
The story of the prisoner Maslova’s life was a very common one.

Maslova’s mother was the unmarried daughter of a village woman, employed on a dairy farm, which belonged to two maiden ladies who were landowners. —
马斯洛娃的母亲是一个未婚村姑,被雇佣在一个奶牛场里工作,这个奶牛场属于两位未婚的女房东。 —

This unmarried woman had a baby every year, and, as often happens among the village people, each one of these undesired babies, after it had been carefully baptised, was neglected by its mother, whom it hindered at her work, and left to starve. —
这个未婚的女人每年都会生一个孩子,和村里人一样经常发生的情况一样,每一个这样不受欢迎的婴儿,在得到精心洗礼后,都会被母亲忽视,因为在工作中妨碍到她,被遗弃而绝食而死。 —

Five children had died in this way. They had all been baptised and then not sufficiently fed, and just left to die. —
在这种方式中已有五个孩子死亡。他们都曾被洗礼,但又没有被足够喂养,留着任由死亡。 —

The sixth baby, whose father was a gipsy tramp, would have shared the same fate, had it not so happened that one of the maiden ladies came into the farmyard to scold the dairymaids for sending up cream that smelt of the cow. —
当第六个婴儿出世时,他的父亲是一个吉普赛流浪汉,也会遭受同样的命运,如果不是因为当时正好有一位老女士走进了农场,责备着奶牛女工们发送有牛味的奶油。 —

The young woman was lying in the cowshed with a fine, healthy, new-born baby. —
年轻女孩躺在牛舍里,带着一个好像很健康的新生女婴。 —

The old maiden lady scolded the maids again for allowing the woman (who had just been confined) to lie in the cowshed, and was about to go away, but seeing the baby her heart was touched, and she offered to stand godmother to the little girl, and pity for her little god-daughter induced her to give milk and a little money to the mother, so that she should feed the baby; —
老女士再次责备女工,因为他们让一个刚分娩的女人躺在牛舍里,正要走开,但看到孩子心软了,她提出要做这个小女孩的教母,并因为对她的小教女产生怜悯,给了孩子和母亲牛奶和一点钱,让她好好喂养孩子; —

and the little girl lived. The old ladies spoke of her as “the saved one.” —
这个小女孩活了下来。老女士们称她为“被救赎者”。 —

When the child was three years old, her mother fell ill and died, and the maiden ladies took the child from her old grandmother, to whom she was nothing but a burden.

The little black-eyed maiden grew to be extremely pretty, and so full of spirits that the ladies found her very entertaining.

The younger of the ladies, Sophia Ivanovna, who had stood godmother to the girl, had the kinder heart of the two sisters; —
较年幼的索菲娅·伊万诺夫娜,曾是这两位姐妹中那位女孩的教母,心地最温柔; —

Maria Ivanovna, the elder, was rather hard. —
较年长的玛丽亚·伊万诺夫娜则比较严厉。 —

Sophia Ivanovna dressed the little girl in nice clothes, and taught her to read and write, meaning to educate her like a lady. —
索菲娅·伊万诺夫娜给这个小女孩穿上漂亮的衣服,并教她读写,打算像一个淑女一样教育她。 —

Maria Ivanovna thought the child should be brought up to work, and trained her to be a good servant. She was exacting; —
玛丽亚·伊万诺夫娜认为这个孩子应该接受劳动教育,训练她成为一个好女仆。她要求苛刻。 —

she punished, and, when in a bad temper, even struck the little girl. —
她惩罚她,并且在心情不好的时候甚至打这个小女孩。 —

Growing up under these two different influences, the girl turned out half servant, half young lady. —
在这两种不同的影响下长大,这个女孩成为了半个仆人,半个年轻女士。 —

They called her Katusha, which sounds less refined than Katinka, but is not quite so common as Katka. She used to sew, tidy up the rooms, polish the metal cases of the icons and do other light work, and sometimes she sat and read to the ladies.

Though she had more than one offer, she would not marry. —
尽管有不止一个求婚者,她仍然不愿结婚。 —

She felt that life as the wife of any of the working men who were courting her would be too hard; —
她感觉作为任何一个向她求婚的工人的妻子的生活都太艰辛了; —

spoilt as she was by a life of case.

