
Nekhludoff would have left Petersburg on the evening of the same day, but he had promised Mariette to meet her at the theatre, and though he knew that he ought not to keep that promise, he deceived himself into the belief that it would not be right to break his word.

“Am I capable of withstanding these temptations?” —
“我能抵挡这些诱惑吗?” —

he asked himself not quite honestly. “I shall try for the last time.”
他不太诚实地问自己。 “我将尝试最后一次。”

He dressed in his evening clothes, and arrived at the theatre during the second act of the eternal Dame aux Camelias, in which a foreign actress once again, and in a novel manner, showed how women die of consumption.

The theatre was quite full. Mariette’s box was at once, and with great deference, shown to Nekhludoff at his request. —
剧院坐满了人。玛丽埃特的包厢应内赫卢多夫的要求,立即并极尊重地向他展示。 —

A liveried servant stood in the corridor outside; —
一个穿礼服的仆人站在门外的走廊里; —

he bowed to Nekhludoff as to one whom he knew, and opened the door of the box.

All the people who sat and stood in the boxes on the opposite side, those who sat near and those who were in the parterre, with their grey, grizzly, bald, or curly heads–all were absorbed in watching the thin, bony actress who, dressed in silks and laces, was wriggling before them, and speaking in an unnatural voice.

Some one called “Hush!” when the door opened, and two streams, one of cool, the other of hot, air touched Nekhludoff’s face.

Mariette and a lady whom he did not know, with a red cape and a big, heavy head-dress, were in the box, and two men also, Mariette’s husband, the General, a tall, handsome man with a severe, inscrutable countenance, a Roman nose, and a uniform padded round the chest, and a fair man, with a bit of shaved chin between pompous whiskers.

Mariette, graceful, slight, elegant, her low-necked dress showing her firm, shapely, slanting shoulders, with a little black mole where they joined her neck, immediately turned, and pointed with her face to a chair behind her in an engaging manner, and smiled a smile that seemed full of meaning to Nekhludoff.

The husband looked at him in the quiet way in which he did everything, and bowed. —
丈夫以他做任何事情的安静方式看着他,点头致意。 —

In the look he exchanged with his wife, the master, the owner of a beautiful woman, was to be seen at once.

When the monologue was over the theatre resounded with the clapping of hands. —
当独白结束时,剧院响起了掌声。 —

Mariette rose, and holding up her rustling silk skirt, went into the back of the box and introduced Nekhludoff to her husband.

The General, without ceasing to smile with his eyes, said he was very pleased, and then sat inscrutably silent.

“I ought to have left to-day, had I not promised,” said Nekhludoff to Mariette.

“If you do not care to see me,” said Mariette, in answer to what his words implied, “you will see a wonderful actress. —
玛丽埃特对于他的话所蕴含的意思回答说:“如果你不想见我,你还会看到一位了不起的女演员。” —

Was she not splendid in the last scene?” —
“她在最后一幕里不是棒极了吗?”她转向她的丈夫问道。 —

she asked, turning to her husband.

The husband bowed his head.

“This sort of thing does not touch me,” said Nekhludoff. —
“这种事情并不能触动我,”涅克拉索夫说。 —

“I have seen so much real suffering lately that–”

“Yes, sit down and tell me.”

The husband listened, his eyes smiling more and more ironically. —
丈夫听着,眼睛越来越带着讽刺的微笑。 —

“I have been to see that woman whom they have set free, and who has been kept in prison for so long; —
“我去看了那个他们释放的女人,她被关押了很长时间; —

she is quite broken down.”

“That is the woman I spoke to you about,” Mariette said to her husband.

“Oh, yes, I was very pleased that she could be set free,” said the husband quietly, nodding and smiling under his moustache with evident irony, so it seemed to Nekhludoff. —
“噢,是的,她能够获释我很高兴,”丈夫平静地说着,颔首微笑着,似乎对涅克拉索夫显露出一种讽刺的口吻。 —

“I shall go and have a smoke.”

Nekhludoff sat waiting to hear what the something was that Mariette had to tell him. —
涅克拉索夫坐在那儿等着听玛丽埃特有什么事要告诉他。 —

She said nothing, and did not even try to say anything, but joked and spoke about the performance, which she thought ought to touch Nekhludoff. —
她什么也没说,甚至也没有努力要说什么,只是开玩笑,谈论着演出,认为这应该打动涅克拉索夫。 —

Nekhludoff saw that she had nothing to tell, but only wished to show herself to him in all the splendour of her evening toilet, with her shoulders and little mole; —
涅克拉索夫看出她没有什么要告诉的,只是希望向他展示她身着盛装的美丽,露出肩膀和小痣; —

and this was pleasant and yet repulsive to him.

The charm that had veiled all this sort of thing from Nekhludoff was not removed, but it was as if he could see what lay beneath. —
曾经让涅克拉索夫对这种事情视而不见的魅力没有消失,但他似乎能看到底下的真相。 —

Looking at Mariette, he admired her, and yet he knew that she was a liar, living with a husband who was making his career by means of the tears and lives of hundreds and hundreds of people, and that she was quite indifferent about it, and that all she had said the day before was untrue. —
看着玛丽埃特,他对她感到钦佩,但他知道她是个说谎者,与一个通过数百人的眼泪和生命来谋取事业成功的丈夫生活在一起,而她对此漠不关心,她昨天说的一切都是虚假的。 —

What she wanted–neither he nor she knew why–was to make him fall in love with her. —
她想要的是让他爱上她,他和她都不知道为什么。 —

This both attracted and disgusted him. Several times, on the point of going away, he took up his hat, and then stayed on.

