
Awaking early the next morning, Nekhludoff remembered what he had done the day before, and was seized with fear.

But in spite of this fear, he was more determined than ever to continue what he had begun.

Conscious of a sense of duty, he left the house and went to see Maslennikoff in order to obtain from him a permission to visit Maslova in prison, and also the Menshoffs–mother and son–about whom Maslova had spoken to him. —
怀着一种责任感,他离开了家去见马斯连尼科夫,想要从他那里得到探视监狱里的玛斯洛娃以及她对他提起过的门什佛母子的许可。 —

Nekhludoff had known this Maslennikoff a long time; —
涅赫留多夫认识这位马斯连尼科夫很久了; —

they had been in the regiment together. At that time Maslennikoff was treasurer to the regiment.

He was a kind-hearted and zealous officer, knowing and wishing to know nothing beyond the regiment and the Imperial family. —
他是一个心地善良,又充满热情的军官,整天专心致力于团和皇室事务。 —

Now Nekhludoff saw him as an administrator, who had exchanged the regiment for an administrative office in the government where he lived. —
现在,涅赫留多夫把他看作是一位管理员,已经把团换成了他所在地政府的行政职位。 —

He was married to a rich and energetic woman, who had forced him to exchange military for civil service. —
他娶了一位富有而又精力充沛的女人,强迫他放弃军职而从事文职工作。 —

She laughed at him, and caressed him, as if he were her own pet animal. —
她嘲笑他,抚摸他,就像对待自己的小宠物一样。 —

Nekhludoff had been to see them once during the winter, but the couple were so uninteresting to him that he had not gone again.

At the sight of Nekhludoff Maslennikoff’s face beamed all over. —
在看到涅赫留多夫的那一刻,马斯连尼科夫面露喜色。 —

He had the same fat red face, and was as corpulent and as well dressed as in his military days. —
他那张红润的脸看起来和以前一样肥胖,穿着也像过去一样光鲜亮丽。 —

Then, he used to be always dressed in a well-brushed uniform, made according to the latest fashion, tightly fitting his chest and shoulders; —
当时他总是穿着打理得一丝不苟的军装,款式很时髦,贴身地包裹着他的胸膛和肩膀; —

now, it was a civil service uniform he wore, and that, too, tightly fitted his well-fed body and showed off his broad chest, and was cut according to the latest fashion. —
现在,他穿着的是文职制服,也紧贴着他发福的身体展示着他宽阔的胸膛,剪裁符合最新时尚。 —

In spite of the difference in age (Maslennikoff was 40), the two men were very familiar with one another.

“Halloo, old fellow! How good of you to come! Let us go and see my wife. —
“喂,老兄!你来真是太好了!我们去看看我的妻子吧。” —

I have just ten minutes to spare before the meeting. My chief is away, you know. —
开会前我只有十分钟的空闲时间。你知道,我的主管不在。 —

I am at the head of the Government administration,” he said, unable to disguise his satisfaction.

“I have come on business.”

“What is it?” said Maslennikoff, in an anxious and severe tone, putting himself at once on his guard.

“There is a person, whom I am very much interested in, in prison” (at the word “prison” Maslennikoff’s face grew stern); —
“有一个人,我对她非常感兴趣,被关押在监狱里”(一提到“监狱”,马斯连尼科夫的脸色变得严峻); —

“and I should like to have an interview in the office, and not in the common visiting-room. —
“而我想在办公室见她,而不是在普通的探视室见。” —

I have been told it depended on you.”

“Certainly, mon cher,” said Maslennikoff, putting both hands on Nekhludoff’s knees, as if to tone down his grandeur; —
“当然,亲爱的,”马斯连尼科夫把双手放在涅克卢多夫的膝盖上,好像想降低他的威严; —

“but remember, I am monarch only for an hour.”

“Then will you give me an order that will enable me to see her?”

“It’s a woman?”


“What is she there for?”

“Poisoning, but she has been unjustly condemned.”

“Yes, there you have it, your justice administered by jury, ils n’en font point d’autres,” he said, for some unknown reason, in French. —
“是的,就是这样,你们的陪审团司法,ils n’en font point d’autres,” 他以某种未知的原因用法语说道。 —

“I know you do not agree with me, but it can’t be helped, c’est mon opinion bien arretee,” he added, giving utterance to an opinion he had for the last twelve months been reading in the retrograde Conservative paper. —
“我知道你不同意我,但无可奈何,c’est mon opinion bien arrêtée,” 他补充说,发表了他过去十二个月一直在保守派倒退报纸上看到的观点。 —

“I know you are a Liberal.”

“I don’t know whether I am a Liberal or something else,” Nekhludoff said, smiling; —
“我不知道我是自由党人还是其他什么,” 尼赫卢多夫笑道; —

it always surprised him to find himself ranked with a political party and called a Liberal, when he maintained that a man should be heard before he was judged, that before being tried all men were equal, that nobody at all ought to be ill-treated and beaten, but especially those who had not yet been condemned by law. —
他总是感到惊讶自己被归为一个政治党派并被称为自由党人,而他却坚持认为一个人在被审判之前应该被听取,应该在被审判之前所有人都是平等的,任何人都不应该被虐待和殴打,尤其是那些尚未被法律定罪的人。 —

“I don’t know whether I am a Liberal or not; —
“我不知道我是自由党人还是不是; —

but I do know that however had the present way of conducting a trial is, it is better than the old.”

“And whom have you for an advocate?”

