
The service began.

It consisted of the following. The priest, having dressed in a strange and very inconvenient garb, made of gold cloth, cut and arranged little bits of bread on a saucer, and then put them into a cup with wine, repeating at the same time different names and prayers. —
它包括以下内容。 祭司穿着一件奇怪且非常不方便的金布制成的衣服,将小块面包切割排列在一个盘子里,然后将它们放入装有酒的杯子里,同时重复着不同的名字和祈祷。 —

Meanwhile the deacon first read Slavonic prayers, difficult to understand in themselves, and rendered still more incomprehensible by being read very fast, and then sang them turn and turn about with the convicts. —
与此同时,执事先朗诵了斯拉夫语的祈祷文,本身就很难理解,而且由于念得很快,使得更加难以理解,然后与囚犯们轮流唱着。 —

The contents of the prayers were chiefly the desire for the welfare of the Emperor and his family. —
祈祷文的内容主要是为皇帝及其家人福祉的祈求。 —

These petitions were repeated many times, separately and together with other prayers, the people kneeling. —
这些祈祷被反复重复了很多次,分别与其他祈祷一起,百姓们都跪在地上。 —

Besides this, several verses from the Acts of the Apostles were read by the deacon in a peculiarly strained voice, which made it impossible to understand what he read, and then the priest read very distinctly a part of the Gospel according to St. Mark, in which it said that Christ, having risen from the dead before flying up to heaven to sit down at His Father’s right hand, first showed Himself to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had driven seven devils, and then to eleven of His disciples, and ordered them to preach the Gospel to the whole creation, and the priest added that if any one did not believe this he would perish, but he that believed it and was baptised should be saved, and should besides drive out devils and cure people by laying his hands on them, should talk in strange tongues, should take up serpents, and if he drank poison should not die, but remain well.

The essence of the service consisted in the supposition that the bits cut up by the priest and put by him into the wine, when manipulated and prayed over in a certain way, turned into the flesh and blood of God.

These manipulations consisted in the priest’s regularly lifting and holding up his arms, though hampered by the gold cloth sack he had on, then, sinking on to his knees and kissing the table and all that was on it, but chiefly in his taking a cloth by two of its corners and waving it regularly and softly over the silver saucer and golden cup. —
这些操作包括祭司定期抬起双手,虽然被他身上的金布袋所阻碍,然后跪下亲吻桌子和桌上的一切,但主要是握着一块布的两个角,轻轻地在银盘和金杯上方规律地摇动。 —

It was supposed that, at this point, the bread and the wine turned into flesh and blood; —
据说在这一点上,面包和酒已经变成了肉和血; —

therefore, this part of the service was performed with the greatest solemnity.

“Now, to the blessed, most pure, and most holy Mother of God,” the priest cried from the golden partition which divided part of the church from the rest, and the choir began solemnly to sing that it was very right to glorify the Virgin Mary, who had borne Christ without losing her virginity, and was therefore worthy of greater honour than some kind of cherubim, and greater glory than some kind of seraphim. —
“现在,向受福、最纯洁、最神圣的上帝之母致敬,” 祭司从将教堂的一部分与其余部分隔开的金色隔板上高声喊道,唱诗班庄严开始唱道,应该赞美圣母玛利亚,她怀了基督却没有失去贞洁,因此比某种天使更值得尊敬,比某种炽天使更光耀。 —

After this the transformation was considered accomplished, and the priest having taken the napkin off the saucer, cut the middle bit of bread in four, and put it into the wine, and then into his mouth. —
在此之后,变化被认为已经完成,祭司把盘子上的餐巾取下,将中间的面包切成四块,放进酒里,然后送进嘴里。 —

He was supposed to have eaten a bit of God’s flesh and swallowed a little of His blood. —
他应该吃了一点上帝的肉,吞下了一点祂的血。 —

Then the priest drew a curtain, opened the middle door in the partition, and, taking the gold cup in his hands, came out of the door, inviting those who wished to do so also to come and eat some of God’s flesh and blood that was contained in the cup. —
然后祭司拉上帘子,打开隔栏中间的门,手持金杯走出门,邀请那些愿意的人也来吃一些杯中含有的上帝的肉和血。 —

A few children appeared to wish to do so.

After having asked the children their names, the priest carefully took out of the cup, with a spoon, and shoved a bit of bread soaked in wine deep into the mouth of each child in turn, and the deacon, while wiping the children’s mouths, sang, in a merry voice, that the children were eating the flesh and drinking the blood of God. After this the priest carried the cup back behind the partition, and there drank all the remaining blood and ate up all the bits of flesh, and after having carefully sucked his moustaches and wiped his mouth, he stepped briskly from behind the partition, the soles of his calfskin boots creaking. —
祭司询问孩子们的名字后,小心地用勺子从杯中取出一小块浸泡在葡萄酒中的面包,轮流深深地塞入每个孩子的嘴里,执事一边擦拭着孩子们的嘴,一边欢快地唱道,孩子们正在吃着上帝的肉和喝下祂的血。然后,祭司把杯子拿回隔栏后面,把所有剩余的血喝光,把所有的肉块吃光,仔细地吸干胡子上的残渣,擦拭嘴巴后,他轻快地从隔栏后走出来,他那双小牛皮靴子的鞋底吱吱作响。 —

