
Maslova looked round, and with head thrown back and expanded chest, came up to the net with that expression of readiness which he well knew, pushed in between two prisoners, and gazed at Nekhludoff with a surprised and questioning look. —
马斯洛娃环顾四周,头后仰,胸膛挺起,以他很熟悉的准备就绪的表情挤过两个囚犯站到网前,用一副惊讶和疑惑的神情凝视着涅赫卢多夫。 —

But, concluding from his clothing he was a rich man, she smiled.

“Is it me you want?” she asked, bringing her smiling face, with the slightly squinting eyes, nearer the net.

“I, I–I wished to see–” Nekhludoff did not know how to address her. —
“我,我–我想要见–“涅赫卢多夫不知道如何称呼她。 —

“I wished to see you–I–” He was not speaking louder than usual.

“No; nonsense, I tell you!” shouted the tramp who stood next to him. “Have you taken it or not?”

“Dying, I tell you; what more do you want?” some one else was screaming at his other side. —
“快死了,我告诉你;你还想要什么?”另一个人正在他的另一侧喊着。 —

Maslova could not hear what Nekhludoff was saying, but the expression of his face as he was speaking reminded her of him. —
马斯洛娃听不清涅赫卢多夫在说什么,但是他说话时的表情使她想起了他。 —

She did not believe her own eyes; still the smile vanished from her face and a deep line of suffering appeared on her brow.

“I cannot hear what you are saying,” she called out, wrinkling her brow and frowning more and more.

“I have come,” said Nekhludoff. “Yes, I am doing my duty–I am confessing,” thought Nekhludoff; —
“我来了,”涅赫卢多夫说道。”是的,我在尽我应尽的职责–我正在忏悔,”涅赫卢多夫想道; —

and at this thought the tears came in his eyes, and he felt a choking sensation in his throat, and holding on with both hands to the net, he made efforts to keep from bursting into tears.

“I say, why do you shove yourself in where you’re not wanted?” some one shouted at one side of him.

“God is my witness; I know nothing,” screamed a prisoner from the other side.

Noticing his excitement, Maslova recognised him.

“You’re like … but no; I don’t know you,” she shouted, without looking at him, and blushing, while her face grew still more stern.
“你好像… 但不;我不认识你,“她大声喊道,没有看他,脸上涨红,神情更加严厉。

“I have come to ask you to forgive me,” he said, in a loud but monotonous voice, like a lesson learnt by heart. —
“我来请求你原谅我,“他用一个声音大但单调的声音说,就像背诵过的一课。 —

Having said these words he became confused; —
说完这些话,他变得困惑; —

but immediately came the thought that, if he felt ashamed, it was all the better; —
但立刻他想到,如果他感到羞耻,那就更好了; —

he had to bear this shame, and he continued in a loud voice:

“Forgive me; I have wronged you terribly.”

She stood motionless and without taking her squinting eyes off him.

He could not continue to speak, and stepping away from the net he tried to suppress the sobs that were choking him.

The inspector, the same officer who had directed Nekhludoff to the women’s ward, and whose interest he seemed to have aroused, came into the room, and, seeing Nekhludoff not at the net, asked him why he was not talking to her whom he wanted to see. —
那名检察官,也就是曾经引导涅克拉多夫去女囚区的那位官员,他似乎引起了涅克拉多夫的兴趣,走进了房间,看见涅克拉多夫不在网边,问他为什么不和他想见的那位女囚说话。 —

Nekhludoff blew his nose, gave himself a shake, and, trying to appear calm, said:

“It’s so inconvenient through these nets; nothing can be heard.”

Again the inspector considered for a moment.

“Ah, well, she can be brought out here for awhile. —
“唔,好吧,她可以被带出来一会。 —

Mary Karlovna,” turning to the warder, “lead Maslova out.”

A minute later Maslova came out of the side door. —
一分钟后,马斯洛娃走出了侧门。 —

Stepping softly, she came up close to Nekhludoff, stopped, and looked up at him from under her brows. —
她踩着轻盈的脚步靠近涅赫留多夫,停下来,从眉毛底下看着他。 —

Her black hair was arranged in ringlets over her forehead in the same way as it had been two days ago; —
她的黑发编成卷发在额头上,就像两天前一样; —

her face, though unhealthy and puffy, was attractive, and looked perfectly calm, only the glittering black eyes glanced strangely from under the swollen lids.

“You may talk here,” said the inspector, and shrugging his shoulders he stepped aside with a look of surprise. —
“你可以在这里说话,“监狱长说着,耸耸肩,然后惊讶地躲到一边去。 —

Nekhludoff moved towards a seat by the wall.

