
There were still two hours before the passenger train by which Nekhludoff was going would start. —
离涅赫留多夫搭乘的客运列车还有两个小时才会启动。 —

He had thought of using this interval to see his sister again; —
他想利用这段时间再次见到他的妹妹; —

but after the impressions of the morning he felt much excited and so done up that, sitting down on a sofa in the first-class refreshment-room, he suddenly grew so drowsy that he turned over on to his side, and, laying his face on his hand, fell asleep at once. —
但在上午的种种印象后,他感到非常兴奋和疲惫,于是坐在头等休息室的沙发上,突然感到困意袭来,他一侧身,把脸埋在手上,立刻睡着了。 —

A waiter in a dress coat with a napkin in his hand woke him.

“Sir, sir, are you not Prince Nekhludoff? There’s a lady looking for you.”

Nekhludoff started up and recollected where he was and all that had happened in the morning.

He saw in his imagination the procession of prisoners, the dead bodies, the railway carriages with barred windows, and the women locked up in them, one of whom was groaning in travail with no one to help her, and another who was pathetically smiling at him through the bars.

The reality before his eyes was very different, i. —
眼前的现实却大不相同,即一张桌子上摆着花瓶、烛台和陶器,灵活的侍者在桌边走动,背景是摆满水果和瓶子的橱柜和柜台,后面站着一个酒保,正面是前来用餐的乘客的背影。 —

e., a table with vases, candlesticks and crockery, and agile waiters moving round the table, and in the background a cupboard and a counter laden with fruit and bottles, behind it a barman, and in front the backs of passengers who had come up for refreshments. —
当涅赫柳多夫起身渐渐收拾思绪时,他注意到房间里的每个人都在好奇地看着一些从开着的门前经过。 —

When Nekhludoff had risen and sat gradually collecting his thoughts, he noticed that everybody in the room was inquisitively looking at something that was passing by the open doors.

He also looked, and saw a group of people carrying a chair on which sat a lady whose head was wrapped in a kind of airy fabric.

Nekhludoff thought he knew the footman who was supporting the chair in front. —
后面的那位男子也是他认识的,还有一个头戴金色穗帽的门房看上去也很熟悉。 —

And also the man behind, and a doorkeeper with gold cord on his cap, seemed familiar. —
他也想起他认识的那个支撑椅子的男仆,以及后面的那位男子,还有一个穿着金边穗帽的门房,他看上去似曾相识。 —

A lady’s maid with a fringe and an apron, who was carrying a parcel, a parasol, and something round in a leather case, was walking behind the chair. —
一个留有刘海,腰间围着围裙的女仆,背着一个包裹、一把阳伞,和一个皮箱里的圆形物件,跟在椅子后面走着。 —

Then came Prince Korchagin, with his thick lips, apoplectic neck, and a travelling cap on his head; —
接着是科尔恰金王子,嘴唇厚厚的,颈部憋红,头戴旅行帽; —

behind him Missy, her cousin Misha, and an acquaintance of Nekhludoff’s–the long-necked diplomat Osten, with his protruding Adam’s apple and his unvarying merry mood and expression. —
在他身后跟着米茜、她的表弟米沙,还有涅赫卢多夫的一个熟人–长颈鸟一样的外交官奥斯特,他突出的咽子和总是笑眯眯的表情。 —

He was saying something very emphatically, though jokingly, to the smiling Missy. The Korchagins were moving from their estate near the city to the estate of the Princess’s sister on the Nijni railway. —
他正跟笑嘻嘻的米茜说着什么,虽然语气很坚定,但也充满了玩笑。科尔恰金家正在从市区附近的地产迁往尼日尼铁路上公主姐姐的地产。 —

The procession–the men carrying the chair, the maid, and the doctor–vanished into the ladies’ waiting-room, evoking a feeling of curiosity and respect in the onlookers. —
这一队–扛着椅子的人,女仆和医生–进入了女休息室,引起旁观者们的好奇和尊敬之情。 —

