
When, following Katusha, Nekhludoff returned to the men’s room, he found every one there in agitation. —
当涅赫鲁多夫跟着卡秋莎回到男厕所时,发现那里的每个人都在焦虑不安。 —

Nabatoff, who went about all over the place, and who got to know everybody, and noticed everything, had just brought news which staggered them all. —
纳巴托夫,他走遍各处,熟知每个人,注意到一切,刚刚带来了令他们震惊的消息。 —

The news was that he had discovered a note on a wall, written by the revolutionist Petlin, who had been sentenced to hard labour, and who, every one thought, had long since reached the Kara; —
这则消息是他在墙上发现的一张纸条,上面写着受刑者彼特琳的名字,他被判劳动改造,所有人都认为他早就抵达卡拉了; —

and now it turned out that he had passed this way quite recently, the only political prisoner among criminal convicts.

“On the 17th of August,” so ran the note, “I was sent off alone with the criminals. —
纸条上写道:“8月17日,我独自与犯罪囚犯一起被送走。 —

Neveroff was with me, but hanged himself in the lunatic asylum in Kasan. I am well and in good spirits and hope for the best.”

All were discussing Petlin’s position and the possible reasons of Neveroff’s suicide. —
所有人都在讨论彼特林的立场以及涅维罗夫自杀的可能原因。 —

Only Kryltzoff sat silent and preoccupied, his glistening eyes gazing fixedly in front of him.

“My husband told me that Neveroff had a vision while still in the Petropavlovski prison,” said Rintzeva.

“Yes, he was a poet, a dreamer; this sort of people cannot stand solitary confinement,” said Novodvoroff. —
“是的,他是一个诗人,一个梦想家;这种人无法忍受孤独拘禁,”诺沃德沃夫说。 —

“Now, I never gave my imagination vent when in solitary confinement, but arranged my days most systematically, and in this way always bore it very well.”

“What is there unbearable about it? Why, I used to be glad when they locked me up,” said Nabatoff cheerfully, wishing to dispel the general depression.

“A fellow’s afraid of everything; of being arrested himself and entangling others, and of spoiling the whole business, and then he gets locked up, and all responsibility is at an end, and he can rest; —
“一个人害怕一切;害怕自己被逮捕,也害怕卷入他人,害怕搞砸整个计划,然后他被关起来了,所有的责任就结束了,他就可以休息; —

he can just sit and smoke.”

“You knew him well?” asked Mary Pavlovna, glancing anxiously at the altered, haggard expression of Kryltzoff’s face.

“Neveroff a dreamer?” Kryltzoff suddenly began, panting for breath as if he had been shouting or singing for a long time. —
“涅维罗夫是一个梦想家?”克里尔佐夫突然开始,喘着气,好像他已经喊了或唱了很长时间。 —

“Neveroff was a man ‘such as the earth bears few of,’ as our doorkeeper used to express it. —
“涅维罗夫是一个‘大地上鲜有其似’的人,就像我们的门房经常说的那样。 —

Yes, he had a nature like crystal, you could see him right through; —
是的,他有一个透明的本性,你可以完全看穿他; —

he could not lie, he could not dissemble; —
他无法撒谎,无法伪装; —

not simply thin skinned, but with all his nerves laid bare, as if he were flayed. —
不仅仅是薄皮肤,而是所有神经都裸露在外,就像他被剥了皮一样。 —

Yes, his was a complicated, rich nature, not such a– But where is the use of talking?” —
是的,他是一个纷繁复杂,富有的本性,不是那种- 但谈这个有什么用呢?” —

he added, with a vicious frown. “Shall we first educate the people and then change the forms of life, or first change the forms and then struggle, using peaceful propaganda or terrorism? —
“他咬牙切齿地补充道。’我们是要先教育人们,然后改变生活方式呢?还是先改变生活方式,然后通过和平宣传或恐怖主义进行斗争呢?’” —

So we go on disputing while they kill; they do not dispute–they know their business; —
“所以我们继续争论,而他们在杀人;他们并不争论–他们知道自己的任务;” —

they don’t care whether dozens, hundreds of men perish–and what men! No; —
“他们不在乎数十、数百人的死亡–而且是什么样的人!并非;” —

that the best should perish is just what they want. —
“他们正是想要最好的人死掉。” —

Yes, Herzen said that when the Decembrists were withdrawn from circulation the average level of our society sank. —
“是的,赫尔岑说,当立宪派分子被排除在外时,我们社会的平均水平就下降了。” —

I should think so, indeed. Then Herzen himself and his fellows were withdrawn; —
“我也这么认为。然后赫尔岑本人和他的同志被排斥了;” —

now is the turn of the Neveroffs.”

