Chapter 274 The Hen and the Swallow(母鸡和燕子).jpg

A HEN finding the eggs of a viper and carefully keeping them warm, nourished them into life. —
一只母鸡发现了一窝蝮蛇的蛋,并小心地保持它们温暖,滋养它们到孵化。 —

A Swallow, observing what she had done, said, “You silly creature! —
一只燕子看到了她的举动,说:“你这个愚蠢的生物!为什么你孵化这些毒蛇,它们长大后会对所有人造成伤害,包括你自己?” —

why have you hatched these vipers which, when they shall have grown, will inflict injury on all, beginning with yourself?’