She lived in this manner till she was sixteen, when the nephew of the old ladies, a rich young prince, and a university student, came to stay with his aunts, and Katusha, not daring to acknowledge it even to herself, fell in love with him.

Then two years later this same nephew stayed four days with his aunts before proceeding to join his regiment, and the night before he left he betrayed Katusha, and, after giving her a 100-rouble note, went away. —
然后两年后,同样的侄子在去加入军队之前在姨妈家住了四天,在离开之前背叛了卡陶夏,给了她一张100卢布的纸币,然后走了。 —

Five months later she knew for certain that she was to be a mother. —
五个月后,她确信自己怀孕了。 —

After that everything seemed repugnant to her, her only thought being how to escape from the shame that awaited her. —
之后,对她来说一切都变得令人厌恶,她唯一的想法是如何逃避等待她的耻辱。 —

She began not only to serve the ladies in a half-hearted and negligent way, but once, without knowing how it happened, was very rude to them, and gave them notice, a thing she repented of later, and the ladies let her go, noticing something wrong and very dissatisfied with her. —
她不仅开始半心半意、马虎地服侍这些太太们,甚至一次,不知怎么回事,对她们很无礼,宣布辞职,后来后悔了,太太们也放她走了,注意到有些不对劲,对她也非常不满。 —

Then she got a housemaid’s place in a police-officer’s house, but stayed there only three months, for the police officer, a man of fifty, began to torment her, and once, when he was in a specially enterprising mood, she fired up, called him “a fool and old devil,” and gave him such a knock in the chest that he fell. —
然后,她在一位警官家里找到了一个女佣的工作,但只待了三个月,因为这位五十岁的警官开始折磨她,一次,在他心情特别好斗时,她愤怒了,称他为“傻瓜老鬼”,并狠狠地敲了他一下胸部,他摔倒了。 —

She was turned out for her rudeness. It was useless to look for another situation, for the time of her confinement was drawing near, so she went to the house of a village midwife, who also sold wine. —
她因为无礼而被赶走了。寻找另一份工作没有用,因为她离分娩的时间越来越近,因此她去了一个村里卖酒的接生婆家。 —

The confinement was easy; but the midwife, who had a case of fever in the village, infected Katusha, and her baby boy had to be sent to the foundlings’ hospital, where, according to the words of the old woman who took him there, he at once died. —
分娩很顺利;但接生婆感染了村里的一位发烧病人,传染给了卡陶夏,她的婴儿男孩不得不被送到婴儿院,根据送他去的老太太的话,他立刻就去世了。 —

When Katusha went to the midwife she had 127 roubles in all, 27 which she had earned and 100 given her by her betrayer. —
当卡陶夏去找那位接生婆时,她手头上有127卢布,27卢布是自己赚的,100卢布是被背叛者给的。 —

When she left she had but six roubles; she did not know how to keep money, but spent it on herself, and gave to all who asked. —
当她离开时,她只剩下六卢布;她不知道如何存钱,只是把钱花在自己身上,并给向她要钱的人。 —

The midwife took 40 roubles for two months’ board and attendance, 25 went to get the baby into the foundlings’ hospital, and 40 the midwife borrowed to buy a cow with. —
接生婆拿了40卢布作为两个月的膳宿和接生费,25卢布用来送宝宝进收容所,接生婆借了40卢布买牛。 —

Twenty roubles went just for clothes and dainties. —
二十卢布用在购买衣服和点心上。 —

Having nothing left to live on, Katusha had to look out for a place again, and found one in the house of a forester. —
没有任何存款可以生活,卡图夏不得不重新找工作,在一个护林员的家里找到了一个住处。 —

The forester was a married man, but he, too, began to annoy her from the first day. —
护林员是一个已婚男子,但他也从第一天开始惹恼她。 —

He disgusted her, and she tried to avoid him. —
他让她感到恶心,她试图避免他。 —

But he, more experienced and cunning, besides being her master, who could send her wherever he liked, managed to accomplish his object. —
但他,比她更有经验和狡猾,而且他还是她的主人,可以把她送到他想去的地方。 —

His wife found it out, and, catching Katusha and her husband in a room all by themselves, began beating her. —
他的妻子发现了这一切,当看到卡图夏和她的丈夫独处在一个房间时,开始打她。 —

Katusha defended herself, and they had a fight, and Katusha got turned out of the house without being paid her wages.

