed their heads in token of respect for himself, bristled up with pride, gave himself airs, and refused to move another step. —
当它经过时,人群向那像低头致敬。驴误以为他们是在尊重自己,所以骄傲地挺起身子,不愿再往前走。 —

The driver, seeing him thus stop, laid his whip lustily about his shoulders and said, “O you perverse dull-head! —
驾车人见他停住,便用鞭子狠狠地抽打他的背脊,说:“哦,你这倔脑袋! —

it is not yet come to this, that men pay worship to an Ass.”

They are not wise who give to themselves the credit due to others.