
In spite of his ineffectual attempt at the prison, Nekhludoff, still in the same vigorous, energetic frame of mind, went to the Governor’s office to see if the original of the document had arrived for Maslova. —
尽管在监狱方面未能成功,但尼赫鲁多夫仍然保持着那种强有力、充满活力的心态,去了州长办公室看看马斯洛娃的文件有没有送到。 —

It had not arrived, so Nekhludoff went back to the hotel and wrote without delay to Selenin and the advocate about it. —
文件还没有送到,于是尼赫鲁多夫回到旅馆,立即给塞连因和律师写信询问此事。 —

When he had finished writing he looked at his watch and saw it was time to go to the General’s dinner party.

On the way he again began wondering how Katusha would receive the news of the mitigation of her sentence. —
在去的路上,他又开始想马斯洛娃会如何接收刑期减轻的消息。 —

Where she would be settled? How he should live with her? What about Simonson? —
她会被安置在哪里?他应该怎样和她生活?西蒙森呢? —

What would his relations to her be? He remembered the change that had taken place in her, and this reminded him of her past. —
他们之间会是什么关系?他想起了她发生的变化,然后想起了她的过去。 —

“I must forget it for the present,” he thought, and again hastened to drive her out of his mind. —
“目前我必须忘记它,” 他想到,再次急着从脑海中把她赶走。 —

“When the time comes I shall see,” he said to himself, and began to think of what he ought to say to the General.
“等时机成熟我会看到的,” 他对自己说,并开始考虑应该对将军说些什么。

The dinner at the General’s, with the luxury habitual to the lives of the wealthy and those of high rank, to which Nekhludoff had been accustomed, was extremely enjoyable after he had been so long deprived not only of luxury but even of the most ordinary comforts. —
在将军家里举行的晚宴上,与富裕和高级阶层的生活方式一贯相符,尼赫鲁多夫一直以来习惯了这种奢华生活,这使他在长期被剥夺了奢华甚至最基本的舒适后变得非常享受。 —

The mistress of the house was a Petersburg grande dame of the old school, a maid of honour at the court of Nicholas I., who spoke French quite naturally and Russian very unnaturally. —
家里的女主人是一位圣彼得堡的老式大名妇,是尼古拉一世宫廷的女官员,她说法语很自然,但说俄语却很生硬。 —

She held herself very erect and, moving her hands, she kept her elbows close to her waist. —
她保持着挺拔的身姿,手部动作得当,肘部紧贴腰部。 —

She was quietly and, somewhat sadly considerate for her husband, and extremely kind to all her visitors, though with a tinge of difference in her behaviour according to their position. —
她对丈夫非常体贴,有些许悲切,对所有来访者都极为和蔼,尽管在态度上有所不同,根据他们的地位有点差别。 —

She received Nekhludoff as if he were one of them, and her fine, almost imperceptible flattery made him once again aware of his virtues and gave him a feeling of satisfaction. —
她接待尼赫鲁多夫就像对待他们中的一员,她微妙而几乎难以察觉的奉承让尼赫鲁多夫再次感受到了他的优点,并让他感到满足。 —

She made him feel that she knew of that honest though rather singular step of his which had brought him to Siberia, and held him to be an exceptional man. —
她让他感到她知道他那个诚实而有些奇特的决定把他带到西伯利亚,认为他是一个非同寻常的人。 —

This refined flattery and the elegance and luxury of the General’s house had the effect of making Nekhludoff succumb to the enjoyment of the handsome surroundings, the delicate dishes and the case and pleasure of intercourse with educated people of his own class, so that the surroundings in the midst of which he had lived for the last months seemed a dream from which he had awakened to reality. —
这种精致的奉承和将军家的优雅和奢华使涅赫留多夫沉溺于美好环境、精致菜肴以及与自己阶层中受过良好教育的人交往的愉悦中,以致他在过去几个月里生活的环境似乎是一个他从梦中醒来到现实中去的梦想。 —

Besides those of the household, the General’s daughter and her husband and an aide-de-camp, there were an Englishman, a merchant interested in gold mines, and the governor of a distant Siberian town. —
除了家中的人,将军的女儿和女婿以及一名副官外,还有一位对金矿感兴趣的英国人和一位远在西伯利亚小城的州长。 —

All these people seemed pleasant to Nekhludoff. —
所有这些人对涅赫留多夫似乎都很愉快。 —

The Englishman, a healthy man with a rosy complexion, who spoke very bad French, but whose command of his own language was very good and oratorically impressive, who had seen a great deal, was very interesting to listen to when he spoke about America, India, Japan and Siberia.

The young merchant interested in the gold mines, the son of a peasant, whose evening dress was made in London, who had diamond studs to his shirt, possessed a fine library, contributed freely to philanthropic work, and held liberal European views, seemed pleasant to Nekhludoff as a sample of a quite new and good type of civilised European culture, grafted on a healthy, uncultivated peasant stem.