But the old Prince remained and sat down at the table, called a waiter, and ordered food and drink. —
但老王子留了下来,坐到桌子旁,招呼了一个侍者,点了食物和饮料。 —

Missy and Osten also remained in the refreshment-room and were about to sit down, when they saw an acquaintance in the doorway, and went up to her. —
米茜和奥斯特也在休息室里坐下,正要坐下时,看到门口有个熟人,就朝她走去。 —

It was Nathalie Rogozhinsky. Nathalie came into the refreshment-room accompanied by Agraphena Petrovna, and both looked round the room. —
是娜塔莉·罗戈津斯卡。娜塔莉和雅格拉芬娜·彼得罗芙娜进入了休息室,两人环顾了一圈房间。 —

Nathalie noticed at one and the same moment both her brother and Missy. She first went up to Missy, only nodding to her brother; —
娜塔莉同时注意到了她的兄弟和米茜。她先走到米茜身边,只对她兄弟点了点头; —

but, having kissed her, at once turned to him.

“At last I have found you,” she said. Nekhludoff rose to greet Missy, Misha, and Osten, and to say a few words to them. —
“终于找到你了,”她说。涅赫卢多夫起身迎接米茜、米沙和奥斯特,并和他们说了几句话。 —

Missy told him about their house in the country having been burnt down, which necessitated their moving to her aunt’s. —
米茜告诉他他们乡间的房子被烧毁,所以他们不得不搬到她姨妈家去。 —

Osten began relating a funny story about a fire. —
奥斯特开始讲一个关于火灾的有趣故事。 —

Nekhludoff paid no attention, and turned to his sister.

“How glad I am that you have come.”

“I have been here a long time,” she said. “Agraphena Petrovna is with me.” —
“我在这里已经很久了,”她说。“阿格拉芬娜·彼得罗芙娜和我在一起。” —

And she pointed to Agraphena Petrovna, who, in a waterproof and with a bonnet on her head, stood some way off, and bowed to him with kindly dignity and some confusion, not wishing to intrude.

“We looked for you everywhere.”

“And I had fallen asleep here. How glad I am that you have come,” repeated Nekhludoff. —
“我在这里睡着了。你们来了真是太高兴了。”涅赫留道重复说。 —

“I had begun to write to you.”

“Really?” she said, looking frightened. “What about?”

Missy and the gentleman, noticing that an intimate conversation was about to commence between the brother and sister, went away. —
女士和那位男士看到兄妹俩即将开始一场亲密的谈话,就走开了。 —

Nekhludoff and his sister sat down by the window on a velvet-covered sofa, on which lay a plaid, a box, and a few other things.

“Yesterday, after I left you, I felt inclined to return and express my regret, but I did not know how he would take it,” said Nekhludoff. —
“昨天我离开你后,感到后悔想回去道歉,但不知道他会怎么看待。”涅赫留道说。 —

“I spoke hastily to your husband, and this tormented me.”

“I knew,” said his sister, “that you did not mean to. Oh, you know!” —
“我知道,”姐姐说,“你并不是故意的。哦,你知道!” —

and the tears came to her eyes, and she touched his hand. —
说到这,她热泪盈眶,摸了摸他的手。 —

The sentence was not clear, but he understood it perfectly, and was touched by what it expressed. —
尽管话语并不清晰,但他却明白其含义,并被表达的情感所感动。 —

Her words meant that, besides the love for her husband which held her in its sway, she prized and considered important the love she had for him, her brother, and that every misunderstanding between them caused her deep suffering.

“Thank you, thank you. Oh! what I have seen to-day!” —
“谢谢你,谢谢你。哦,我今天见到了什么!” —

he said, suddenly recalling the second of the dead convicts. —
他说,突然想起了第二名死去的囚犯。 —

“Two prisoners have been done to death.”

“Done to death? How?”

“Yes, done to death. They led them in this heat, and two died of sunstroke.”

“Impossible! What, to-day? just now?”

