
On Sunday morning at five o’clock, when a whistle sounded in the corridor of the women’s ward of the prison, Korableva, who was already awake, called Maslova.

“Oh, dear! life again,” thought Maslova, with horror, involuntarily breathing in the air that had become terribly noisome towards the morning. —
“哦,亲爱的!又是生活,”马斯洛娃心里恐惧地想着,不由自主地吸了一口到早晨变得极其恶臭的空气。 —

She wished to fall asleep again, to enter into the region of oblivion, but the habit of fear overcame sleepiness, and she sat up and looked round, drawing her feet under her. —
她希望再次入睡,进入遗忘的世界,但害怕的习惯克服了困倦,她坐起来看了看周围,双腿蜷缩在身下。 —

The women had all got up; only the elder children were still asleep. —
女囚们都已经起床了;只有年幼的孩子们还在睡觉。 —

The spirit-trader was carefully drawing a cloak from under the children, so as not to wake them. —
卖酒女小心地从孩子们身下拿开一条斗篷,以免将他们弄醒。 —

The watchman’s wife was hanging up the rags to dry that served the baby as swaddling clothes, while the baby was screaming desperately in Theodosia’s arms, who was trying to quiet it. —
看守人的妻子正在晾起用于包裹婴儿的破烂,而婴儿在西奥多西亚的怀里拼命地哭闹,西奥多西亚正试图安抚它。 —

The consumptive woman was coughing with her hands pressed to her chest, while the blood rushed to her face, and she sighed loudly, almost screaming, in the intervals of coughing. —
那位患肺结核的妇女手扶胸口咳嗽,面部潮红,她在咳嗽间隙中大声叹息,几乎尖叫。 —

The fat, red-haired woman was lying on her back, with knees drawn up, and loudly relating a dream. —
那位肥胖的红头发女人仰躺着,双膝蜷起,大声讲述一个梦。 —

The old woman accused of incendiarism was standing in front of the image, crossing herself and bowing, and repeating the same words over and over again. —
被指控纵火的老妇人站在像前面,念着同样的话语,不停地十字架鞠躬。 —

The deacon’s daughter sat on the bedstead, looking before her, with a dull, sleepy face. —
唱经者的女儿坐在床边,呆呆地朝着前方看着。 —

Khoroshavka was twisting her black, oily, coarse hair round her fingers. —
霍罗沙夫卡正将她那头扭曲的黑油腻粗硬的头发绕在手指上。 —

The sound of slipshod feet was heard in the passage, and the door opened to let in two convicts, dressed in jackets and grey trousers that did not reach to their ankles. —
走廊里响起了踉跄的脚步声,门开了,两名穿着短夹克和灰色裤子(裤腿未及脚踝)的罪犯走了进来。 —

With serious, cross faces they lifted the stinking tub and carried it out of the cell. —
他们板着一张臭气熏天的盆子,庄重而板着脸把它搬出了牢房。 —

The women went out to the taps in the corridor to wash. —
女囚们走出去到走廊上的水龙头处洗漱。 —

There the red-haired woman again began a quarrel with a woman from another cell.

“Is it the solitary cell you want?” shouted an old jailer, slapping the red-haired woman on her bare, fat back, so that it sounded through the corridor. “You be quiet.”

“Lawks! the old one’s playful,” said the woman, taking his action for a caress.

“Now, then, be quick; get ready for the mass.” —
“好了,快点,准备去听弥撒。” —

Maslova had hardly time to do her hair and dress when the inspector came with his assistants.

“Come out for inspection,” cried a jailer.

Some more prisoners came out of other cells and stood in two rows along the corridor; —
其他一些囚犯也出来了,站在走廊两侧排成两行; —

each woman had to place her hand on the shoulder of the woman in front of her. —
每个女人都必须把手放在她前面女人的肩膀上。 —

They were all counted.

After the inspection the woman warder led the prisoners to church. —
检查后,女看守员带领囚犯去教堂。 —

Maslova and Theodosia were in the middle of a column of over a hundred women, who had come out of different cells. —
马斯洛娃和西奥多西亚站在一列有一百多名来自不同牢房的女人中间。 —

All were dressed in white skirts, white jackets, and wore white kerchiefs on their heads, except a few who had their own coloured clothes on. —
所有人都穿着白色裙子、白色夹克,头上戴着白色头巾,只有一些穿着自己的彩色衣服。 —

These were wives who, with their children, were following their convict husbands to Siberia. —
这些是随着丈夫去西伯利亚的囚犯的妻子,带着自己的孩子。 —

The whole flight of stairs was filled by the procession. —
整个楼梯的阶梯都被队伍占满了。 —

The patter of softly-shod feet mingled with the voices and now and then a laugh. —
轻静的脚步声和声音混在一起,时而传来一阵笑声。 —

When turning, on the landing, Maslova saw her enemy, Botchkova, in front, and pointed out her angry face to Theodosia. —
当玛斯洛娃转弯登陆时,看到她的敌人博特科娃正站在前面,她指着愤怒的脸对泰奥多西娅说。 —

At the bottom of the stairs the women stopped talking. —
在楼梯底部,女人们停止了交谈。 —

Bowing and crossing themselves, they entered the empty church, which glistened with gilding. —
他们鞠躬十字交叉,进入了闪闪发光的镀金空荡的教堂。 —

Crowding and pushing one another, they took their places on the right.

After the women came the men condemned to banishment, those serving their term in the prison, and those exiled by their Communes; —
女人后面是被流放的男人,正在监狱服刑的人,以及被他们的公社驱逐的人; —

and, coughing loudly, they took their stand, crowding the left side and the middle of the church.

On one side of the gallery above stood the men sentenced to penal servitude in Siberia, who had been let into the church before the others. —
在楼上的一个画廊的一侧站着被判处西伯利亚劳役的男人,他们比其他人更早被放进教堂。 —

Each of them had half his head shaved, and their presence was indicated by the clanking of the chains on their feet. —
他们每个人都剃了一半头发,铁链碰撞声宣告着他们的存在。 —

On the other side of the gallery stood those in preliminary confinement, without chains, their heads not shaved.

The prison church had been rebuilt and ornamented by a rich merchant, who spent several tens of thousands of roubles on it, and it glittered with gay colours and gold. —
这座监狱教堂是由一位富商重建和装饰的,他在上面花费了数万卢布,闪耀着五彩斑斓和金色。 —

For a time there was silence in the church, and only coughing, blowing of noses, the crying of babies, and now and then the rattling of chains, was heard. —
教堂里暂时安静了下来,只能听到咳嗽声,擤鼻子声,婴儿的哭声,时而的铁链拨动声。 —

But at last the convicts that stood in the middle moved, pressed against each other, leaving a passage in the centre of the church, down which the prison inspector passed to take his place in front of every one in the nave.