Chapter 258 The Jackdaw and the Fox(松鸦与狐狸).jpg

A HALF-FAMISHED JACKDAW seated himself on a fig-tree, which had produced some fruit entirely out of season, and waited in the hope that the figs would ripen. —
一个饥肠辘辘的寒鸦栖息在一棵无季节产出果实的无花果树上,并期待着无花果的成熟。 —

A Fox seeing him sitting so long and learning the reason of his doing so, said to him, “You are indeed, sir, sadly deceiving yourself; —
一只狐狸看见他长时间坐在那里,并了解到他这样做的原因,对他说:“先生,你真的是在悲催地自欺欺人; —

you are indulging a hope strong enough to cheat you, but which will never reward you with enjoyment.”