Chapter 145 The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury(哲学家、蚂蚁和水星).jpg

A PHILOSOPHER witnessed from the shore the shipwreck of a vessel, of which the crew and passengers were all drowned. —
一个哲学家站在岸边目睹了一艘船只的沉船事故,船上的船员和乘客无一幸存。 —

He inveighed against the injustice of Providence, which would for the sake of one criminal perchance sailing in the ship allow so many innocent persons to perish. —
他对上天的不公感到愤慨,因为为了一个罪犯,竟然让这么多无辜的人丧生。 —

As he was indulging in these reflections, he found himself surrounded by a whole army of Ants, near whose nest he was standing. —
正当他陷入沉思时,他发现自己被一群蚂蚁包围,他站在它们的蚁巢附近。 —

One of them climbed up and stung him, and he immediately trampled them all to death with his foot. —
其中一只蚂蚁爬上来蜇了他一下,于是他立即用脚踩死了它们。 —

Mercury presented himself, and striking the Philosopher with his wand, said, “And are you indeed to make yourself a judge of the dealings of Providence, who hast thyself in a similar manner treated these poor Ants?’