
Princess Sophia Vasilievna, Missy’s mother, had finished her very elaborate and nourishing dinner. —
索菲娅·瓦西里耶芙娜公主,米西的母亲,已经吃完了她非常精心准备的丰盛晚餐。 —

(She had it always alone, that no one should see her performing this unpoetical function. —
(她总是独自吃,以免有人看到她执行这种不浪漫的功能。 —

) By her couch stood a small table with her coffee, and she was smoking a pachitos. —
)她的床边放着一张小桌子,放着咖啡和她正在抽烟的小雪茄。 —

Princess Sophia Vasilievna was a long, thin woman, with dark hair, large black eyes and long teeth, and still pretended to be young.

Her intimacy with the doctor was being talked about. Nekhludoff had known that for some time; —
有关她与医生的亲密关系一直在传言中。涅赫鲁多夫早就知道了这一点; —

but when he saw the doctor sitting by her couch, his oily, glistening beard parted in the middle, he not only remembered the rumours about them, but felt greatly disgusted. —
但当他看到医生坐在她的床边,他油腻发亮的胡须中间分开,不仅记得关于他们的传言,而且感到非常恶心。 —

By the table, on a low, soft, easy chair, next to Sophia Vasilievna, sat Kolosoff, stirring his coffee. —
在桌子旁,一个软软的低沙发椅上,紧挨着索菲娅·瓦西里耶芙娜公主坐着科洛索夫,搅拌着咖啡。 —

A glass of liqueur stood on the table. Missy came in with Nekhludoff, but did not remain in the room.

“When mamma gets tired of you and drives you away, then come to me,” she said, turning to Kolosoff and Nekhludoff, speaking as if nothing had occurred; —
“等妈妈厌倦了你们,把你们赶走的时候,就来找我,”她对科洛索夫和涅赫鲁多夫说,像什么事都没发生一样; —

then she went away, smiling merrily and stepping noiselessly on the thick carpet.

“How do you do, dear friend? Sit down and talk,” said Princess Sophia Vasilievna, with her affected but very naturally-acted smile, showing her fine, long teeth–a splendid imitation of what her own had once been. —
“你好,亲爱的朋友?坐下来说说话,”索菲娅·瓦西里耶芙娜公主用她做作但非常自然的笑容说,露出她漂亮长长的牙齿——对她曾经拥有的那些优秀的仿制。 —

“I hear that you have come from the Law Courts very much depressed. —
“我听说你从法庭上非常沮丧。 —

I think it must be very trying to a person with a heart,” she added in French.

“Yes, that is so,” said Nekhludoff. “One often feels one’s own de–one feels one has no right to judge.”

“Comme, c’est vrai,” she cried, as if struck by the truth of this remark. —
”“这是真实的,”她叫道,仿佛被这句话所击中。 —

She was in the habit of artfully flattering all those with whom she conversed. —
她有这样一个习惯,巧妙地奉承她与之交谈的所有人。 —

“Well, and what of your picture? It does interest me so. —
“好吧,你的画呢?那真的很让我感兴趣。 —

If I were not such a sad invalid I should have been to see it long ago,” she said.

“I have quite given it up,” Nekhludoff replied drily. —
“我已经放弃了。”涅赫留多夫干脆地回答道。 —

The falseness of her flattery seemed as evident to him to-day as her age, which she was trying to conceal, and he could not put himself into the right state to behave politely.

“Oh, that is a pity! Why, he has a real talent for art; —
“哦,那真是太可惜了!为什么呢,他对艺术有真正的天赋;” —

I have it from Repin’s own lips,” she added, turning to Kolosoff.

“Why is it she is not ashamed of lying so?” Nekhludoff thought, and frowned.

When she had convinced herself that Nekhludoff was in a bad temper and that one could not get him into an agreeable and clever conversation, Sophia Vasilievna turned to Kolosoff, asking his opinion of a new play. —
当她确信涅赫卢多夫心情不好,不可能进行愉快而聪明的对话时,索菲亚·瓦西里耶芙娜转向科洛索夫,询问他对一出新剧的看法。 —

She asked it in a tone as if Kolosoff’s opinion would decide all doubts, and each word of this opinion be worthy of being immortalised. —
她问这个问题的语气好像科洛索夫的看法将决定一切疑虑,他每个意见都值得永远铭记。 —

Kolosoff found fault both with the play and its author, and that led him to express his views on art. —
科洛索夫对这出剧和作者都挑了毛病,这使他对艺术表达了自己的看法。 —

Princess Sophia Vasilievna, while trying at the same time to defend the play, seemed impressed by the truth of his arguments, either giving in at once, or at least modifying her opinion. —
索菲亚·瓦西里耶芙娜试图辩护这出剧,却似乎被他的论点的真实所打动,要么立刻让步,要么至少修改了自己的看法。 —

Nekhludoff looked and listened, but neither saw nor heard what was going on before him.