Maslova cast a questioning look at the inspector, and then, shrugging her shoulders in surprise, followed Nekhludoff to the bench, and having arranged her skirt, sat down beside him.

“I know it is hard for you to forgive me,” he began, but stopped. His tears were choking him. —
“你原谅我很难,”他开始说,但停住了。眼泪快要把他噎住了。 —

“But though I can’t undo the past, I shall now do what is in my power. Tell me–”

“How have you managed to find me?” she said, without answering his question, neither looking away from him nor quite at him, with her squinting eyes.

“O God, help me! Teach me what to do,” Nekhludoff thought, looking at her changed face. —
“上帝啊,帮助我!教我该怎么办,”涅赫留多夫看着她变化了的脸庞,心想着。 —

“I was on the jury the day before yesterday,” he said. —
“前天我是陪审团成员,”他说。 —

“You did not recognise me?”

“No, I did not; there was not time for recognitions. I did not even look,” she said.

“There was a child, was there not?” he asked.

“Thank God! he died at once,” she answered, abruptly and viciously.

“What do you mean? Why?”

“I was so ill myself, I nearly died,” she said, in the same quiet voice, which Nekhludoff had not expected and could not understand.

“How could my aunts have let you go?”

“Who keeps a servant that has a baby? They sent me off as soon as they noticed. —
“有谁会留着一个有孩子的女仆?她们一发现就把我打发走了。 —

But why speak of this? I remember nothing. —
但为什么要谈这个呢?我什么都不记得了。 —

That’s all finished.”

“No, it is not finished; I wish to redeem my sin.”

“There’s nothing to redeem. What’s been has been and is passed,” she said; —
“没有什么需要赎回的。过去的已经过去了,”她说; —

and, what he never expected, she looked at him and smiled in an unpleasantly luring, yet piteous, manner.

Maslova never expected to see him again, and certainly not here and not now; —
玛斯洛娃从未想过会再见到他,尤其不是在这里,也不是现在; —

therefore, when she first recognised him, she could not keep back the memories which she never wished to revive. —
因此,当她第一次认出他时,无法控制那些她从未想要复活的回忆。 —

In the first moment she remembered dimly that new, wonderful world of feeling and of thought which had been opened to her by the charming young man who loved her and whom she loved, and then his incomprehensible cruelty and the whole string of humiliations and suffering which flowed from and followed that magic joy. —
首先她模糊地记得那个曾经由爱着她的迷人年轻人打开的新奇世界的感觉和思想,然后是他难以理解的残忍和从那种魔幻的喜悦中产生和随之而来的所有羞辱和苦难。 —

This gave her pain, and, unable to understand it, she did what she was always in the habit of doing, she got rid of these memories by enveloping them in the mist of a depraved life. —
这让她痛苦,无法理解,于是她做了她一贯做的事情,将这些回忆包裹在堕落生活的迷雾之中。 —

In the first moment, she associated the man now sitting beside her with the lad she had loved; —
最初,她将现在坐在她身边的男人与她曾经爱过的少年联系起来; —

but feeling that this gave her pain, she dissociated them again. —
但感觉到这给了她痛苦,她又把它们分离开来。 —

Now, this well-dressed, carefully-got-up gentleman with perfumed beard was no longer the Nekhludoff whom she had loved but only one of the people who made use of creatures like herself when they needed them, and whom creatures like herself had to make use of in their turn as profitably as they could; —
现在,这位穿着考究、梳理整齐、蓄着香水胡须的绅士不再是她所爱戴的涅赫留多夫,而只是那些在需要时利用像她这样的人的人之一,而像她这样的人又不得不尽可能地利用他们。 —

and that is why she looked at him with a luring smile and considered silently how she could best make use of him.

“That’s all at an end,” she said. “Now I’m condemned to Siberia,” and her lip trembled as she was saying this dreadful word.

“I knew; I was certain you were not guilty,” said Nekhludoff.

“Guilty! of course not; as if I could be a thief or a robber.” —
“有罪!当然没有;我怎么可能做小偷或强盗。” —

She stopped, considering in what way she could best get something out of him.

“They say here that all depends on the advocate,” she began. —
“这里有人说一切取决于律师,”她开始说。 —

“A petition should be handed in, only they say it’s expensive.”

“Yes, most certainly,” said Nekhludoff. “I have already spoken to an advocate.”

“No money ought to be spared; it should be a good one,” she said.

“I shall do all that is possible.”

They were silent, and then she smiled again in the same way.

“And I should like to ask you … a little money if you can … not much; —
“我想请你……给我一点钱……如果你能……不多; —

ten roubles, I do not want more,” she said, suddenly.

