
The trap passed the fireman who stood sentinel at the entrance, [the headquarters of the fire brigade and the police stations are generally together in Moscow] drove into the yard of the police station, and stopped at one of the doors. —
陷阱远远超过了守卫在入口的消防员,[消防局和警察局通常在莫斯科是一起的],驶入了警察局的院子,并停在一个门前。 —

In the yard several firemen with their sleeves tucked up were washing some kind of cart and talking loudly. —
在院子里,几名撸起袖子的消防员正在洗某种车辆,大声交谈。 —

When the trap stopped, several policemen surrounded it, and taking the lifeless body of the convict under the arms, took him out of the trap, which creaked under him. —
当陷阱停下时,几名警察围了上来,抓住那名囚犯无生命迹象的身体,从陷阱中把他拿了出来,陷阱在他下面发出吱嘎响声。 —

The policeman who had brought the body got down, shook his numbed arm, took off his cap, and crossed himself. —
把尸体带出的警察下了车,摇了一下麻木的胳膊,摘下帽子,做了个十字。 —

The body was carried through the door and up the stairs. Nekhludoff followed. —
尸体被通过门口抬上楼。涅赫卢多夫跟了上去。 —

In the small, dirty room where the body was taken there stood four beds. —
在带尸体的小脏屋里有四张床。 —

On two of them sat a couple of sick men in dressing-gowns, one with a crooked mouth, whose neck was bandaged, the other one in consumption. —
两张上坐着两个身穿睡袍的病人,一个嘴歪,脖子上包着绷带,另一个在患结核病。 —

Two of the beds were empty; the convict was laid on one of them. —
两张床是空的;囚犯被放在了其中一张上。 —

A little man, wish glistening eyes and continually moving brows, with only his underclothes and stockings on, came up with quick, soft steps, looked at the convict and then at Nekhludoff, and burst into loud laughter. —
一个个子小,眼睛闪亮,时刻皱着眉头,只穿着内衣和袜子的人,快速而轻柔地走了过来,看了看囚犯又看了看涅赫卢多夫,然后大声笑了起来。 —

This was a madman who was being kept in the police hospital.

“They wish to frighten me, but no, they won’t succeed,” he said.

The policemen who carried the corpse were followed by a police officer and a medical assistant. —
抬尸体的警察后面跟着一名警官和一名医护助手。 —

The medical assistant came up to the body and touched the freckled hand, already growing cold, which, though still soft, was deadly pale. —
医护助手走到尸体旁,触摸着已经在变冷的布满雀斑的手,虽然依旧柔软,但却苍白无力。 —

He held it for a moment, and then let it go. —
他把手握了一会儿,然后放开了。 —

It fell lifelessly on the stomach of the dead man.

“He’s ready,” said the medical assistant, but, evidently to be quite in order, he undid the wet, brown shirt, and tossing back the curls from his ear, put it to the yellowish, broad, immovable chest of the convict. —
“他准备好了,” 医护人员说道,但显然为了行事得当,他解开了湿透的褐色衬衫,将卷着的头发从耳朵上拨开,把它放在囚犯黄褐色、宽大、不动的胸膛上。 —

All were silent. The medical assistant raised himself again, shook his head, and touched with his fingers first one and then the other lid over the open, fixed blue eyes.

“I’m not frightened, I’m not frightened.” —
“我不害怕,我不害怕。” —

The madman kept repeating these words, and spitting in the direction of the medical assistant.

“Well?” asked the police officer.
“怎么样?” 警官问道。

“Well! He must he put into the mortuary.”

“Are you sure? Mind,” said the police officer.
“你确定吗?注意,” 警官说道。

“It’s time I should know,” said the medical assistant, drawing the shirt over the body’s chest. —
“是我该清楚了的时候了,” 医护人员说着,将衬衫拉过尸体的胸口。 —

“However, I will send for Mathew Ivanovitch. Let him have a look. —
“不过,我会派人去请马修·伊凡诺维奇。让他过来看看。 —

Petrov, call him,” and the medical assistant stepped away from the body.
彼得罗夫,去叫他,” 医护人员走开了身子离开了尸体。

“Take him to the mortuary,” said the police officer. —
“把他送到太平间,” 警官说道。 —

“And then you must come into the office and sign,” he added to the convoy soldier, who had not left the convict for a moment.
“然后你必须到办公室签字,” 他对那个一直没有离开囚犯身旁的押送士兵说。

“Yes, sir,” said the soldier.
“是的,长官,” 士兵说。

The policemen lifted the body and carried it down again. —
警察们抬起尸体,再次将它搬下去了。 —

Nekhludoff wished to follow, but the madman kept him back.