“I have spoken to Fanarin.”

“Dear me, Fanarin!” said Meslennikoff, with a grimace, recollecting how this Fanarin had examined him as a witness at a trial the year before and had, in the politest manner, held him up to ridicule for half an hour.
“天哪,范纳林!” 梅斯列尼科夫说着,回忆起前年这位范纳林曾在庭审上审问他作证,并以最客气的方式用半个小时来嘲笑他。

“I should not advise you to have anything to do with him. Fanarin est un homme tare.”

“I have one more request to make,” said Nekhludoff, without answering him. —
“我还有一个请求要提出,” 尼赫卢多夫没有回答他说。 —

“There’s a girl whom I knew long ago, a teacher; —
“有个我很久以前认识的女孩,一个老师; —

she is a very pitiable little thing, and is now also imprisoned, and would like to see me. —
她是一个非常可怜的小家伙,现在也被关押,想见我。” —

Could you give me a permission to visit her?”

Meslennikoff bent his head on one side and considered.

“She’s a political one?”

“Yes, I have been told so.”

“Well, you see, only relatives get permission to visit political prisoners. —
“唔,你知道,只有亲戚才能获得探望政治犯的许可。” —

Still, I’ll give you an open order. Je sais que vous n’abuserez pas. —
“但我可以给你一张通行证。我知道您不会滥用的。” —

What’s the name of your protegee? Doukhova? Elle est jolie?


Maslennikoff shook his head disapprovingly, went up to the table, and wrote on a sheet of paper, with a printed heading: —
马斯连尼科夫不赞同地摇了摇头,走到桌子旁边,用一个印有标题的纸张写道: —

“The bearer, Prince Dmitri Ivanovitch Nekhludoff, is to be allowed to interview in the prison office the meschanka Maslova, and also the medical assistant, Doukhova,” and he finished with an elaborate flourish.

“Now you’ll be able to see what order we have got there. —
“现在你们将能够看到我们那里的顺序是什么样的。 —

And it is very difficult to keep order, it is so crowded, especially with people condemned to exile; but I watch strictly, and love the work. —
“在这里保持秩序是非常困难的,尤其是因为人满为患,特别是被流放的人们;但我严格监督,热爱这项工作。 —

You will see they are very comfortable and contented. But one must know how to deal with them. —
“你会看到他们非常舒适和满足。但一个必须知道如何与他们打交道。 —

Only a few days ago we had a little trouble–insubordination; —
“就在几天前我们出现了点小麻烦–不服从命令; —

another would have called it mutiny, and would have made many miserable, but with us it all passed quietly. —
“另一个可能会称之为叛乱,并使很多人变得不愉快,但我们那里一切都平静地过去了。 —

We must have solicitude on one hand, firmness and power on the other,” and he clenched the fat, white, turquoise-ringed fist, which issued out of the starched cuff of his shirt sleeve, fastened with a gold stud. —
“我们一方面必须关心,另一方面必须有坚定和权力,”他握着那只肥胖的、白色、镶有蓝宝石的戒指的拳头,从他的衬衫袖口的浆糊袖口中伸出来,用金扣扣住。 —

“Solicitude and firm power.”

“Well, I don’t know about that,” said Nekhludoff. —
“嗯,我不知道这个怎么样,”涅赫卢多夫说。 —

“I went there twice, and felt very much depressed.”

“Do you know, you ought to get acquainted with the Countess Passek,” continued Maslennikoff, growing talkative. —
“你知道,你应该结识帕瑟克女伯爵,”马斯连尼科夫继续说,变得健谈起来。 —

“She has given herself up entirely to this sort of work. Elle fait beaucoup de bien. —
“她完全投入到这种工作中。 Elle fait beaucoup de bien. —

Thanks to her–and, perhaps I may add without false modesty, to me–everything has been changed, changed in such a way that the former horrors no longer exist, and they are really quite comfortable there. —
“多亏了她–也许我可以毫不虚伪地补充说,多亏了我–一切都改变了,改变到以前的可怕场面不再存在,他们真的过得很舒适。 —

Well, you’ll see. There’s Fanarin. I do not know him personally; —
“嗯,你们会看到的。有范纳林。我不认识他; —

besides, my social position keeps our ways apart; —
“此外,我的社会地位使我们的交往有所区别; —

but he is positively a bad man, and besides, he takes the liberty of saying such things in the court–such things!”

“Well, thank you,” Nekhludoff said, taking the paper, and without listening further he bade good-day to his former comrade.

“And won’t you go in to see my wife?”

“No, pray excuse me; I have no time now.”

“Dear me, why she will never forgive me,” said Maslennikoff, accompanying his old acquaintance down to the first landing, as he was in the habit of doing to persons of not the greatest, but the second greatest importance, with whom he classed Nekhludoff; —
“天哪,她会永远不原谅我的,”马斯连尼科夫说着,把他的老相识送到一楼,就像习惯性地对待那些不是最重要,但却是第二重要的人那样对待涅赫留多夫; —

“now do go in, if only for a moment.”

But Nekhludoff remained firm; and while the footman and the door-keeper rushed to give him his stick and overcoat, and opened the door, outside of which there stood a policeman, Nekhludoff repeated that he really could not come in.

“Well, then; on Thursday, please. It is her ‘at-home.’ —
“那好吧,星期四,请一定来。那是她的‘招待会’。 —

I will tell her you will come,” shouted Maslennikoff from the stairs.