“Yes, just now. I have seen their bodies.”

“But why done to death? Who killed them?” asked Nathalie.

“They who forced them to go killed them,” said Nekhludoff, with irritation, feeling that she looked at this, too, with her husband’s eyes.

“Oh, Lord!” said Agraphena Petrovna, who had come up to them.

“Yes, we have not the slightest idea of what is being done to these unfortunate beings. —
“是的,我们对这些不幸的人所受的遭遇一无所知。 —

But it ought to be known,” added Nekhludoff, and looked at old Korchagin, who sat with a napkin tied round him and a bottle before him, and who looked round at Nekhludoff.

“Nekhludoff,” he called out, “won’t you join me and take some refreshment? —
“涅赫留多夫,”他喊道,“你要和我一起享用些点心吗? —

It is excellent before a journey.”

Nekhludoff refused, and turned away.

“But what are you going to do?” Nathalie continued.

“What I can. I don’t know, but I feel I must do something. And I shall do what I am able to.”

“Yes, I understand. And how about them?” she continued, with a smile and a look towards Korchagin. —
“是的,我理解。那他们呢?”她继续说着,微笑着看向科尔恰金。 —

“Is it possible that it is all over?”

“Completely, and I think without any regret on either side.”

“It is a pity. I am sorry. I am fond of her. However, it’s all right. —
“有点遗憾。我很难过。我喜欢她。不过,没关系。 —

But why do you wish to bind yourself?” she added shyly. —
但你为什么要约束自己?”她羞怯地补充道。 —

“Why are you going?”

“I go because I must,” answered Nekhludoff, seriously and dryly, as if wishing to stop this conversation. —
“我去因为我必须去,”涅克拉杜夫认真而干脆地回答道,仿佛希望结束这段对话。 —

But he felt ashamed of his coldness towards his sister at once. —
但他立刻对自己对妹妹的冷漠感到羞愧。 —

“Why not tell her all I am thinking?” he thought, “and let Agraphena Petrovna also hear it,” he thought, with a look at the old servant, whose presence made the wish to repeat his decision to his sister even stronger.

“You mean my intention to marry Katusha? Well, you see, I made up my mind to do it, but she refuses definitely and firmly,” he said, and his voice shook, as it always did when he spoke of it. —
“你是指我要和卡图夏结婚的打算吗?嗯,你看,我已经下定决心要这样做,但她坚决而明确地拒绝了,”他说道,声音颤抖着,这总是在谈论这件事的时候发生。 —

“She does not wish to accept my sacrifice, but is herself sacrificing what in her position means much, and I cannot accept this sacrifice, if it is only a momentary impulse. —
“她不愿接受我的牺牲,却自己做出了在她这个处境下意味着很多的牺牲,我无法接受这种牺牲,如果这只是一时冲动。 —

And so I am going with her, and shall be where she is, and shall try to lighten her fate as much as I can.”

Nathalie said nothing. Agraphena Petrovna looked at her with a questioning look, and shook her head. —
娜塔莉什么也没有说。阿格拉芬娜·彼得罗夫娜看着她,摇了摇头。 —

At this moment the former procession issued from the ladies’ room. —
此时,从女伯爵休息室走出一行人。 —

The same handsome footman (Philip). and the doorkeeper were carrying the Princess Korchagin. —
同样那名英俊的男仆(菲利普)和门警正抬着柯尔恰金公主。 —

She stopped the men who were carrying her, and motioned to Nekhludoff to approach, and, with a pitiful, languishing air, she extended her white, ringed hand, expecting the firm pressure of his hand with a sense of horror.

“Epouvantable!” she said, meaning the heat. “I cannot stand it! Ce climat me tue!” —
“可怕!”她说,指的是炎热。 “我受不了!这种气候会害死我!” —

And, after a short talk about the horrors of the Russian climate, she gave the men a sign to go on.

“Be sure and come,” she added, turning her long face towards Nekhludoff as she was borne away.