But at last, when the husband returned with a strong smell of tobacco in his thick moustache, and looked at Nekhludoff with a patronising, contemptuous air, as if not recognising him, Nekhludoff left the box before the door was closed again, found his overcoat, and went out of the theatre. —
但最后,当丈夫带着浓烈的烟草气味和厚厚的胡须回来,看着涅赫鲁多夫,态度高傲蔑视,仿佛不认识他时,涅赫鲁多夫在门还没关闭时离开了包厢,找到自己的外套,离开了剧院。 —

As he was walking home along the Nevski, he could not help noticing a well-shaped and aggressively finely-dressed woman, who was quietly walking in front of him along the broad asphalt pavement. —
当他沿着涅瓦大街回家的路上,他忍不住注意到一个体态匀称、穿着豪华引人注目的女人,静静地走在宽广的沥青路面上。 —

The consciousness of her detestable power was noticeable in her face and the whole of her figure. —
她那可憎的势力意识表露在她的脸上和整个身体上。 —

All who met or passed that woman looked at her. —
所有遇到或路过这个女人的人都看着她。 —

Nekhludoff walked faster than she did and, involuntarily, also looked her in the face. —
涅赫鲁多夫比她走得快,无意中也看了她的脸。 —

The face, which was probably painted, was handsome, and the woman looked at him with a smile and her eyes sparkled. —
这张脸可能是化过妆的,很漂亮,这个女人微笑着看着他,眼睛闪闪发光。 —

And, curiously enough, Nekhludoff was suddenly reminded of Mariette, because he again felt both attracted and disgusted just as when in the theatre.

Having hurriedly passed her, Nekhludoff turned off on to the Morskaya, and passed on to the embankment, where, to the surprise of a policeman, he began pacing up and down the pavement.

“The other one gave me just such a smile when I entered the theatre,” he thought, “and the meaning of the smile was the same. —
“进剧院时另一个女人也给了我这样的微笑,“他想,”这个微笑的意思一样。 —

The only difference is, that this one said plainly, ‘If you want me, take me; —
唯一的区别是,这个女人直接说:’你要找我,就带我走; —

if not, go your way,’ and the other one pretended that she was not thinking of this, but living in some high and refined state, while this was really at the root. —
如果不,你可以走你的路。’另一个假装她没有考虑这个,而实际上这是根本原因。 —

Besides, this one was driven to it by necessity, while the other amused herself by playing with that enchanting, disgusting, frightful passion. —
此外,这个女人之所以这样做,是被迫的,而另一个则只是玩弄着那种迷人、恶心、可怕的激情。 —

This woman of the street was like stagnant, smelling water offered to those whose thirst was greater than their disgust; —
这个街头的女人就像浑浊、恶臭的水,提供给那些渴望比厌恶更大的人; —

that other one in the theatre was like the poison which, unnoticed, poisons everything it gets into.”

Nekhludoff recalled his liaison with the Marechal’s wife, and shameful memories rose before him.

“The animalism of the brute nature in man is disgusting,” thought he, “but as long as it remains in its naked form we observe it from the height of our spiritual life and despise it; —
他想:”人类兽性的低贱令人恶心,但只要它保持原始形态,我们可以站在精神高地俯视它并轻蔑它; —

and–whether one has fallen or resisted–one remains what one was before. —
不管一个人是堕落了还是抵抗了,都不会改变他原先的本性。 —

But when that same animalism hides under a cloak of poetry and aesthetic feeling and demands our worship–then we are swallowed up by it completely, and worship animalism, no longer distinguishing good from evil. Then it is awful.”

Nekhludoff perceived all this now as clearly as he saw the palace, the sentinels, the fortress, the river, the boats, and the Stock Exchange. —
现在涅赫留多夫清晰地意识到这一切,就像他看到皇宫、哨兵、要塞、河流、小船和证券交易所一样清晰。 —

And just as on this northern summer night there was no restful darkness on the earth, but only a dismal, dull light coming from an invisible source, so in Nekhludoff’s soul there was no longer the restful darkness, ignorance. —
就像在这个北方的夏夜,大地上没有宁静的黑暗,只有来自看不见源头的阴郁昏暗光芒一样,涅赫留多夫的灵魂中不再有宁静的黑暗、无知。 —

Everything seemed clear. It was clear that everything considered important and good was insignificant and repulsive, and that all the glamour and luxury hid the old, well-known crimes, which not only remained unpunished but were adorned with all the splendour which men were capable of inventing.

Nekhludoff wished to forget all this, not to see it, but he could no longer help seeing it. —
涅克卢杜夫希望忘记这一切,不去看到它,但他再也无法掩眼不见。 —

Though he could not see the source of the light which revealed it to him any more than he could see the source of the light which lay over Petersburg; —
虽然他无法看到揭示这一切的光源,就像他无法看到覆盖圣彼得堡的光源一样; —

and though the light appeared to him dull, dismal, and unnatural, yet he could not help seeing what it revealed, and he felt both joyful and anxious.