“You are not in the plot! Well, then, give me a cigarette,” he said. —
“你不在计划里!那么,给我一支香烟,”他说。 —

Nekhludoff got out his cigarette case and gave him one.

The madman, quickly moving his brows all the time, began relating how they tormented him by thought suggestion.

“Why, they are all against me, and torment and torture me through their mediums.”

“I beg your pardon,” said Nekhludoff, and without listening any further he left the room and went out into the yard, wishing to know where the body would be put.

The policemen with their burden had already crossed the yard, and were coming to the door of a cellar. —
警察们已经背着重物穿过院子,走到了地下室的门口。 —

Nekhludoff wished to go up to them, but the police officer stopped him.

“What do you want?”


“Nothing? Then go away.”

Nekhludoff obeyed, and went back to his isvostchik, who was dozing. —
涅克露多夫听从了,回到了他的伊斯沃斯奇克,司机正在打盹。 —

He awoke him, and they drove back towards the railway station.

They had not made a hundred steps when they met a cart accompanied by a convoy soldier with a gun. —
他们刚走了不到一百步,就遇到了一辆马车,有一名护送士兵拿着枪。 —

On the cart lay another convict, who was already dead. —
在马车上躺着另一个囚犯,已经死了。 —

The convict lay on his back in the cart, his shaved head, from which the pancake-shaped cap had slid over the black-bearded face down to the nose, shaking and thumping at every jolt. —
灵车上的囚犯仰卧着,光溜溜的头部,从那个煎饼状的帽子滑到黑胡须的脸上,每一次颠簸都在摇晃和撞击。 —

The driver, in his heavy boots, walked by the side of the cart, holding the reins; —
驾驶员穿着沉重的靴子,走在车边,握着缰绳; —

a policeman followed on foot. Nekhludoff touched his isvostchik’s shoulder.

“Just look what they are doing,” said the isvostchik, stopping his horse.

Nekhludoff got down and, following the cart, again passed the sentinel and entered the gate of the police station. —
涅胡留多夫下车,跟着马车,再次经过哨兵,走进了警察局的大门。 —

By this time the firemen had finished washing the cart, and a tall, bony man, the chief of the fire brigade, with a coloured band round his cap, stood in their place, and, with his hands in his pockets, was severely looking at a fat-necked, well-fed, bay stallion that was being led up and down before him by a fireman. —
此时,消防队员们已经清洗完了马车,一位瘦高的男人,消防队长,戴着彩色的帽缘,站在他们的位置上,双手插在口袋里,严肃地看着一个肚颈粗壮,饱满健康的栗色种马,它正被一个消防员牵着上下走动。 —

The stallion was lame on one of his fore feet, and the chief of the firemen was angrily saying something to a veterinary who stood by.

The police officer was also present. When he saw the cart he went up to the convoy soldier.

“Where did you bring him from?” he asked, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“From the Gorbatovskaya,” answered the policeman.

“A prisoner?” asked the chief of the fire brigade.

“Yes. It’s the second to-day.”

“Well, I must say they’ve got some queer arrangements. —
“嗯,我必须说,他们这些安排有些奇怪。 —

Though of course it’s a broiling day,” said the chief of the fire brigade; —
尽管当然是个热晒的日子,”消防队长说; —

then, turning to the fireman who was leading the lame stallion, he shouted: —
然后,转向牵着瘸蹄种马的消防员,他喊道: —

“Put him into the corner stall. And as to you, you hound, I’ll teach you how to cripple horses which are worth more than you are, you scoundrel.”

The dead man was taken from the cart by the policemen just in the same way as the first had been, and carried upstairs into the hospital. —
死者被警察们像第一个一样从马车上取下来,抬上楼去送进了医院。 —

Nekhludoff followed them as if he were hypnotised.

“What do you want?” asked one of the policemen. —
“你想干什么?”一个警察问道。 —

But Nekhludoff did not answer, and followed where the body was being carried. —
但尼克鲁多夫没有回答,紧跟着尸体被抬走的方向走去。 —

The madman, sitting on a bed, was smoking greedily the cigarette Nekhludoff had given him.

“Ah, you’ve come back,” he said, and laughed. When he saw the body he made a face, and said, “Again! —
“啊,你回来了。”他说着笑了。当他看到尸体时,皱了皱眉,说,“又来了!我都看腻味了。我又不是小孩,是吧?” —

I am sick of it. I am not a boy, am I, eh?” —
他转向尼克鲁多夫,露出一个疑问的微笑。 —

and he turned to Nekhludoff with a questioning smile.

