
The office consisted of two rooms. The first room, with a large, dilapidated stove and two dirty windows, had a black measure for measuring the prisoners in one corner, and in another corner hung a large image of Christ, as is usual in places where they torture people. —
这间办公室有两个房间。第一个房间里有一个大而破旧的火炉和两扇脏窗户,角落里有一个用于测量囚犯身高的黑色测量器,另一个角落挂着一个大耶稣像,这是在折磨人的地方通常会有的。 —

In this room stood several jailers. In the next room sat about twenty persons, men and women in groups and in pairs, talking in low voices. —
这个房间里站着几个看守。在隔壁房间里坐着大约二十个人,男人和女人分成几组或几对,低声交谈着。 —

There was a writing table by the window.

The inspector sat down by the table, and offered Nekhludoff a chair beside him. —
督察坐在写字台旁边,让涅赫卢杜夫坐在他旁边的一个椅子上。 —

Nekhludoff sat down, and looked at the people in the room.

The first who drew his attention was a young man with a pleasant face, dressed in a short jacket, standing in front of a middle-aged woman with dark eyebrows, and he was eagerly telling her something and gesticulating with his hands. —
第一个吸引他注意的是一个拥有愉快面孔的年轻人,身穿短上衣,站在一个眉毛浓密的中年女人面前,他正在热情地告诉她一些事情,并用手做着手势。 —

Beside them sat an old man, with blue spectacles, holding the hand of a young woman in prisoner’s clothes, who was telling him something. —
他们旁边坐着一位带着蓝色眼镜的老人,握着一位穿着犯人服装的年轻女子的手,后者正告诉他一些事情。 —

A schoolboy, with a fixed, frightened look on his face, was gazing at the old man. —
一个带着一副固定且害怕表情的中学生,正在凝视着那位老人。 —

In one corner sat a pair of lovers. She was quite young and pretty, and had short, fair hair, looked energetic, and was elegantly dressed; —
在一个角落里坐着一对情侣。她还很年轻和漂亮,留着短发,看起来精力充沛,穿着优雅; —

he had fine features, wavy hair, and wore a rubber jacket. —
他长相俊美,头发波浪状,身穿橡胶夹克。 —

They sat in their corner and seemed stupefied with love. —
他们坐在角落里,似乎被爱情迷住了。 —

Nearest to the table sat a grey-haired woman dressed in black, evidently the mother of a young, consumptive-looking fellow, in the same kind of jacket. —
离写字台最近的地方坐着一位穿着黑色衣服的白发女人,显然是一位消瘦的年轻男人的母亲,他穿着相同类型的夹克。 —

Her head lay on his shoulder. She was trying to say something, but the tears prevented her from speaking; —
她的头靠在他的肩膀上。她试图说些什么,但眼泪阻止了她的发言; —

she began several times, but had to stop. —
她好几次尝试着开口,但都不得不停下来。 —

The young man held a paper in his hand, and, apparently not knowing what to do, kept folding and pressing it with an angry look on his face.

Beside them was a short-haired, stout, rosy girl, with very prominent eyes, dressed in a grey dress and a cape; —
他们身旁是一位短发、健壮、面色红润的女孩,眼睛凸显,穿着灰色连衣裙和披风; —

she sat beside the weeping mother, tenderly stroking her. Everything about this girl was beautiful; —
她坐在那哭泣的母亲旁边,温柔地抚摸着她。这个女孩的一切都是美丽的; —

her large, white hands, her short, wavy hair, her firm nose and lips, but the chief charm of her face lay in her kind, truthful hazel eyes. —
她那双洁白的大手,短小的波浪发,笔挺的鼻子和嘴唇,但她脸上最吸引人的地方在于她那种善良、真实的榛色眼睛。 —

The beautiful eyes turned away from the mother for a moment when Nekhludoff came in, and met his look. —
那双美丽的眼睛从母亲那转开一会儿,看到涅赫鲁多夫进来,与他的目光相遇。 —

But she turned back at once and said something to the mother.

Not far from the lovers a dark, dishevelled man, with a gloomy face, sat angrily talking to a beardless visitor, who looked as if he belonged to the Scoptsy sect.

At the very door stood a young man in a rubber jacket, who seemed more concerned about the impression he produced on the onlooker than about what he was saying. —
门口处站着一个穿橡胶夹克的年轻人,看起来更在乎自己在旁人心中的印象,而不是他所说的话。 —

Nekhludoff, sitting by the inspector’s side, looked round with strained curiosity. —
涅赫鲁多夫坐在督察身边,紧张地四处张望。 —

A little boy with closely-cropped hair came up to him and addressed him in a thin little voice.

“And whom are you waiting for?”

Nekhludoff was surprised at the question, but looking at the boy, and seeing the serious little face with its bright, attentive eyes fixed on him, answered him seriously that he was waiting for a woman of his acquaintance.

“Is she, then, your sister?” the boy asked.

“No, not my sister,” Nekhludoff answered in surprise.

“And with whom are you here?” he inquired of the boy.

“I? With mamma; she is a political one,” he replied.

“Mary Pavlovna, take Kolia!” said the inspector, evidently considering Nekhludoff’s conversation with the boy illegal.

Mary Pavlovna, the beautiful girl who had attracted Nekhludoff’s attention, rose tall and erect, and with firm, almost manly steps, approached Nekhludoff and the boy.

“What is he asking you? Who you are?” she inquired with a slight smile, and looking straight into his face with a trustful look in her kind, prominent eyes, and as simply as if there could be no doubt whatever that she was and must be on sisterly terms with everybody.

“He likes to know everything,” she said, looking at the boy with so sweet and kind a smile that both the boy and Nekhludoff were obliged to smile back.

“He was asking me whom I have come to see.”

“Mary Pavlovna, it is against the rules to speak to strangers. You know it is,” said the inspector.

“All right, all right,” she said, and went back to the consumptive lad’s mother, holding Kolia’s little hand in her large, white one, while he continued gazing up into her face.

“Whose is this little boy?” Nekhludoff asked of the inspector.

“His mother is a political prisoner, and he was born in prison,” said the inspector, in a pleased tone, as if glad to point out how exceptional his establishment was.

“Is it possible?”

“Yes, and now he is going to Siberia with her.”

“And that young girl?”

“I cannot answer your question,” said the inspector, shrugging his shoulders. —
“我回答不了你的问题,”检察官耸耸肩说。 —

“Besides, here is Doukhova.”