Then Katusha went to live with her aunt in town. —
于是卡图夏去城里住她的姑姑家。 —

The aunt’s husband, a bookbinder, had once been comfortably off, but had lost all his customers, and had taken to drink, and spent all he could lay hands on at the public-house. —
姑姑的丈夫是一个装订工,曾经过得很舒服,但是失去了所有的顾客,开始酗酒,花光了能拿到的钱在酒吧里。 —

The aunt kept a little laundry, and managed to support herself, her children, and her wretched husband. —
姑姑开了一个小洗衣房,设法养活自己、她的孩子和她那个可怜的丈夫。 —

She offered Katusha the place of an assistant laundress; —
她提出给卡图夏一个助手洗衣妇的位置; —

but seeing what a life of misery and hardship her aunt’s assistants led, Katusha hesitated, and applied to a registry office for a place. —
但是看到姑姑的助手们过着多么痛苦和艰苦的生活,卡图夏犹豫起来,并在一家劳务管理处找到了一个位置。 —

One was found for her with a lady who lived with her two sons, pupils at a public day school. —
为她找到一个住在和她的两个儿子一起的女士家里的工作。 —

A week after Katusha had entered the house the elder, a big fellow with moustaches, threw up his studies and made love to her, continually following her about. —
卡秋莎进入老人家一个星期后,那个留着胡子的大个子就放弃了学业,不断地追随着她,开始与她发生关系。 —

His mother laid all the blame on Katusha, and gave her notice.

It so happened that, after many fruitless attempts to find a situation, Katusha again went to the registry office, and there met a woman with bracelets on her bare, plump arms and rings on most of her fingers. —
确实,尽管多次找不到工作,卡秋莎又回到了人才市场,那里遇到了一位手臂上戴着手镯,许多手指上戴着戒指的女人。 —

Hearing that Katusha was badly in want of a place, the woman gave her her address, and invited her to come to her house. —
得知卡秋莎急需找工作,那位女人给了她自己的地址,并邀请她来自己家。 —

Katusha went. The woman received her very kindly, set cake and sweet wine before her, then wrote a note and gave it to a servant to take to somebody. —
卡秋莎去了。那位女士非常亲切地接待她,端上了蛋糕和甜酒,然后写了一张纸条,交给一个仆人送去给某人。 —

In the evening a tall man, with long, grey hair and a white beard, entered the room, and sat down at once near Katusha, smiling and gazing at her with glistening eyes. —
晚上,一个留着长发、白胡子的高个子男人走进了房间,立刻坐在卡秋莎旁边,微笑着,眼睛闪亮地看着她。 —

He began joking with her. The hostess called him away into the next room, and Katusha heard her say, “A fresh one from the country,” Then the hostess called Katusha aside and told her that the man was an author, and that he had a great deal of money, and that if he liked her he would not grudge her anything. —
他开始跟她开玩笑。女主人把他叫到隔壁房间,卡秋莎听见她说,“一个乡下来的新人。”然后女主人把卡秋莎叫到一边告诉她,那男人是位作家,而且很有钱,如果他喜欢你,他会毫不吝啬地满足你的任何要求。 —

He did like her, and gave her 25 roubles, promising to see her often. The 25 roubles soon went; —
他确实喜欢她,给了她25卢布,并承诺会经常见她。这25卢布很快就花完了。 —

some she paid to her aunt for board and lodging; —
她付了一部分给阿姨作为伙食费和住宿费; —

the rest was spent on a hat, ribbons, and such like. —
剩下的就用在了帽子、丝带等等上。 —

A few days later the author sent for her, and she went. —
几天后,那位作家叫她去了,她就去了。 —

He gave her another 25 roubles, and offered her a separate lodging.