“They can’t all be got rid off,” said Nabatoff, in his cheerful tones. —
“他们不可能都被清除掉,”纳巴特夫开朗地说道。 —

“There will always be left enough to continue the breed. —
“总会留下足够的人来延续这个家族。” —

No, there won’t, if we show any pity to them there,” Nabatoff said, raising his voice; and not letting himself be interrupted, “Give me a cigarette.”

“Oh, Anatole, it is not good for you,” said Mary Pavlovna. “Please do not smoke.”

“Oh, leave me alone,” he said angrily, and lit a cigarette, but at once began to cough and to retch, as if he were going to be sick. —
“哦,别理我。”他生气地说,点燃了一支香烟,但立刻开始咳嗽和干呕,好像要吐了。 —

Having cleared his throat though, he went on:

“What we have been doing is not the thing at all. —
“我们一直在做的不是正事。 —

Not to argue, but for all to unite–to destroy them–that’s it.”

“But they are also human beings,” said Nekhludoff.

“No, they are not human, they who can do what they are doing– No– There, now, I heard that some kind of bombs and balloons have been invented. —
“不,他们不是人类,他们做的事情—-不–在那里,现在,我听说有一些炸弹和气球被发明了。 —

Well, one ought to go up in such a balloon and sprinkle bombs down on them as if they were bugs, until they are all exterminated– Yes. Because–” he was going to continue, but, flushing all over, he began coughing worse than before, and a stream of blood rushed from his mouth.
嗯,应该有人乘坐这样的气球,向他们撒下炸弹,就像他们是虫子一样,直到他们都被消灭掉– 是的。因为–“他本来要继续说下去,但脸红得满头是汗,突然开始比之前更剧烈地咳嗽起来,他的嘴从中冒出一股血流。

Nabatoff ran to get ice. Mary Pavlovna brought valerian drops and offered them to him, but he, breathing quickly and heavily, pushed her away with his thin, white hand, and kept his eyes closed. —
纳巴托夫跑去拿冰块。玛丽亚·帕夫洛芙娜拿来缓解药水,递给他,但他呼吸急促地用纤细的白手推开她,并闭上了眼睛。 —

When the ice and cold water had eased Kryltzoff a little, and he had been put to bed, Nekhludoff, having said good-night to everybody, went out with the sergeant, who had been waiting for him some time.

The criminals were now quiet, and most of them were asleep. —
现在罪犯们都安静了,大部分人都睡着了。 —

Though the people were lying on and under the bed shelves and in the space between, they could not all be placed inside the rooms, and some of them lay in the passage with their sacks under their heads and covered with their cloaks. —
虽然人们躺在床上和床板下,以及两者之间的空间里,但并不能所有人都安置在房间里,一些人躺在走廊里,头下着麻袋,盖着斗篷。 —

The moans and sleepy voices came through the open doors and sounded through the passage. —
呻吟声和困倦的声音透过敞开的门传来,响彻整个走廊。 —

Everywhere lay compact heaps of human beings covered with prison cloaks. —
到处都是紧凑的一堆人,盖着囚衣。 —

Only a few men who were sitting in the bachelors’ room by the light of a candle end, which they put out when they noticed the sergeant, were awake, and an old man who sat naked under the lamp in the passage picking the vermin off his shirt. —
只有几个人在单身汉的房间里坐着,透过一根蜡烛尾巴的光亮,等他们注意到中士时就熄灭了,醒着,以及一个老人赤裸着身子坐在走廊里的油灯下,捡着衬衫上的虱子。 —

The foul air in the political prisoners’ rooms seemed pure compared to the stinking closeness here. —
与这里令人窒息的气味相比,政治犯的房间里的脏气似乎是清新的。 —

The smoking lamp shone dimly as through a mist, and it was difficult to breathe. —
冒烟的灯光昏暗地照耀着,仿佛穿透了薄雾,呼吸变得困难。 —

Stepping along the passage, one had to look carefully for an empty space, and having put down one foot had to find place for the other. —
沿着走廊走路,你必须仔细寻找空地,把一只脚放下后必须找到另一个位置。 —

Three persons, who had evidently found no room even in the passage, lay in the anteroom, close to the stinking and leaking tub. —
三个明显甚至在走廊里也找不到地方的人躺在前厅,紧靠腐烂漏水的浴缸旁。 —

One of these was an old idiot, whom Nekhludoff had often seen marching with the gang; —
其中一个是一个老白痴,涅赫鲁杜夫经常看到他与一群人行军。 —

another was a boy about twelve; he lay between the two other convicts, with his head on the leg of one of them.

When he had passed out of the gate Nekhludoff took a deep breath and long continued to breathe in deep draughts of frosty air.