The principal part of this Christian service was now finished, but the priest, wishing to comfort the unfortunate prisoners, added to the ordinary service another. —
这个基督教仪式的主要部分现在已经结束了,但祭司为了安慰那些不幸的囚犯,又加上了另一部分。 —

This consisted of his going up to the gilt hammered-out image (with black face and hands) supposed to represent the very God he had been eating, illuminated by a dozen wax candles, and proceeding, in a strange, discordant voice, to hum or sing the following words:

“Jesu sweetest, glorified of the Apostles, Jesu lauded by the martyrs, almighty Monarch, save me, Jesu my Saviour. —
“耶稣最甜蜜,使徒们的荣耀,受烈士称颂的耶稣,全能的君王,拯救我,我的救主耶稣。 —

Jesu, most beautiful, have mercy on him who cries to Thee, Saviour Jesu. Born of prayer Jesu, all thy saints, all thy prophets, save and find them worthy of the joys of heaven. —
耶稣,至美者,怜悯呼唤你的人,救主耶稣。由祷告而生的耶稣,所有你的圣徒,所有你的先知,拯救并使他们配享天堂的欢乐。 —

Jesu, lover of men.”

Then he stopped, drew breath, crossed himself, bowed to the ground, and every one did the same–the inspector, the warders, the prisoners; —
然后他停下来,深呼吸,交叉着胸,向地面鞠躬,每个人都做着同样的动作–督察员,狱卒,囚犯们; —

and from above the clinking of the chains sounded more unintermittently. Then he continued: —
铁链的摩擦声从上面传来,声音再也没有间断。然后他继续: —

“Of angels the Creator and Lord of powers, Jesu most wonderful, the angels’ amazement, Jesu most powerful, of our forefathers the Redeemer. —
“天使的创造者,众力量的主,奇妙的耶稣,天使们的惊异,全能的耶稣,我们祖先的救赎者。 —

Jesu sweetest, of patriarchs the praise. Jesu most glorious, of kings the strength. —
耶稣最甜蜜,先知们的赞美。耶稣最辉煌,列王的力量。 —

Jesu most good, of prophets the fulfilment. Jesu most amazing, of martyrs the strength. —
耶稣至善,先知们的应验。耶稣最令人惊奇,烈士的力量。 —

Jesu most humble, of monks the joy. Jesu most merciful, of priests the sweetness. —
耶稣至谦卑,修道士的喜悦。耶稣至仁慈,祭司们的甜蜜。” —

Jesu most charitable, of the fasting the continence. Jesu most sweet, of the just the joy. —
耶稣最慈善,禁食中的节制。耶稣最甜蜜,正义者的喜乐。 —

Jesu most pure, of the celibates the chastity. —
耶稣最纯洁,独身者的贞洁。 —

Jesu before all ages of sinners the salvation. —
耶稣超越所有时代的罪人,拯救。 —

Jesu, son of God, have mercy on me.”

Every time he repeated the word “Jesu” his voice became more and more wheezy. —
每次他重复“耶稣”这个词,声音就变得越来越喘息。 —

At last he came to a stop, and holding up his silk-lined cassock, and kneeling down on one knee, he stooped down to the ground and the choir began to sing, repeating the words, “Jesu, Son of God, have mercy on me,” and the convicts fell down and rose again, shaking back the hair that was left on their heads, and rattling with the chains that were bruising their thin ankles.

This continued for a long time. First came the glorification, which ended with the words, “Have mercy on me.” —
这种情况持续了很长时间。首先是颂赞,以“求怜悯”结束。 —

Then more glorifications, ending with “Alleluia!” —
然后更多的赞美,以“阿利路亚!”结束。 —

And the convicts made the sign of the cross, and bowed, first at each sentence, then after every two and then after three, and all were very glad when the glorification ended, and the priest shut the book with a sigh of relief and retired behind the partition. —
囚犯们做起十字记号,鞠躬,先是每句话后,然后是每两句后,再然后是每三句后,当赞美结束,祭司松了一口气,走到隔断后方。 —

One last act remained. The priest took a large, gilt cross, with enamel medallions at the ends, from a table, and came out into the centre of the church with it. —
最后一项仪式。 祭司从桌子上拿起一个镀金的十字架,并走到教堂中央。 —

First the inspector came up and kissed the cross, then the jailers, then the convicts, pushing and abusing each other in whispers. —
首先是监狱长走上前吻了十字架,然后是狱卒,再然后是囚犯们,低声争吵着。 —

The priest, talking to the inspector, pushed the cross and his hand now against the mouths and now against the noses of the convicts, who were trying to kiss both the cross and the hand of the priest. —
祭司和监狱长交谈,将十字架和他的手递到囚犯们的嘴前、鼻前,囚犯们试图亲吻十字架和祭司的手。 —

And thus ended the Christian service, intended for the comfort and the teaching of these strayed brothers.