Listening now to Sophia Vasilievna, now to Kolosoff, Nekhludoff noticed that neither he nor she cared anything about the play or each other, and that if they talked it was only to gratify the physical desire to move the muscles of the throat and tongue after having eaten; —
此时听着索菲亚·瓦西里耶芙娜,又听着科洛索夫,涅赫卢多夫注意到他们两人都不在乎剧本或对方,他们谈话只是为了满足吃过东西后喉咙和舌头运动的生理需求; —

and that Kolosoff, having drunk vodka, wine and liqueur, was a little tipsy. —
而科洛索夫,已经喝了伏特加、葡萄酒和利口酒,有点喝醉了。 —

Not tipsy like the peasants who drink seldom, but like people to whom drinking wine has become a habit. —
不像很少喝酒的农民那样,而像那些饮酒已成习惯的人。 —

He did not reel about or talk nonsense, but he was in a state that was not normal; —
他没有东倒西歪或胡言乱语,但他处在一种不正常的状态; —

excited and self-satisfied. Nekhludoff also noticed that during the conversation Princess Sophia Vasilievna kept glancing uneasily at the window, through which a slanting ray of sunshine, which might vividly light up her aged face, was beginning to creep up.

“How true,” she said in reference to some remark of Kolosoff’s, touching the button of an electric bell by the side of her couch. —
“多么真实啊,”她在科洛索夫的一句话中说着,碰了一下沙发旁边的电铃。 —

The doctor rose, and, like one who is at home, left the room without saying anything. —
医生站起,像一个在家里的人一样,走出了房间而没有说任何话。 —

Sophia Vasilievna followed him with her eyes and continued the conversation.

“Please, Philip, draw these curtains,” she said, pointing to the window, when the handsome footman came in answer to the bell. —
“请,菲利普,把这些帘子拉上,”她指着窗户说道,当那名英俊的男仆应门而入。 —

“No; whatever you may say, there is some mysticism in him; —
“不,无论你说什么,他身上有些神秘感;” —

without mysticism there can be no poetry,” she said, with one of her black eyes angrily following the footman’s movements as he was drawing the curtains. —
“没有神秘感就没有诗意,”她用其中一个黑眼睛愤怒地跟随着男仆拉帘子的动作说道。 —

“Without poetry, mysticism is superstition; —
“没有诗意,神秘感就是迷信;” —

without mysticism, poetry is–prose,” she continued, with a sorrowful smile, still not losing sight of the footman and the curtains. —
“没有神秘感,诗意就是——散文,”她继续说道,带着悲伤的微笑,仍然没有移开视线从男仆和帘子身上。 —

“Philip, not that curtain; the one on the large window,” she exclaimed, in a suffering tone. —
“菲利普,不是那个窗帘;大窗户的那个,”她用一种受苦的口吻喊道。 —

Sophia Vasilievna was evidently pitying herself for having to make the effort of saying these words; and, to soothe her feelings, she raised to her lips a scented, smoking cigarette with her jewel- bedecked fingers.

The broad-chested, muscular, handsome Philip bowed slightly, as if begging pardon; —
那个胸膛宽阔、肌肉发达、英俊的菲利普微微鞠了一躬,仿佛在请求原谅; —

and stepping lightly across the carpet with his broad-calved, strong, legs, obediently and silently went to the other window, and, looking at the princess, carefully began to arrange the curtain so that not a single ray dared fall on her. —
他迈着轻快的步伐穿过地毯,用宽阔有力的小腿顺从而又无声地走到了另一个窗户,目光落在公主身上,小心翼翼地开始整理帘子,以免一丝阳光敢于落在她身上。 —

But again he did not satisfy her, and again she had to interrupt the conversation about mysticism, and correct in a martyred tone the unintelligent Philip, who was tormenting her so pitilessly. —
但他还是没有使她满意,她又不得不中断关于神秘感的谈话,以殉道者般的口吻纠正这个对她如此无情的无知菲利普。 —

For a moment a light flashed in Philip’s eyes.

”‘The devil take you! What do you want?’ was probably what he said to himself,” thought Nekhludoff, who had been observing all this scene. —
“‘去你妈的!你想要什么?’这可能是他自言自语的话,”尼赫卢多夫观察到整个场景后心想。 —

But the strong, handsome Philip at once managed to conceal the signs of his impatience, and went on quietly carrying out the orders of the worn, weak, false Sophia Vasilievna.

“Of course, there is a good deal of truth in Lombroso’s teaching,” said Kolosoff, lolling back in the low chair and looking at Sophia Vasilievna with sleepy eyes; —
“当然,隆布罗索的教导中有相当多的真理,”科洛索夫懒散地坐在低矮的椅子上,用昏昏欲睡的眼神看着索菲亚·瓦西里耶芙娜说道; —

“but he over-stepped the mark. Oh, yes.”