Nekhludoff was looking at the dead man, whose face, which had been hidden by his cap, was now visible. —
这个囚犯的脸和身体跟另一个囚犯相比是英俊的。 —

This convict was as handsome in face and body as the other was hideous. —
他是一个在生命的全盛时期的男人。尽管被剃掉了一半头发,但笔直、略微低垂的额头,黑色死板的眼睛上方的鼻子非常出色,下面细细的、黑色的胡须。 —

He was a man in the full bloom of life. Notwithstanding that he was disfigured by the half of his head being shaved, the straight, rather low forehead, raised a bit over the black, lifeless eyes, was very fine, and so was the nose above the thin, black moustaches. —
嘴唇上带着微笑,已经发青的嘴唇下方勾勒出小胡须,头部被剃掉的那一边可看到一只结实、形状好看的耳朵。 —

There was a smile on the lips that were already growing blue, a small beard outlined the lower part of the face, and on the shaved side of the head a firm, well-shaped car was visible.

One could see what possibilities of a higher life had been destroyed in this man. —
他手里和脚上被铁链锁着的好看的骨骼,以及所有健壮肌肉显示出这个男人曾经是一个漂亮、强壮、敏捷的人类动物。 —

The fine bones of his hands and shackled feet, the strong muscles of all his well-proportioned limbs, showed what a beautiful, strong, agile human animal this had been. —
这个人身上展示出了被毁掉的更高一级生活所具有的可能性。 —

As an animal merely he had been a far more perfect one of his kind than the bay stallion, about the laming of which the fireman was so angry.

Yet he had been done to death, and no one was sorry for him as a man, nor was any one sorry that so fine a working animal had perished. —
然而他被杀害了,没有人为他作为一个人感到难过,也没有人为这样一匹出色的工作动物而感到遗憾。 —

The only feeling evinced was that of annoyance because of the bother caused by the necessity of getting this body, threatening putrefaction, out of the way. —
唯一表现出来的感情是因为要费力把这具尸体处理掉,以免腐烂带来麻烦而感到烦恼。 —

The doctor and his assistant entered the hospital, accompanied by the inspector of the police station. —
医生和他的助手与警察局的检察官进入了医院。 —

The doctor was a thick-set man, dressed in pongee silk coat and trousers of the same material, closely fitting his muscular thighs. —
医生是一个魁梧的人,穿着绉纱丝外套和同样的材质贴身裤子,这种紧密贴合他有力的大腿。 —

The inspector was a little fat fellow, with a red face, round as a ball, which he made still broader by a habit he had of filling his cheeks with air, and slowly letting it out again. —
检察官是一个有点胖的家伙,脸色发红,圆得像个球,他用口中吸气,然后慢慢地吐出来使脸更加宽广。 —

The doctor sat down on the bed by the side of the dead man, and touched the hands in the same way as his assistant had done, put his ear to the heart, rose, and pulled his trousers straight. —
医生坐在死人旁边的床上,和他的助手一样摸了摸手,听了听心脏跳动,站起来拉直了裤子。 —

“Could not be more dead,” he said.
“不能再死了,” 他说。

The inspector filled his mouth with air and slowly blew it out again.

“Which prison is he from?” he asked the convoy soldier.
“他是从哪个监狱来的?” 他问押解士兵。

The soldier told him, and reminded him of the chains on the dead man’s feet.

“I’ll have them taken off; we have got a smith about, the Lord be thanked,” said the inspector, and blew up his cheeks again; —
“我要把它们取下来;感谢主,我们有个铁匠,” 检察官说着,又吹起脸颊; —

he went towards the door, slowly letting out the air.

“Why has this happened?” Nekhludoff asked the doctor.
“为什么会发生这种事?” 尼赫鲁多夫问医生。

The doctor looked at him through his spectacles.

“Why has what happened? Why they die of sunstroke, you mean? This is why: —
“为什么发生了什么?你是说为什么他们死于中暑吗?原因就在于这样:” —

They sit all through the winter without exercise and without light, and suddenly they are taken out into the sunshine, and on a day like this, and they march in a crowd so that they get no air, and sunstroke is the result.”

“Then why are they sent out?”

“Oh, as to that, go and ask those who send them. But may I ask who are you?”

“I am a stranger.”

“Ah, well, good-afternoon; I have no time.” The doctor was vexed; —
“啊,好的,下午好;我没时间。”医生生气了; —

he gave his trousers a downward pull, and went towards the beds of the sick.

“Well, how are you getting on?” he asked the pale man with the crooked mouth and bandaged neck.

Meanwhile the madman sat on a bed, and having finished his cigarette, kept spitting in the direction of the doctor.

Nekhludoff went down into the yard and out of the gate past the firemen’s horses and the hens and the sentinel in his brass helmet, and got into the trap, the driver of which had again fallen asleep.