
Through a door, at the back of the room, entered, with a wriggling gait, the thin, yellow Vera Doukhova, with her large, kind eyes.

“Thanks for having come,” she said, pressing Nekhludoff’s hand. —
“感谢你过来了,”她说着握住涅克拉杜依夫的手。 —

“Do you remember me? Let us sit down.”

“I did not expect to see you like this.”

“Oh, I am very happy. It is so delightful, so delightful, that I desire nothing better,” said Vera Doukhova, with the usual expression of fright in the large, kind, round eyes fixed on Nekhludoff, and twisting the terribly thin, sinewy neck, surrounded by the shabby, crumpled, dirty collar of her bodice. —
“哦,我很高兴。这是如此的令人愉悦,如此愉悦,我无法求得更好的了。”维拉·杜霍娃说着,依旧那恐惧的表情出现在大大的慈祥圆眼中,她扭动着那着实瘦弱的、由破旧、褶皱、脏的衣领围绕的颈部。 —

Nekhludoff asked her how she came to be in prison.

In answer she began relating all about her affairs with great animation. —
作为回答,她开始滔滔不绝地讲述着她的事务。 —

Her speech was intermingled with a great many long words, such as propaganda, disorganisation, social groups, sections and sub-sections, about which she seemed to think everybody knew, but which Nekhludoff had never heard of.

She told him all the secrets of the Nardovolstvo, [literally, “People’s Freedom,” a revolutionary movement] evidently convinced that he was pleased to hear them. —
她告诉涅克拉杜依夫关于纳罗多夫斯托的一切秘密,显然确信他很乐意听到。 —

Nekhludoff looked at her miserable little neck, her thin, unkempt hair, and wondered why she had been doing all these strange things, and why she was now telling all this to him. —
涅克拉杜依夫看着她那可怜的细细的脖子,那头稀疏、邋遢的头发,想知道为什么她一直在做这些奇怪的事情,为什么她现在对他如此倾诉。 —

He pitied her, but not as he had pitied Menshoff, the peasant, kept for no fault of his own in the stinking prison. —
他对她感到怜悯,但并非像怜悯憋在那肮脏监狱里、并没有实际过错的农民梅什霍夫那样。 —

She was pitiable because of the confusion that filled her mind. —
她可怜是因为她的头脑中充满了混乱。 —

It was clear that she considered herself a heroine, and was ready to give her life for a cause, though she could hardly have explained what that cause was and in what its success would lie.

The business that Vera Doukhova wanted to see Nekhludoff about was the following: —
维拉·杜霍娃想要见涅克拉杜依夫的事务是这样的: —

A friend of hers, who had not even belonged to their “sub-group,” as she expressed it, had been arrested with her about five months before, and imprisoned in the Petropavlovsky fortress because some prohibited books and papers (which she had been asked to keep) had been found in her possession. —
她的一个朋友,甚至不属于他们所说的“小组”,大约五个月前与她一起被捕,并被关押在彼得堡要塞,因为在她的身上发现了一些禁书和文件(这些书和文件是她被要求保存的)。 —

Vera Doukhova felt herself in some measure to blame for her friend’s arrest, and implored Nekhludoff, who had connections among influential people, to do all he could in order to set this friend free.
Vera Doukhova 觉得在她朋友被捕方面有些责任,恳求涅赫卢多夫尽其所能来帮助释放这位朋友,因为他在有影响力的人中有联系。

Besides this, Doukhova asked him to try and get permission for another friend of hers, Gourkevitch (who was also imprisoned in the Petropavlovsky fortress), to see his parents, and to procure some scientific books which he required for his studies. —
除此之外,Doukhova 请求他尽量争取许可,让他的另一个朋友古尔科维奇(也被关押在彼得堡要塞)见父母,并获取一些他需要的科学书籍。 —

Nekhludoff promised to do what he could when he went to Petersburg.

As to her own story, this is what she said: —
至于自己的故事,她这样说: —

Having finished a course of midwifery, she became connected with a group of adherents to the Nardovolstvo, and made up her mind to agitate in the revolutionary movement. —
完成接产助产士课程后,她与一群民族自由主义者联系在一起,并决定在革命运动中进行宣传。 —

At first all went on smoothly. She wrote proclamations and occupied herself with propaganda work in the factories; —
起初一切顺利。她写传单,在工厂进行宣传工作; —

then, an important member having been arrested, their papers were seized and all concerned were arrested. —
然后,一个重要成员被捕后,他们的文件被没收,所有有关人员均被逮捕。 —

“I was also arrested, and shall be exiled. But what does it matter? —
“我也被捕,将被流放。但这有什么关系呢? —

I feel perfectly happy.” She concluded her story with a piteous smile.

Nekhludoff made some inquiries concerning the girl with the prominent eyes. —
涅赫卢多夫对这位眼神炯炯的女孩进行了一些询问。 —

Vera Doukhova told him that this girl was the daughter of a general, and had been long attached to the revolutionary party, and was arrested because she had pleaded guilty to having shot a gendarme. —
Vera Doukhova告诉他,这位女孩是一位将军的女儿,长期以来与革命党结缘,并因自认射杀一名沙皇宪兵而被捕。 —

She lived in a house with some conspirators, where they had a secret printing press. —
她和一些密谋者住在一栋有秘密印刷厂的房子里。 —

One night, when the police came to search this house, the occupiers resolved to defend themselves, put out the light, and began destroying the things that might incriminate them. —
一天晚上,警察来搜查这所房子时,屋内的人决定自卫,关掉了灯光,并开始销毁可能使他们受牵连的东西。 —

The police forced their way in, and one of the conspirators fired, and mortally wounded a gendarme. —
警察强行闯入,其中一名密谋者开枪击伤一名沙皇宪兵,使他身受致命伤。 —

When an inquiry was instituted, this girl said that it was she who had fired, although she had never had a revolver in her hands, and would not have hurt a fly. —
当调查开始时,这名女孩说是她开枪了,尽管她从未拿过左轮手枪,也绝不会伤害一只苍蝇。 —

And she kept to it, and was now condemned to penal servitude in Siberia.

“An altruistic, fine character,” said Vera Doukhova, approvingly.
“一位利他主义者,品格高尚的人。” Vera Doukhova 肯定地说。

The third business that Vera Doukhova wanted to talk about concerned Maslova. —
Vera Doukhova 想要谈论的第三件事情涉及到了 Maslova。 —

She knew, as everybody does know in prison, the story of Maslova’s life and his connection with her, and advised him to take steps to get her removed into the political prisoner’s ward, or into the hospital to help to nurse the sick, of which there were very many at that time, so that extra nurses were needed.
她知道,就像监狱里的每个人都知道的那样,关于 Maslova 的生活故事及其与她的联系,她建议他采取措施让她转移到政治犯区,或者进入医院帮助照料病人,那时病人很多,因此需要额外的护士。

Nekhludoff thanked her for the advice, and said he would try to act upon it.
Nekhludoff 感谢她的建议,并表示将尽力采取行动。