“And you? Do you believe in heredity?” asked Sophia Vasilievna, turning to Nekhludoff, whose silence annoyed her. —
“那你呢?你相信遗传吗?” Sophia Vasilievna问道,转向尼哈鲁多夫,他的沉默让她感到恼火。 —

“In heredity?” he asked. “No, I don’t.” At this moment his whole mind was taken up by strange images that in some unaccountable way rose up in his imagination. —
“遗传?”他问道。“不,我不信。”此刻,他的整个思绪被一些莫名其妙的形象所占据,浮现在他的想象中。 —

By the side of this strong and handsome Philip he seemed at this minute to see the nude figure of Kolosoff as an artist’s model; —
在这个强壮英俊的菲利普身边,他似乎此刻看到了科洛索夫的裸体模特形象; —

with his stomach like a melon, his bald head, and his arms without muscle, like pestles. —
他的肚子像个甜瓜,他的光头,和没有肌肉的胳膊,像榔头。 —

In the same dim way the limbs of Sophia Vasilievna, now covered with silks and velvets, rose up in his mind as they must be in reality; —
以同样暧昧的方式,在他的脑海中浮现着索菲亚·瓦西里耶夫娜的四肢,现在被丝绸和天鹅绒覆盖,他试图驱 散这令人恐惧的心理画面。 —

but this mental picture was too horrid and he tried to drive it away.

“Well, you know Missy is waiting for you,” she said. “Go and find her. —
她想向你演奏一首格里格的新曲子; —

She wants to play a new piece by Grieg to you; —
非常有趣。” —

it is most interesting.”

“She did not mean to play anything; the woman is simply lying, for some reason or other,” thought Nekhludoff, rising and pressing Sophia Vasilievna’s transparent and bony, ringed hand.

Katerina Alexeevna met him in the drawing-room, and at once began, in French, as usual:

“I see the duties of a juryman act depressingly upon you.”

“Yes; pardon me, I am in low spirits to-day, and have no right to weary others by my presence,” said Nekhludoff.

“Why are you in low spirits?”

“Allow me not to speak about that,” he said, looking round for his hat.
“Why are you in low spirits?”

“Don’t you remember how you used to say that we must always tell the truth? —
“难道你不记得你曾经说过我们必须永远说实话吗? —

And what cruel truths you used to tell us all! Why do you not wish to speak out now? —
你以前说过的那些残酷的真相为什么现在不愿讲出来呢? —

Don’t you remember, Missy?” she said, turning to Missy, who had just come in.

“We were playing a game then,” said Nekhludoff, seriously; —
“我们当时正在玩游戏,”涅赫留多夫认真地说; —

“one may tell the truth in a game, but in reality we are so bad–I mean I am so bad–that I, at least, cannot tell the truth.”

“Oh, do not correct yourself, but rather tell us why we are so bad,” said Katerina Alexeevna, playing with her words and pretending not to notice how serious Nekhludoff was.

“Nothing is worse than to confess to being in low spirits,” said Missy. “I never do it, and therefore am always in good spirits.”

Nekhludoff felt as a horse must feel when it is being caressed to make it submit to having the bit put in its mouth and be harnessed, and to-day he felt less than ever inclined to draw.

“Well, are you coming into my room? We will try to cheer you up.”

He excused himself, saying he had to be at home, and began taking leave. —
他辞别时辩解说他得回家,开始告辞。 —

Missy kept his hand longer than usual.

“Remember that what is important to you is important to your friends,” she said. —
“记住对你重要的事对你的朋友也重要,”她说。 —

“Are you coming tomorrow?”

“I hardly expect to,” said Nekhludoff; and feeling ashamed, without knowing whether for her or for himself, he blushed and went away.

“What is it? Comme cela m’intrigue,” said Katerina Alexeevna. “I must find it out. —
“是什么?Comme cela m’intrigue,”卡捷琳娜·亚历克谢耶夫娜说,“我必须弄清楚。” —

I suppose it is some _affaire d’amour propre; —
我想这是某种自尊心的事情; —

il est tres susceptible, notre cher Mitia_.”

Plutot une affaire d’amour sale,” Missy was going to say, but stopped and looked down with a face from which all the light had gone–a very different face from the one with which she had looked at him. —
“更像是一场龌龊的爱情,” 美茜本来要说,但停下来,面色黯然,和之前看着他时完全不同。 —

She would not mention to Katerina Alexeevna even, so vulgar a pun, but only said, “We all have our good and our bad days.”

“Is it possible that he, too, will deceive?” she thought; —
“他也可能会欺骗吗?”她想; —

“after all that has happened it would be very bad of him.”

If Missy had had to explain what she meant by “after all that has happened,” she could have said nothing definite, and yet she knew that he had not only excited her hopes but had almost given her a promise. —
如果美茜不得不解释她所说的“在发生了那么多事情之后”,她什么也说不出来,但她知道他不仅激起了她的希望,几乎还给过她一个承诺。 —

No definite words had passed between them–only looks and smiles and hints; —
他们之间没有明确的语言交流——只有眼神,微笑和暗示; —

and yet she considered him as her own, and to lose him would be very hard.