“Yes, yes,” Nekhludoff said, with a sense of confusion, and felt for his purse.

She looked rapidly at the inspector, who was walking up and down the room. —
她迅速地望了一眼正在屋里踱步的检察长。 —

“Don’t give it in front of him; he’d take it away.”

Nekhludoff took out his purse as soon as the inspector had turned his back; —
涅赫鲁多夫在检察长转过身的时候拿出了钱包; —

but had no time to hand her the note before the inspector faced them again, so he crushed it up in his hand.

“This woman is dead,” Nekhludoff thought, looking at this once sweet, and now defiled, puffy face, lit up by an evil glitter in the black, squinting eyes which were now glancing at the hand in which he held the note, then following the inspector’s movements, and for a moment he hesitated. —
“这个女人死了。”涅赫鲁多夫想着,看着这张曾经甜美、现在被污秽破坏的肿胀的脸,那双黑色斜视的眼睛里闪烁着邪恶的光芒,此刻正注视着他握着纸条的手,然后又跟随着检察长的动作,他犹豫了一下。 —

The tempter that had been speaking to him in the night again raised its voice, trying to lead him out of the realm of his inner into the realm of his outer life, away from the question of what he should do to the question of what the consequences would be, and what would he practical.

“You can do nothing with this woman,” said the voice; —
“你对这个女人无能为力,”声音说道; —

“you will only tie a stone round your neck, which will help to drown you and hinder you from being useful to others.

“Is it not better to give her all the money that is here, say good-bye, and finish with her forever?” —
“给她这里所有的钱,说声再见,永远结束与她的关系,这不是更好吗?”声音低语着。 —

whispered the voice.

But here he felt that now, at this very moment, something most important was taking place in his soul–that his inner life was, as it were, wavering in the balance, so that the slightest effort would make it sink to this side or the other. —
他立刻向曾经在灵魂中感受到过的上帝求助,这位上帝立刻回应了他。 —

And he made this effort by calling to his assistance that God whom he had felt in his soul the day before, and that God instantly responded. —
他决定现在立刻告诉她一切。 —

He resolved to tell her everything now–at once.

“Katusha, I have come to ask you to forgive me, and you have given me no answer. —
你原谅了我吗?你会永远原谅我吗?”他问道。 —

Have you forgiven me? Will you ever forgive me?” he asked.

She did not listen to him, but looked at his hand and at the inspector, and when the latter turned she hastily stretched out her hand, grasped the note, and hid it under her belt.

“That’s odd, what you are saying there,” she said, with a smile of contempt, as it seemed to him.

Nekhludoff felt that there was in her soul one who was his enemy and who was protecting her, such as she was now, and preventing him from getting at her heart. —
但奇怪的是,这并没有让他产生反感,而是以一种新的,特殊的力量将他拉向她。 —

But, strange to say, this did not repel him, but drew him nearer to her by some fresh, peculiar power. —
他知道他必须唤醒她的灵魂,这是非常困难的,但这种困难吸引着他。 —

He knew that he must waken her soul, that this was terribly difficult, but the very difficulty attracted him. —
现在,他对她的感觉是前所未有的。 —

He now felt towards her as he had never felt towards her or any one else before. —
他从未对她或其他人有过这样的感觉。 —

There was nothing personal in this feeling: —
在这种感觉中没有任何个人因素: —

he wanted nothing from her for himself, but only wished that she might not remain as she now was, that she might awaken and become again what she had been.

“Katusha, why do you speak like that? I know you; I remember you–and the old days in Papovo.”

“What’s the use of recalling what’s past?” she remarked, drily.

“I am recalling it in order to put it right, to atone for my sin, Katusha,” and he was going to say that he would marry her, but, meeting her eyes, he read in them something so dreadful, so coarse, so repellent, that he could not go on.

At this moment the visitors began to go. The inspector came up to Nekhludoff and said that the time was up.

“Good-bye; I have still much to say to you, but you see it is impossible to do so now,” said Nekhludoff, and held out his hand. —
“再见;我还有很多话要对你说,但你看,现在不可能了。”涅克里多夫说着,伸出手来。 —

“I shall come again.”

“I think you have said all.”

She took his hand but did not press it.

“No; I shall try to see you again, somewhere where we can talk, and then I shall tell you what I have to say-something very important.”

“Well, then, come; why not?” she answered, and smiled with that habitual, inviting, and promising smile which she gave to the men whom she wished to please.

“You are more than a sister to me,” said Nekhludoff.

“That’s odd,” she said again, and went behind the grating.