
At last Matthew Nikitich also arrived, and the usher, a thin man, with a long neck and a kind of sideways walk, his nether lip protruding to one side, which made him resemble a turkey, came into the jurymen’s room.

This usher was an honest man, and had a university education, but could not keep a place for any length of time, as he was subject to fits of drunkenness. —
这位引座员是个诚实的人,受过大学教育,但无法长期保持一份工作,因为他经常喝醉。 —

Three months before a certain countess, who patronised his wife, had found him this place, and he was very pleased to have kept it so long.

“Well, sirs, is everybody here?” he asked, putting his pince-nez on his nose, and looking round.
“各位,大家都到齐了吗?” 他戴上眼镜问道,环顾四周。

“Everybody, I think,” said the jolly merchant.
“我觉得都到了,” 开朗的商人说。

“All right; we’ll soon see.” And, taking a list from his pocket, he began calling out the names, looking at the men, sometimes through and sometimes over his pince-nez.
“好的,我们很快就会知道。” 掏出口袋里的名单,他开始叫名字,有时透过眼镜,有时从眼镜上方看着这些人。

“Councillor of State, [grades such as this are common in Russia, and mean very little] J. M. Nikiforoff!”

“I am he,” said the dignified-looking man, well versed in the habits of the law court.
“在下就是,” 一位看上去很懂法庭习俗的庄重男士答道。

“Ivan Semionovitch Ivanoff, retired colonel!”

“Here!” replied a thin man, in the uniform of a retired officer.

“Merchant of the Second Guild, Peter Baklasheff!”

“Here we are, ready!” said the good-humoured merchant, with a broad smile.
“我们准备好了!” 那位和蔼的商人笑着说。

“Lieutenant of the Guards, Prince Dmitri Nekhludoff!”

“I am he,” answered Nekhludoff.

The usher bowed to him, looking over his pince-nez, politely and pleasantly, as if wishing to distinguish him from the others.

“Captain Youri Demitrievitch-Dantchenko, merchant; —
“尤里·德米特里耶维奇-丹琴科船长; —

Grigori Euphimitch Kouleshoff,” etc. All but two were present.

“Now please to come to the court, gentlemen,” said the usher, pointing to the door, with an amiable wave of his hand.

All moved towards the door, pausing to let each other pass. —
众人朝门口走去,停下来让彼此通过。 —

Then they went through the corridor into the court.

The court was a large, long room. At one end there was a raised platform, with three steps leading up to it, on which stood a table, covered with a green cloth trimmed with a fringe of a darker shade. —
法庭是一个又大又长的房间。一端有一个高出地面的平台,三级台阶通往台上,上面有一张桌子,铺着一条深一些的边缘的绿布。 —

At the table were placed three arm-chairs, with high-carved oak backs; —
桌子前摆放着三把高背雕花橡木椅; —

on the wall behind them hung a full-length, brightly-coloured portrait of the Emperor in uniform and ribbon, with one foot in advance, and holding a sword. —
桌子后的墙上挂着一幅颜色鲜艳的皇帝全身画像,身穿制服和勋章,一只脚向前,手持剑。 —

In the right corner hung a case, with an image of Christ crowned with thorns, and beneath it stood a lectern, and on the same side the prosecuting attorney’s desk. —
右角挂着一个盛有戴着荆棘冠的基督像的箱子,在它下面摆放着一个讲台,同一侧是原告律师的书桌。 —

On the left, opposite the desk, was the secretary’s table, and in front of it, nearer the public, an oak grating, with the prisoners’ bench, as yet unoccupied, behind it. —
在书桌的对面左侧是书记的桌子,桌子前更靠近公众的是一个橡木铁栅门,栅门后是尚未被占用的被告席。 —

Besides all this, there were on the right side of the platform high-backed ashwood chairs for the jury, and on the floor below tables for the advocates. —
除此之外,平台右侧是为陪审团准备的高背白蜡木椅子,下面是律师的桌子。 —

All this was in the front part of the court, divided from the back by a grating.

The back was all taken up by seats in tiers. —
后部全部被楼座椅占据。 —

Sitting on the front seats were four women, either servant or factory girls, and two working men, evidently overawed by the grandeur of the room, and not venturing to speak above a whisper.