The governor of the distant Siberian town was that same man who had been so much talked about in Petersburg at the time Nekhludoff was there. —
远在西伯利亚小城的州长正是那个曾在彼得堡大谈特论的人。 —

He was plump, with thin, curly hair, soft blue eyes, carefully-tended white hands, with rings on the fingers, a pleasant smile, and very big in the lower part of his body. —
他丰满,头发薄薄卷曲,蓝色柔和的眼睛,精心修剪的白色手指,手指上戴着戒指,微笑很和蔼,下半身很宽。 —

The master of the house valued this governor because of all the officials he was the only one who would not be bribed. —
将军家的主人很重视这位州长,因为在所有官员中,他是唯一不受贿赂的。 —

The mistress of the house, who was very fond of music and a very good pianist herself, valued him because he was a good musician and played duets with her.

Nekhludoff was in such good humour that even this man was not unpleasant to him, in spite of what he knew of his vices. —
涅赫留多夫情绪如此好,以至于甚至这个人对他也不讨厌,尽管他知道他的恶习。 —

The bright, energetic aide-de-camp, with his bluey grey chin, who was continually offering his services, pleased Nekhludoff by his good nature. —
那位充满活力的副官,带着蓝灰色的下巴,不断提供服务,他的善意使涅赫留多夫感到愉快。 —

But it was the charming young couple, the General’s daughter and her husband, who pleased Nekhludoff best. —
但最让涅赫留多夫喜欢的是那对迷人的年轻夫妇,将军的女儿和她的丈夫。 —

The daughter was a plain-looking, simple-minded young woman, wholly absorbed in her two children. —
女儿是一个相貌平平、心地纯真的年轻女子,完全沉浸在她的两个孩子中。 —

Her husband, whom she had fallen in love with and married after a long struggle with her parents, was a Liberal, who had taken honours at the Moscow University, a modest and intellectual young man in Government service, who made up statistics and studied chiefly the foreign tribes, which he liked and tried to save from dying out.

All of them were not only kind and attentive to Nekhludoff, but evidently pleased to see him, as a new and interesting acquaintance. —
所有这些人不仅对涅赫留多夫亲切关怀,而且显然很高兴见到他,将他视为一个新奇有趣的结识。 —

The General, who came in to dinner in uniform and with a white cross round his neck, greeted Nekhludoff as a friend, and asked the visitors to the side table to take a glass of vodka and something to whet their appetites. —
来宾中带着白色十字架项链的将军身着军装走进来参加晚宴,以朋友的身份向涅赫留多夫打招呼,并请旁边的客人喝一杯伏特加和一些小食。 —

The General asked Nekhludoff what he had been doing since he left that morning, and Nekhludoff told him he had been to the post-office and received the news of the mitigation of that person’s sentence that he had spoken of in the morning, and again asked for a permission to visit the prison.

The General, apparently displeased that business should be mentioned at dinner, frowned and said nothing.

“Have a glass of vodka” he said, addressing the Englishman, who had just come up to the table. —
他对英国人说:“来杯伏特加。” —

The Englishman drank a glass, and said he had been to see the cathedral and the factory, but would like to visit the great transportation prison.

“Oh, that will just fit in,” said the General to Nekhludoff. —
“哦,这正好合适,”将军对涅赫留多夫说。 —

“You will he able to go together. Give them a pass,” he added, turning to his aide-de-camp.

“When would you like to go?” Nekhludoff asked.

“I prefer visiting the prisons in the evening,” the Englishman answered. —
英国人回答说:“我更喜欢在晚上参观监狱。” —

“All are indoors and there is no preparation; —
“所有人都在室内,无需准备; —

you find them all as they are.”

“Ah, he would like to see it in all its glory! Let him do so. —
“啊,他想看到监狱的全貌!让他去吧。 —

I have written about it and no attention has been paid to it. —
我写过关于那里的事,却没有引起重视。 —

Let him find out from foreign publications,” the General said, and went up to the dinner table, where the mistress of the house was showing the visitors their places. —
让他从外国刊物中了解吧,”将军说着向餐桌走去,那里女主人正在为来宾安排座位。 —

Nekhludoff sat between his hostess and the Englishman. —
涅赫留多夫坐在女主人和英国人中间。 —

In front of him sat the General’s daughter and the ex-director of the Government department in Petersburg. —
他面前坐着将军的女儿和彼得堡政府部门的前主任。 —

The conversation at dinner was carried on by fits and starts, now it was India that the Englishman talked about, now the Tonkin expedition that the General strongly disapproved of, now the universal bribery and corruption in Siberia. —
晚餐时的谈话时断时续,英国人谈论的时印度,时将军强烈反对的东京远征,时西伯利亚普遍的贿赂腐败。 —

All these topics did not interest Nekhludoff much.

