Chapter 106 The Shepherd and the Sea(牧羊人和大海).jpg

A SHEPHERD, keeping watch over his sheep near the shore, saw the Sea very calm and smooth, and longed to make a voyage with a view to commerce. —
一名牧羊人在海边照看羊群时,看到海面非常平静,渴望进行一次商贸航行。 —

He sold all his flock, invested it in a cargo of dates, and set sail. —
他卖掉了所有的羊群,将钱投资于一船装满枣的货物,并起航。 —

But a very great tempest came on, and the ship being in danger of sinking, he threw all his merchandise overboard, and barely escaped with his life in the empty ship. —
但是一场非常大的暴风雨来了,船正在濒临沉没,他将所有的货物都扔进海里,勉强空船逃生。 —

Not long afterwards when someone passed by and observed the unruffled calm of the Sea, he interrupted him and said, “It is again in want of dates, and therefore looks quiet.”