
This is what Mary Pavlovna and Katusha saw when they came up to the scene whence the noise proceeded. The officer, a sturdy fellow, with fair moustaches, stood uttering words of foul and coarse abuse, and rubbing with his left the palm of his right hand, which he had hurt in hitting a prisoner on the face. —
这就是玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜和卡楚莎看到的场景,从那里传出噪音。这名军官,一个身体强壮的家伙,胡子很淡,站在那里发出粗鄙的辱骂之词,并用左手揉着因打一名囚犯脸而受伤的右手掌。 —

In front of him a thin, tall convict, with half his head shaved and dressed in a cloak too short for him and trousers much too short, stood wiping his bleeding face with one hand, and holding a little shrieking girl wrapped in a shawl with the other.

“I’ll give it you” (foul abuse); “I’ll teach you to reason” (more abuse); —
“我会打你”(粗鲁辱骂);“我会教育你懂道理”(更多辱骂); —

“you’re to give her to the women!” shouted the officer. —
“你应该把她交给妇女!”军官喊道。 —

“Now, then, on with them.”

The convict, who was exiled by the Commune, had been carrying his little daughter all the way from Tomsk, where his wife had died of typhus, and now the officer ordered him to be manacled. —
这名被共产主义流放的囚犯一路从托木斯克抱着自己的小女儿走来,他的妻子在那里死于伤寒,现在军官却命令他戴上镣铐。 —

The exile’s explanation that he could not carry the child if he was manacled irritated the officer, who happened to be in a bad temper, and he gave the troublesome prisoner a beating. —
流放者解释说,如果他戴上镣铐,就无法抱着孩子,这惹怒了心情不好的军官,他殴打了这个讨厌的囚犯。 —

[A fact described by Lineff in his “Transportation”. —
[该事实由林内夫在他的《流放》一书中描述。 —

] Before the injured convict stood a convoy soldier, and a black-bearded prisoner with manacles on one hand and a look of gloom on his face, which he turned now to the officer, now to the prisoner with the little girl.
] 在受伤的囚犯面前站着一个押送士兵,一个黑胡子的囚犯的一只手上戴着镣铐,脸上露出一副愁苦的表情,他此刻时不时地把目光转向军官,时不时地转向手抱小女孩的囚犯。

The officer repeated his orders for the soldiers to take away the girl. —
军官重复命令士兵把女孩带走。 —

The murmur among the prisoners grew louder.

“All the way from Tomsk they were not put on,” came a hoarse voice from some one in the rear. —
“从托木斯克一路上他们都没有把人镣上”,后方传来一声嘶哑的声音。 —

“It’s a child, and not a puppy.”

“What’s he to do with the lassie? That’s not the law,” said some one else.

“Who’s that?” shouted the officer as if he had been stung, and rushed into the crowd.

“I’ll teach you the law. Who spoke. You? You?”

“Everybody says so, because-” said a short, broad-faced prisoner.

Before he had finished speaking the officer hit him in the face.

“Mutiny, is it? I’ll show you what mutiny means. —
“哗变,是吗?我会告诉你们哗变意味着什么。 —

I’ll have you all shot like dogs, and the authorities will be only too thankful. Take the girl.”

The crowd was silent. One convoy soldier pulled away the girl, who was screaming desperately, while another manacled the prisoner, who now submissively held out his hand.

“Take her to the women,” shouted the officer, arranging his sword belt.

The little girl, whose face had grown quite red, was trying to disengage her arms from under the shawl, and screamed unceasingly. —
那个脸红得通红的小女孩试图从披肩下挣脱出双臂,不停地尖叫着。 —

Mary Pavlovna stepped out from among the crowd and came up to the officer.

“Will you allow me to carry the little girl?” she said.

“Who are you?” asked the officer.

“A political prisoner.”

Mary Pavlovna’s handsome face, with the beautiful prominent eyes (he had noticed her before when the prisoners were given into his charge), evidently produced an effect on the officer. —
玛丽·帕夫洛芙娜那俊俏的脸庞,带着美丽的凸出的眼睛(当囚犯们被交付他的监管时他注意到了她),显然对军官产生了影响。 —

He looked at her in silence as if considering, then said: “I don’t care; carry her if you like. —
他默默地看着她,仿佛在考虑,然后说:“我不在乎;你想抱着她就抱吧。” —

It is easy for you to show pity; if he ran away who would have to answer?”
1, 你很容易感到同情;如果他跑了,谁来负责呢?”

“How could he run away with the child in his arms?” said Mary Pavlovna.
2, “他怎么能抱着孩子就跑?” 玛丽·帕夫洛芙娜说。

“I have no time to talk with you. Take her if you like.”
3, “我没时间和你说话。喜欢的话就带她。”

“Shall I give her?” asked the soldier.
4, “我给她吗?”士兵问道。

“Yes, give her.”
5, “是的,给她。”

“Come to me,” said Mary Pavlovna, trying to coax the child to come to her.
6, “过来吧,”玛丽·帕夫洛芙娜说,试图哄骗孩子过来。

But the child in the soldier’s arms stretched herself towards her father and continued to scream, and would not go to Mary Pavlovna.
7, 但是士兵怀里的孩子朝着她爸爸伸了出去,继续尖叫,不肯去玛丽·帕夫洛芙娜那里。

“Wait a bit, Mary Pavlovna,” said Maslova, getting a rusk out of her bag; “she will come to me.”
8, “等一会儿,玛丽·帕夫洛芙娜,”玛斯洛娃从包里拿出了一块干饼干;“她会来找我。”

The little girl knew Maslova, and when she saw her face and the rusk she let her take her. —
9, 小女孩认识玛斯洛娃,看到她的脸和饼干后,就让她抱起来。 —

All was quiet. The gates were opened, and the gang stepped out, the convoy counted the prisoners over again, the bags were packed and tied on to the carts, the weak seated on the top. —
10, 一切安静下来。大门打开了,队伍走了出去,押送人员重新点了囚犯的数目,包袋被打包绑到车上,弱者被安排在上面坐着。 —

Maslova with the child in her arms took her place among the women next to Theodosia. —
11, 抱着孩子的玛斯洛娃和忒奥多西娅坐在妇女们中间。 —

Simonson, who had all the time been watching what was going on, stepped with large, determined strides up to the officer, who, having given his orders, was just getting into a trap, and said, “You have behaved badly.”
12, 一直留意着发生的事情的西蒙森大步走向刚刚下命令准备上马车的军官,说道,“你表现得很糟糕。”

“Get to your place; it is no business of yours.”
13, “回你的位置去;这不关你的事。”

“It is my business to tell you that you have behaved badly and I have said it,” said Simonson, looking intently into the officer’s face from under his bushy eyebrows.
14, “告诉你你做得很糟糕,这是我的事,我就说了。” 西蒙森从浓密的眉毛下凝视着军官的脸。

“Ready? March!” the officer called out, paying no heed to Simonson, and, taking hold of the driver’s shoulder, he got into the trap. —
15, “准备好了吗?前进!”军官不理会西蒙森,握着车夫的肩膀,他上了马车。 —

The gang started and spread out as it stepped on to the muddy high road with ditches on each side, which passed through a dense forest.
