Chapter 127 The Oak and the Reeds(橡树和芦苇).jpg

A VERY LARGE OAK was uprooted by the wind and thrown across a stream. —
一棵非常大的橡树被风吹倒过河。 —

It fell among some Reeds, which it thus addressed: —
它落在一些芦苇中,对它们说: —

“I wonder how you, who are so light and weak, are not entirely crushed by these strong winds. —
“我不明白你们这些轻盈而脆弱的植物怎么能够不被这强风完全压垮。 —

” They replied, “You fight and contend with the wind, and consequently you are destroyed; —
“它们回答道:“你与风争斗,结果毁灭了自己; —

while we on the contrary bend before the least breath of air, and therefore remain unbroken, and escape.”

Stoop to conquer.