
The next day Nekhludoff awoke at nine o’clock. —
第二天,涅赫鲁多夫九点钟醒来。 —

The young office clerk who attended on “the master” brought him his boots, shining as they had never shone before, and some cold, beautifully clear spring water, and informed him that the peasants were already assembling.

Nekhludoff jumped out of bed, and collected his thoughts. —
涅赫鲁多夫一跃而起,收拾好自己的思绪。 —

Not a trace of yesterday’s regret at giving up and thus destroying his property remained now. —
不再有昨天放弃并毁坏财产的后悔之情了。 —

He remembered this feeling of regret with surprise; —
他惊讶地回忆起这种后悔的感觉; —

he was now looking forward with joy to the task before him, and could not help being proud of it. —
他现在对面前的任务充满了期待和喜悦,禁不住为此感到骄傲。 —

He could see from the window the old tennis ground, overgrown with dandelions, on which the peasants were beginning to assemble. —
他能从窗户看见老网球场,已经长满了蒲公英,农民们开始聚集在上面。 —

The frogs had not croaked in vain the night before; the day was dull. There was no wind; —
昨晚青蛙的叫声并不是徒劳的;这天很沉闷。没有风; —

a soft warm rain had begun falling in the morning, and hung in drops on leaves, twigs, and grass. —
早晨开始下着一场柔和温暖的雨,雨滴挂在树叶、树枝和草叶上。 —

Besides the smell of the fresh vegetation, the smell of damp earth, asking for more rain, entered in at the window. —
除了新鲜植被的气味,带着对更多雨的渴望的潮湿泥土的气味从窗口飘入。 —

While dressing, Nekhludoff several times looked out at the peasants gathered on the tennis ground. —
涅赫鲁多夫穿衣时几次看向聚集在网球场上的农民们。 —

One by one they came, took off their hats or caps to one another, and took their places in a circle, leaning on their sticks. —
他们一个接一个地来,互相脱帽问候,站在一圈圈中,倚着手杖。 —

The steward, a stout, muscular, strong young man, dressed in a short pea-jacket, with a green stand-up collar, and enormous buttons, came to say that all had assembled, but that they might wait until Nekhludoff had finished his breakfast–tea and coffee, whichever he pleased; both were ready.

“No, I think I had better go and see them at once,” said Nekhludoff, with an unexpected feeling of shyness and shame at the thought of the conversation he was going to have with the peasants. —
“不,我想我最好立即去看看他们。” 涅赫鲁多夫说,突然感到一种害羞和羞愧的情绪涌上心头,他想到自己即将和农民们交谈的内容。 —

He was going to fulfil a wish of the peasants, the fulfilment of which they did not even dare to hope for–to let the land to them at a low price, i. —
他打算实现农民的一个愿望,他们甚至不敢奢望的实现–以低价将土地租给他们,即,给予一项伟大的恩惠;而他却感到羞愧。 —

e., to confer a great boon; and yet he felt ashamed of something. —
当涅赫卢多夫走到农民跟前,看到那些公平的、卷曲的、秃顶的、灰发的头在他面前脱帽致敬时,他感到如此的困惑,以至于无法说出一句话。 —

When Nekhludoff came up to the peasants, and the fair, the curly, the bald, the grey heads were bared before him, he felt so confused that he could say nothing. —
雨仍在小小的雨点中下着,将留在头发、胡须和粗大外套毛绒上的雨珠。 —

The rain continued to come down in small drops, that remained on the hair, the beards, and the fluff of the men’s rough coats. —
农民们凝视着“主人”,等待着他说话,而他却如此尴尬以至于无法开口。 —

The peasants looked at “the master,” waiting for him to speak, and he was so abashed that he could not speak. —
这种尴尬的沉默被沉着冷静、自信的德国管家打破了,他认为自己对俄罗斯农民有很好的判断力,他的俄语说得出奇地好。 —

This confused silence was broken by the sedate, self-assured German steward, who considered himself a good judge of the Russian peasant, and who spoke Russian remarkably well. —
这个身体强壮、过度饱食的男人,以及涅赫鲁多夫本人,与那些面容瘦削、皱纹深陷、在粗糙外套下突出的肩胛骨的农民形成了鲜明的对比。 —

This strong, over-fed man, and Nekhludoff himself, presented a striking contrast to the peasants, with their thin, wrinkled faces and the shoulder blades protruding beneath their coarse coats.

“Here’s the Prince wanting to do you a favor, and to let the land to you; —
只是你们不配,”管家说。 —

only you are not worthy of it,” said the steward.

“How are we not worthy of it, Vasili Karlovitch? Don’t we work for you? —
我们对已故夫人–愿上帝怜悯她的灵魂–十分满意,年轻的公爵现在也不会抛弃我们。 —

We were well satisfied with the deceased lady–God have mercy on her soul–and the young Prince will not desert us now. —
感谢他,”一个红发、健谈的农民说。 —

Our thanks to him,” said a redhaired, talkative peasant.

“Yes, that’s why I have called you together. —
如果你们愿意,我想将所有土地租给你们。” —

I should like to let you have all the land, if you wish it.”

The peasants said nothing, as if they did not understand or did not believe it.

“Let’s see. Let us have the land? What do you mean?” asked a middle-aged man.

“To let it to you, that you might have the use of it, at a low rent.”

“A very agreeable thing,” said an old man.

“If only the pay is such as we can afford,” said another.

“There’s no reason why we should not rent the land.”

“We are accustomed to live by tilling the ground.”

“And it’s quieter for you, too, that way. You’ll have to do nothing but receive the rent. —
“对你们来说也更安静,那样的话你们只需要收取租金。” —

Only think of all the sin and worry now!” —
只想着现在所有的罪恶和担忧! —

several voices were heard saying.