But after dinner, over their coffee, Nekhludoff and the Englishman began a very interesting conversation about Gladstone, and Nekhludoff thought he had said many clever things which were noticed by his interlocutor. —
但晚餐后,在喝咖啡时,涅赫留多夫和英国人开始了一场关于格莱斯通的非常有趣的谈话,涅赫留多夫认为自己说了很多聪明的话,得到了对方的注意。 —

And Nekhludoff felt it more and more pleasant to be sipping his coffee seated in an easy-chair among amiable, well-bred people. —
涅赫留多夫觉得坐在易椅中,在和善有教养的人中慢慢享受咖啡是越来越愉快。 —

And when at the Englishman’s request the hostess went up to the piano with the ex-director of the Government department, and they began to play in well-practised style Beethoven’s fifth symphony, Nekhludoff fell into a mental state of perfect self-satisfaction to which he had long been a stranger, as though he had only just found out what a good fellow he was.

The grand piano was a splendid instrument, the symphony was well performed. —
那架大钢琴是一件精美的乐器,交响曲表演得很好。 —

At least, so it seemed to Nekhludoff, who knew and liked that symphony. —
至少,在涅赫留多夫看来,他了解并喜欢那支交响曲。 —

Listening to the beautiful andante, he felt a tickling in his nose, he was so touched by his many virtues.

Nekhludoff thanked his hostess for the enjoyment that he had been deprived of for so long, and was about to say goodbye and go when the daughter of the house came up to him with a determined look and said, with a blush, “You asked about my children. —
涅赫留多夫感谢女主人给了他长期所失去的享受,并准备道别离去时,屋主的女儿走到他跟前,带着坚决的表情说,脸红了,“你问过我的孩子。 —

Would you like to see them?”

“She thinks that everybody wants to see her children,” said her mother, smiling at her daughter’s winning tactlessness. —
“她认为每个人都想看她的孩子,”她的母亲笑着对她女儿那些迷人的不拘一格的话。 —

“The Prince is not at all interested.”

“On the contrary, I am very much interested,” said Nekhludoff, touched by this overflowing, happy mother-love. —
“相反,我对此很感兴趣,”涅赫留多夫被这种爆发式的幸福母爱感动。 —

“Please let me see them.”

“She’s taking the Prince to see her babies,” the General shouted, laughing from the card-table, where he sat with his son-in-law, the mine owner and the aide-de-camp. —
“她带着王子去看她的孩子们,”将军大声喊道,笑着坐在牌桌旁,与女婿、矿主和副官一起。 —

“Go, go, pay your tribute.”

The young woman, visibly excited by the thought that judgment was about to be passed on her children, went quickly towards the inner apartments, followed by Nekhludoff. —
这位年轻女士明显兴奋,因为她的孩子们即将受到裁决的想法,快步朝内间走去,尼哈鲁多夫跟在后面。 —

In the third, a lofty room, papered with white and lit up by a shaded lamp, stood two small cots, and a nurse with a white cape on her shoulders sat between the cots. —
在第三个宽敞的房间里,白色墙纸装饰着,灯光被罩着灯罩,有两张小婴儿床,一位穿着白色披风的保姆坐在两张小床之间。 —

She had a kindly, true Siberian face, with its high cheek-bones.

The nurse rose and bowed. The mother stooped over the first cot, in which a two-year-old little girl lay peacefully sleeping with her little mouth open and her long, curly hair tumbled over the pillow.

“This is Katie,” said the mother, straightening the white and blue crochet coverlet, from under which a little white foot pushed itself languidly out.

“Is she not pretty? She’s only two years old, you know.”


“And this is Vasiuk, as ‘grandpapa’ calls him. Quite a different type. A Siberian, is he not?”

“A splendid boy,” said Nekhludoff, as he looked at the little fatty lying asleep on his stomach.

“Yes,” said the mother, with a smile full of meaning.

Nekhludoff recalled to his mind chains, shaved heads, fighting debauchery, the dying Kryltzoff, Katusha and the whole of her past, and he began to feel envious and to wish for what he saw here, which now seemed to him pure and refined happiness.

After having repeatedly expressed his admiration of the children, thereby at least partially satisfying their mother, who eagerly drank in this praise, he followed her back to the drawing-room, where the Englishman was waiting for him to go and visit the prison, as they had arranged. —
在反复表达对儿童的赞美后,至少部分满足了他们的母亲,母亲急切地接受了这些赞美,他们跟随她回到客厅,英国人正等着他们一起去参观监狱,这是他们之前商定的。 —

Having taken leave of their hosts, the old and the young ones, the Englishman and Nekhludoff went out into the porch of the General’s house.

The weather had changed. It was snowing, and the snow fell densely in large flakes, and already covered the road, the roof and the trees in the garden, the steps of the porch, the roof of the trap and the back of the horse.
天气已经改变了。 大雪纷纷扬扬地落下,已经覆盖了道路、屋顶和花园里的树木、门廊的台阶、马车的顶棚和马匹的背部。

The Englishman had a trap of his own, and Nekhludoff, having told the coachman to drive to the prison, called his isvostchik and got in with the heavy sense of having to fulfil an unpleasant duty, and followed the Englishman over the soft snow, through which the wheels turned with difficulty.