The procession with the Princess turned to the right towards the first-class carriages. —
带着公主的队伍向右边的头等车厢走去。 —

Nekhludoff, with the porter who was carrying his things, and Taras with his bag, turned to the left.

“This is my companion,” said Nekhludoff to his sister, pointing to Taras, whose story he had told her before.

“Surely not third class?” said Nathalie, when Nekhludoff stopped in front of a third-class carriage, and Taras and the porter with the things went in.

“Yes; it is more convenient for me to be with Taras,” he said. “One thing more,” he added; —
“是的,和塔拉斯在一起对我更方便,”他说。“还有一件事,”他补充道; —

“up to now I have not given the Kousminski land to the peasants; —
“到目前为止我还没有把库兹明斯基的土地给农民们; —

so that, in case of my death, your children will inherit it.”

“Dmitri, don’t!” said Nathalie.

“If I do give it away, all I can say is that the rest will be theirs, as it is not likely I shall marry; —
“如果我真的把它送出去了,我能说的是剩下的将属于他们,因为我不太可能结婚; —

and if I do marry I shall have no children, so that–”

“Dmitri, don’t talk like that!” said Nathalie. —
“迪米特里,别说这些!”娜塔莉说。 —

And yet Nekhludoff noticed that she was glad to hear him say it.

Higher up, by the side of a first-class carriage, there stood a group of people still looking at the carriage into which the Princess Korchagin had been carried. —
靠近头等车厢的一群人站着看着将公主科尔恰金抬上去的车厢。 —

Most of the passengers were already seated. —
大部分乘客已经坐着了。 —

Some of the late comers hurriedly clattered along the boards of the platform, the guard was closing the doors and asking the passengers to get in and those who were seeing them off to come out.

Nekhludoff entered the hot, smelling carriage, but at once stepped out again on to the small platform at the back of the carriage. —
涅赫留道夫走进那个又热又臭的车厢,但立刻又走到了车厢后面的小平台上。 —

Nathalie stood opposite the carriage, with her fashionable bonnet and cape, by the side of Agraphena Petrovna, and was evidently trying to find something to say.

She could not even say ecrivez, because they had long ago laughed at this word, habitually spoken by those about to part. —
她甚至无法说出”写”这个词,因为他们早已笑话过这个词,习惯性地被那些即将分别的人说出。 —

The short conversation about money matters had in a moment destroyed the tender brotherly and sisterly feelings that had taken hold of them. —
关于金钱问题的短暂谈话一瞬间破坏了他们之间萌生的柔情兄妹之情。 —

They felt estranged, so that Nathalie was glad when the train moved; —
他们感到疏远,所以娜塔莉在火车开走时感到高兴; —

and she could only say, nodding her head with a sad and tender look, “Goodbye, good-bye, Dmitri.” —
而她只能说着,眼含悲伤和柔情地点着头,“再见,再见,德米特里。” —

But as soon as the carriage had passed her she thought of how she should repeat her conversation with her brother to her husband, and her face became serious and troubled.

Nekhludoff, too, though he had nothing but the kindest feelings for his sister, and had hidden nothing from her, now felt depressed and uncomfortable with her, and was glad to part. —
尼赫鲁多夫,虽然对妹妹没有别的情感,也没有对她隐瞒什么,现在却感到压抑和不舒服,很高兴离开。 —

He felt that the Nathalie who was once so near to him no longer existed, and in her place was only a slave of that hairy, unpleasant husband, who was so foreign to him. —
他感到那个曾经亲近的娜塔莉已不复存在,取而代之的只是那个令人厌恶的、对他来说如此陌生的丈夫的奴隶。 —

He saw it clearly when her face lit up with peculiar animation as he spoke of what would peculiarly interest her husband, i. —
当他谈到可能非常吸引她丈夫的事情时,即让土地归还给农民和继承权的事情时,他清楚地看到了这一点。 —

e., the giving up of the land to the peasants and the inheritance.

And this made him sad.