
In spite of the hard conditions in which they were placed, life among the political prisoners seemed very good to Katusha after the depraved, luxurious and effeminate life she had led in town for the last six years, and after two months’ imprisonment with criminal prisoners. —
在被囚禁的政治犯中生活,尽管条件艰苦,对于卡图夏来说比过去六年在城里过着腐化、奢华和娘娘腔生活后和与罪犯囚犯一起受监禁两个月后,生活似乎非常美好。 —

The fifteen to twenty miles they did per day, with one day’s rest after two days’ marching, strengthened her physically, and the fellowship with her new companions opened out to her a life full of interests such as she had never dreamed of. —
每天行走十五到二十英里,每两天休息一天后,加强了她的身体,而与新同伴们的交往为她打开了一个充满兴趣的生活,这是她从未梦到的。 —

People so wonderful (as she expressed it) as those whom she was now going with she had not only never met but could not even have imagined.

“There now, and I cried when I was sentenced,” she said. —
“唉,我在被判罪的时候哭了,”她说。 —

“Why, I must thank God for it all the days of my life. —
“为什么,我必须终身感谢上帝。 —

I have learned to know what I never should have found out else.”

The motives she understood easily and without effort that guided these people, and, being of the people, fully sympathised with them. —
她毫不费力地理解了这些人的动机,作为人民的一员,她完全同情他们。 —

She understood that these persons were for the people and against the upper classes, and though themselves belonging to the upper classes had sacrificed their privileges, their liberty and their lives for the people. —
她明白这些人是为了人民而反对上层阶级的,尽管他们自己属于上层阶级,却为人民牺牲了自己的特权、自由和生命。 —

This especially made her value and admire them. —
这使她格外珍视和钦佩他们。 —

She was charmed with all the new companions, but particularly with Mary Pavlovna, and she was not only charmed with her, but loved her with a peculiar, respectful and rapturous love. —
她对所有新伴侣都感到惊喜,但特别是对玛丽·帕夫洛夫娜,不仅令她着迷,而且以一种特殊的、尊敬的和狂热的爱来爱着她。 —

She was struck by the fact that this beautiful girl, the daughter of a rich general, who could speak three languages, gave away all that her rich brother sent her, and lived like the simplest working girl, and dressed not only simply, but poorly, paying no heed to her appearance. —
她很吃惊地发现,这位美丽的女孩,一个富有将军的女儿,能说三种语言,把富裕兄弟寄来的一切都给了别人,像最普通的工人女孩一样生活,不仅衣着朴素,而且穿着简单,对外貌毫不在乎。 —

This trait and a complete absence of coquetry was particularly surprising and therefore attractive to Maslova. —
这种特质和完全没有媚俗的行为深深地吸引了玛斯洛娃。 —

Maslova could see that Mary Pavlovna knew, and was even pleased to know, that she was handsome, and yet the effect her appearance had on men was not at all pleasing to her; —
玛丽·帕夫洛娃能看出玛丽·帕夫洛娃知道自己很漂亮,甚至很高兴知道这一点,但她的外表对男人的影响并没有令她感到愉快; —

she was even afraid of it, and felt an absolute disgust to all love affairs. —
她甚至害怕,对所有的恋爱关系感到厌恶。 —

Her men companions knew it, and if they felt attracted by her never permitted themselves to show it to her, but treated her as they would a man; —
她的男性同伴知道这一点,如果他们对她产生了吸引力,也绝不会让她知道,而是把她当作男人对待; —

but with strangers, who often molested her, the great physical strength on which she prided herself stood her in good stead.

“It happened once,” she said to Katusha, “that a man followed me in the street and would not leave me on any account. —
“有一次,”她对卡秋莎说,”有一个男人在街上跟着我,无论如何都不肯离开我。 —

At last I gave him such a shaking that he was frightened and ran away.”

She became a revolutionary, as she said, because she felt a dislike to the life of the well-to-do from childhood up, and loved the life of the common people, and she was always being scolded for spending her time in the servants’ hall, in the kitchen or the stables instead of the drawing-room.

“And I found it amusing to be with cooks and the coachmen, and dull with our gentlemen and ladies,” she said. —
“和厨师和车夫在一起,我觉得很有趣,和我们的绅士淑女们在一起,我感到很无聊,”她说; —

“Then when I came to understand things I saw that our life was altogether wrong; —
“后来当我了解到事情的真相,我发现我们的生活完全错误; —

I had no mother and I did not care for my father, and so when I was nineteen I left home, and went with a girl friend to work as a factory hand.”

After she left the factory she lived in the country, then returned to town and lived in a lodging, where they had a secret printing press. —
离开工厂后,她住在乡下,然后回到城里住在一处出租屋里,他们那里有一个秘密的印刷厂; —

There she was arrested and sentenced to hard labour. —
在那里她被逮捕并被判苦役; —

Mary Pavlovna said nothing about it herself, but Katusha heard from others that Mary Pavlovna was sentenced because, when the lodging was searched by the police and one of the revolutionists fired a shot in the dark, she pleaded guilty.

As soon as she had learned to know Mary Pavlovna, Katusha noticed that, whatever the conditions she found herself in, Mary Pavlovna never thought of herself, but was always anxious to serve, to help some one, in matters small or great. —
一旦了解了玛丽亚·保尔洛芙娜,卡秋莎注意到,无论情况如何,玛丽亚·保尔洛芙娜从不考虑自己,而是总是热切地想服务他人,在小事或大事上帮助别人; —

One of her present companions, Novodvoroff, said of her that she devoted herself to philanthropic amusements. —
她现在的一个伴侣,诺沃多夫,说她把自己奉献给了慈善娱乐; —

And this was true. The interest of her whole life lay in the search for opportunities of serving others. —
这是真的。她一生的兴趣在于寻找为他人提供服务的机会; —

This kind of amusement had become the habit, the business of her life. —
这种娱乐已经成为她一生的习惯,事业。 —

And she did it all so naturally that those who knew her no longer valued but simply expected it of her.

When Maslova first came among them, Mary Pavlovna felt repulsed and disgusted. —
当马斯洛娃第一次来到她们中间时,玛丽·帕夫洛夫娜感到排斥和厌恶。 —

Katusha noticed this, but she also noticed that, having made an effort to overcome these feelings, Mary Pavlovna became particularly tender and kind to her. —
卡图夏注意到了这一点,但她也注意到,玛丽·帕夫洛夫娜努力克服这些感觉后,变得特别温柔和善良对待她。 —

The tenderness and kindness of so uncommon a being touched Maslova so much that she gave her whole heart, and unconsciously accepting her views, could not help imitating her in everything.

This devoted love of Katusha touched Mary Pavlovna in her turn, and she learned to love Katusha.

These women were also united by the repulsion they both felt to sexual love. —
这些女人还因为她们都对性爱感到厌恶而团结在一起。 —

The one loathed that kind of love, having experienced all its horrors, the other, never having experienced it, looked on it as something incomprehensible and at the same time as something repugnant and offensive to human dignity.