Next door to the lodging rented for her by the author there lived a jolly young shopman, with whom Katusha soon fell in love. —
就在作家为她租的住所旁边,住着一个快乐的年轻店员,卡秋莎很快就爱上了他。 —

She told the author, and moved to a little lodging of her own. —
她告诉了作家,搬到了自己的小住所。 —

The shopman, who promised to marry her, went to Nijni on business without mentioning it to her, having evidently thrown her up, and Katusha remained alone. —
那位店员没提前告诉她,显然已经和她分手,去尼jni办事了,卡秋莎留下独自一人。 —

She meant to continue living in the lodging by herself, but was informed by the police that in this case she would have to get a license. —
她打算继续独自住在寄宿处,但被警察告知,在这种情况下她必须得到许可证。 —

She returned to her aunt. Seeing her fine dress, her hat, and mantle, her aunt no longer offered her laundry work. —
她回到了她姑母家。看到她华丽的服装、帽子和披风,她姑母不再给她洗衣的工作。 —

As she understood things, her niece had risen above that sort of thing. —
她认为,她的侄女已经超越了那种事情。 —

The question as to whether she was to become a laundress or not did not occur to Katusha, either. —
关于她是否将成为一名洗衣女工的问题,卡秋莎没有考虑过。 —

She looked with pity at the thin, hard-worked laundresses, some already in consumption, who stood washing or ironing with their thin arms in the fearfully hot front room, which was always full of soapy steam and draughts from the windows, and thought with horror that she might have shared the same fate.

Katusha had begun to smoke some time before, and since the young shopman had thrown her up she was getting more and more into the habit of drinking. —
卡秋莎很久之前就开始抽烟,自从那位年轻店员和她分手后,她越来越沉迷于喝酒。 —

It was not so much the flavour of wine that tempted her as the fact that it gave her a chance of forgetting the misery she suffered, making her feel more unrestrained and more confident of her own worth, which she was not when quite sober; —
诱使她的并不是葡萄酒的味道,而是它让她有机会忘记她所遭受的痛苦,让她感觉更加放荡和对自己的价值更加自信,而她并不是完全清醒时; —

without wine she felt sad and ashamed. Just at this time a woman came along who offered to place her in one of the largest establishments in the city, explaining all the advantages and benefits of the situation. —
没有酒,她感到悲伤和羞愧。正是在这个时候,有一位妇女走来,提出让她在城里最大的一家机构里工作,解释了这个职位的所有优势和利益。 —

Katusha had the choice before her of either going into service or accepting this offer–and she chose the latter. —
卡秋莎面临着要么去当女佣,要么接受这个提议的选择-而她选择了后者。 —

Besides, it seemed to her as though, in this way, she could revenge herself on her betrayer and the shopman and all those who had injured her. —
此外,她觉得,这样做,她可以报复她的背叛者,店员和所有伤害过她的人。 —

One of the things that tempted her, and was the cause of her decision, was the woman telling her she might order her own dresses–velvet, silk, satin, low-necked ball dresses, anything she liked. —
让她心动的一件事,并导致她做出决定的原因之一是,那位妇女告诉她,她可以自己定制衣服-天鹅绒、丝绸、缎子、低领舞会裙,任何她喜欢的。 —

A mental picture of herself in a bright yellow silk trimmed with black velvet with low neck and short sleeves conquered her, and she gave up her passport. —
一幅她穿着明黄色丝绸、镶有黑天鹅绒的低领短袖裙的形象征服了她,她放弃了她的护照。 —

On the same evening the procuress took an isvostchik and drove her to the notorious house kept by Carolina Albertovna Kitaeva.

From that day a life of chronic sin against human and divine laws commenced for Katusha Maslova, a life which is led by hundreds of thousands of women, and which is not merely tolerated but sanctioned by the Government, anxious for the welfare of its subjects; —
从那天起,卡秋莎·马斯洛娃开始了一种反人类和反神圣法律的慢性罪恶生活,这种生活被成千上万的妇女过着,并且不仅被容忍而且得到政府的认可,政府渴望保障其公民的福祉; —

a life which for nine women out of ten ends in painful disease, premature decrepitude, and death.

Katusha Maslova lived this life for seven years. —
卡秋莎·玛斯洛娃在这个世界上生活了七年。 —

During these years she twice changed houses, and had once been to the hospital. —
在这些年里,她换过两次房子,一次去过医院。 —

In the seventh year of this life, when she was twenty-six years old, happened that for which she was put in prison and for which she was now being taken to be tried, after more than three months of confinement with thieves and murderers in the stifling air of a prison.