Soon after the jury had come in the usher entered, with his sideward gait, and stepping to the front, called out in a loud voice, as if he meant to frighten those present, “The Court is coming!” —
陪审团刚进来不久,招待员预先进入,带着他那特有的侧身步态,走到前面高声喊道,好像是想吓唬在场的人,“庭审开始了!” —

Every one got up as the members stepped on to the platform. —
每个人都站起来,当庭审成员踏上讲台时。 —

Among them the president, with his muscles and fine whiskers. —
其中有总统,有肌肉和漂亮的小胡子。 —

Next came the gloomy member of the Court, who was now more gloomy than ever, having met his brother-in-law, who informed him that he had just called in to see his sister (the member’s wife), and that she had told him that there would be no dinner there.

“So that, evidently, we shall have to call in at a cook shop,” the brother-in-law added, laughing.

“It is not at all funny,” said the gloomy member, and became gloomier still.

Then at last came the third member of the Court, the same Matthew Nikitich, who was always late. —
然后最后来的是法庭的第三个成员,一直迟到的马修.尼基蒂奇。 —

He was a bearded man, with large, round, kindly eyes. —
他是一个留着胡子的男人,有着大大的、和善的、圆润的眼睛。 —

He was suffering from a catarrh of the stomach, and, according to his doctor’s advice, he had begun trying a new treatment, and this had kept him at home longer than usual. —
他正在患胃炎,根据医生的建议,他开始尝试新的治疗,这让他比平时待在家里更久。 —

Now, as he was ascending the platform, he had a pensive air. —
现在,当他登上讲台时,他神情沉思。 —

He was in the habit of making guesses in answer to all sorts of self-put questions by different curious means. —
他习惯于通过各种奇特的方式进行猜测以回答各种自问的问题。 —

Just now he had asked whether the new treatment would be beneficial, and had decided that it would cure his catarrh if the number of steps from the door to his chair would divide by three. —
刚才他问自己新的治疗是否会有好处,并决定如果从门到他的椅子的步数能被三整除,那么他的胃炎会被治愈。 —

He made 26 steps, but managed to get in a 27th just by his chair.

The figures of the president and the members in their uniforms, with gold-embroidered collars, looked very imposing. —
总统和成员们穿着华丽的制服,胸前挂着金线刺绣领章,看起来非常令人肃然起敬。 —

They seemed to feel this themselves, and, as if overpowered by their own grandeur, hurriedly sat down on the high backed chairs behind the table with the green cloth, on which were a triangular article with an eagle at the top, two glass vases–something like those in which sweetmeats are kept in refreshment rooms–an inkstand, pens, clean paper, and good, newly-cut pencils of different kinds.

The public prosecutor came in with the judges. —
公诉人与法官一同进入。 —

With his portfolio under one arm, and swinging the other, he hurriedly walked to his seat near the window, and was instantly absorbed in reading and looking through the papers, not wasting a single moment, in hope of being ready when the business commenced. —
他急忙走到靠窗的座位,一只手搁着文件夹,另一只手摆动着,立即专注于阅读和翻阅文件,不浪费一分钟,希望在业务开始时做好准备。 —

He had been public prosecutor but a short time, and had only prosecuted four times before this. —
他担任公诉人的时间并不长,此前只起诉过四次。 —

He was very ambitious, and had firmly made up his mind to get on, and therefore thought it necessary to get a conviction whenever he prosecuted. —
他很有抱负,坚定地决心要进取,因此每次起诉时都认为有必要定罪。 —

He knew the chief facts of the poisoning case, and had already formed a plan of action. —
他熟悉这起毒案的主要事实,并已经制定了行动计划。 —

He only wanted to copy out a few points which he required.

The secretary sat on the opposite side of the platform, and, having got ready all the papers he might want, was looking through an article, prohibited by the censor, which he had procured and read the day before. —
秘书坐在平台的对面,整理好可能需要的所有文件后,正在翻阅一篇由审查员禁止的文章,这篇文章他前一天已获得并阅读过。 —

He was anxious to have a talk about this article with the bearded member, who shared his views, but wanted to look through it once more before doing so.