“The sin is all on your side,” the German remarked. “If only you did your work, and were orderly.”

“That’s impossible for the likes of us,” said a sharp-nosed old man. —
“对我们这样的人来说是不可能的,”一个尖鼻老人说道。 —

“You say, ‘Why do you let the horse get into the corn?’ just as if I let it in. —
“你说,‘为什么你让马进入玉米地?’好像是我让它进去似的。 —

Why, I was swinging my scythe, or something of the kind, the livelong day, till the day seemed as long as a year, and so I fell asleep while watching the herd of horses at night, and it got into your oats, and now you’re skinning me.”

“And you should keep order.”

“It’s easy for you to talk about order, but it’s more than our strength will bear,” answered a tall, dark, hairy middleaged man.

“Didn’t I tell you to put up a fence?”

“You give us the wood to make it of,” said a short, plain- looking peasant. —
“你给我们做篱笆的木材,”一个矮小、朴实的农民说道。 —

“I was going to put up a fence last year, and you put me to feed vermin in prison for three months. —
“我去年本来要修篱笆,结果你抓住我,让我在监狱里喂害虫三个月。 —

That was the end of that fence.”

“What is it he is saying?” asked Nekhludoff, turning to the steward.

“Der ersto Dieb im Dorfe,” [The greatest thief in the village] answered the steward in German. —
“Der ersto Dieb im Dorfe,” 管家用德语回答。 —

“He is caught stealing wood from the forest every year.” —
“他每年都被抓偷伐森林的木材。” —

Then turning to the peasant, he added, “You must learn to respect other people’s property.”

“Why, don’t we respect you?” said an old man. “We are obliged to respect you. —
“为什么,难道我们不尊重你吗?”一位老人说,“我们必须尊重你。 —

Why, you could twist us into a rope; we are in your hands.”

“Eh, my friend, it’s impossible to do you. It’s you who are ever ready to do us,” said the steward.

“Do you, indeed. Didn’t you smash my jaw for me, and I got nothing for it? —
“对付我们?难道不是你给我打碎了下巴,而我一无所获吗? —

No good going to law with the rich, it seems.”

“You should keep to the law.”

A tournament of words was apparently going on without those who took part in it knowing exactly what it was all about; —
双方似乎在进行一场辩论,但参与者却不确切知道讨论的内容; —

but it was noticeable that there was bitterness on one side, restricted by fear, and on the other a consciousness of importance and power. —
但很明显一方的怨恨被恐惧压抑住了,而另一方却意识到了重要性和力量。 —

It was very trying to Nekhludoff to listen to all this, so he returned to the question of arranging the amount and the terms of the rent.

“Well, then, how about the land? Do you wish to take it, and what price will you pay if I let you have the whole of it?”

“The property is yours: it is for you to fix the price.” Nekhludoff named the price. —
“这个地产是你的:定价由你来决定。”尼赫鲁多夫报出了价格。 —

Though it was far below that paid in the neighbourhood, the peasants declared it too high, and began bargaining, as is customary among them. —
尽管这个价格远低于周围地区的价格,但农民们却认为太高,并开始讨价还价,这在他们中间很常见。 —

Nekhludoff thought his offer would be accepted with pleasure, but no signs of pleasure were visible.

One thing only showed Nekhludoff that his offer was a profitable one to the peasants. —
只有一件事告诉尼赫鲁多夫他的报价对农民们是有利的。 —

The question as to who would rent the land, the whole commune or a special society, was put, and a violent dispute arose among those peasants who were in favour of excluding the weak and those not likely to pay the rent regularly, and the peasants who would have to be excluded on that score. —
关于是整个公社还是特殊社团租地这个问题引起了激烈争论,赞成排除弱势和不太可能定期支付租金的农民,以及因此可能被排除的农民们之间爆发了激烈争吵。 —

At last, thanks to the steward, the amount and the terms of the rent were fixed, and the peasants went down the hill towards their villages, talking noisily, while Nekhludoff and the steward went into the office to make up the agreement. —
最后,在管家的帮助下,确定了租金金额和条件,农民们沿着山坡走下去,大声交谈着,而涅赫鲁多夫和管家则进入办公室签订协议。 —

Everything was settled in the way Nekhludoff wished and expected it to be. —
一切都按涅赫鲁多夫希望和预期的方式解决了。 —

The peasants had their land 30 per cent. —
农民们以比该地区任何地方都要便宜30%的价格租下了他们的土地,土地收入减少了一半,但对涅赫鲁多夫来说是足够的,尤其因为还将有出售一片森林和农业用具会有收入。 —

cheaper than they could have got it anywhere in the district, the revenue from the land was diminished by half, but was more than sufficient for Nekhludoff, especially as there would be money coming in for a forest he sold, as well as for the agricultural implements, which would be sold, too. —
一切似乎安排得很好,但他对某件事感到羞愧。 —

Everything seemed excellently arranged, yet he felt ashamed of something. —
尽管农民们说了感谢的话,但可以看到他们并不满意,他们希望得到更多。 —

He could see that the peasants, though they spoke words of thanks, were not satisfied, and had expected something greater. —
结果是他损失了很多,却没有达到农民的期望。 —

So it turned out that he had deprived himself of a great deal, and yet not done what the peasants had expected.

The next day the agreement was signed, and accompanied by several old peasants, who had been chosen as deputies, Nekhludoff went out, got into the steward’s elegant equipage (as the driver from the station had called it), said “good-bye” to the peasants, who stood shaking their heads in a dissatisfied and disappointed manner, and drove off to the station. —
涅赫鲁多夫对自己感到不满,却不知道为什么,但一直感到悲伤和羞愧。 —

Nekhludoff was dissatisfied with himself without knowing why, but all the time he felt sad and ashamed of something.