
The carters had left the inn long before Nekhludoff awoke. —
车夫早在涅赫鲁多夫醒来之前就离开了客栈。 —

The landlady had had her tea, and came in wiping her fat, perspiring neck with her handkerchief, and said that a soldier had brought a note from the halting station. —
女地主已经喝完茶,擦着满是汗水的肥胖脖子,拿着手帕进来说有位士兵从驿站送来一封信。 —

The note was from Mary Pavlovna. She wrote that Kryltzoff’s attack was more serious than they had imagined. —
信是玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜写的。她写道克里尔佐夫的病情比他们想象的还要严重。 —

“We wished him to be left behind and to remain with him, but this has not been allowed, so that we shall take him on; —
“我们希望他能留在后面,和他一起呆在那里,但这是不被允许的,所以我们将带他继续走; —

but we fear the worst. Please arrange so that if he should he left in the next town, one of us might remain with him. —
但我们担心情况不妙。请安排,如果他被留在下一个城镇,我们之中一个可以留下来陪他。 —

If in order to get the permission to stay I should be obliged to get married to him, I am of course ready to do so.”

Nekhludoff sent the young labourer to the post station to order horses and began packing up hurriedly. —
涅赫鲁多夫让年轻劳工去驿站点马,急匆匆地收拾行李。 —

Before he had drunk his second tumbler of tea the three-horsed postcart drove up to the porch with ringing bells, the wheels rattling on the frozen mud as on stones. —
在喝下第二杯茶之前,带着叮当作响的铃铛,车轮在冻土上发出哗哗声音的三匹马的驿车驶到门廊前。 —

Nekhludoff paid the fat-necked landlady, hurried out and got into the cart, and gave orders to the driver to go on as fast as possible, so as to overtake the gang. —
涅赫鲁多夫付给那个肥颈地主妇,匆匆忙忙地跑出去上了车,并命令驾驶员尽快前进,以便赶上队伍。 —

Just past the gates of the commune pasture ground they did overtake the carts, loaded with sacks and the sick prisoners, as they rattled over the frozen mud, that was just beginning to be rolled smooth by the wheels (the officer was not there, he had gone in advance). —
刚过乡村牧场的大门,他们就追上了装满麻袋和病囚犯的马车,车轮在刚开始被车轮碾平的冻土上嘎吱作响(军官不在那里,他已经提前去了)。 —

The soldiers, who had evidently been drinking, followed by the side of the road, chatting merrily. —
显然已经喝了酒的士兵们在路边跟着聊着天,神情愉快。 —

There were a great many carts. In each of the first carts sat six invalid criminal convicts, close packed. —
有很多车。在每辆头车里,密密麻麻地坐着六名残疾的罪犯囚犯。 —

On each of the last two were three political prisoners. —
在最后两辆车上,每辆有三名政治犯。 —

Novodvoroff, Grabetz and Kondratieff sat on one, Rintzeva, Nabatoff and the woman to whom Mary Pavlovna had given up her own place on the other, and on one of the carts lay Kryltzoff on a heap of hay, with a pillow under his head, and Mary Pavlovna sat by him on the edge of the cart. —
诺沃多罗夫、格拉贝茨和孔德拉季耶夫坐在一辆上,林策娃、纳巴托夫和那位玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜为她让出位置的女人坐在另一辆上,而克里尔佐夫躺在一堆干草上,头下有个枕头,玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜坐在车边的边缘陪着他。 —

Nekhludoff ordered his driver to stop, got out and went up to Kryltzoff. —
尼赫鲁多夫让驾驶员停下车,下车走向克里尔佐夫。 —

One of the tipsy soldiers waved his hand towards Nekhludoff, but he paid no attention and started walking by Kryltzoff’s side, holding on to the side of the cart with his hand. —
醉醺醺的士兵中的一个向尼赫鲁多夫挥手,但他没有理会,开始和克里尔佐夫并肩走着,用手抓住马车的边缘。 —

Dressed in a sheepskin coat, with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief, he seemed paler and thinner than ever. —
穿着一件羊毛大衣,戴着一顶毛帽,嘴巴绑着手帕,他看起来比以往更苍白而消瘦。 —

His beautiful eyes looked very large and brilliant. —
他美丽的眼睛看起来很大很明亮。 —

Shaken from side to side by the jottings of the cart, he lay with his eyes fixed on Nekhludoff; —
在马车颠簸的摇摆中,他眼睛注视着尼赫鲁多夫; —

but when asked about his health, he only closed his eyes and angrily shook his head. —
但当问及他的健康时,他只是闭上眼睛,生气地摇摇头。 —

All his energy seemed to be needed in order to bear the jolting of the cart. —
似乎他所有的精力都需要用来忍受马车的颠簸。 —

Mary Pavlovna was on the other side. She exchanged a significant glance with Nekhludoff, which expressed all her anxiety about Kryltzoff’s state, and then began to talk at once in a cheerful manner.

“It seems the officer is ashamed of himself,” she shouted, so as to be heard above the rattle of the wheels. —
“看来军官对自己感到羞愧,”她大声喊道,以免被车轮的嘈杂声淹没。 —

“Bousovkin’s manacles have been removed, and he is carrying his little girl himself. —
“布索夫金的手铐已经摘掉了,他正在自己抱着女儿。 —

Katusha and Simonson are with him, and Vera, too. She has taken my place.”

Kryltzoff said something that could not be heard because of the noise, and frowning in the effort to repress his cough shook his head. —
克里尔佐夫说了一些因为噪音而听不清的话,皱着眉头努力克制咳嗽,摇了摇头。 —

Then Nekhludoff stooped towards him, so as to hear, and Kryltzoff, freeing his mouth of the handkerchief, whispered:

“Much better now. Only not to catch cold.”

Nekhludoff nodded in acquiescence, and again exchanged a glance with Mary Pavlovna.

“How about the problem of the three bodies?” —
“三体问题怎么样?” —

whispered Kryltzoff, smiling with great difficulty. —
克里尔茨夫低声说,勉力微笑。 —

“The solution is difficult.”

Nekhludoff did not understand, but Mary Pavlovna explained that he meant the well-known mathematical problem which defined the position of the sun, moon and earth, which Kryltzoff compared to the relations between Nekhludoff, Katusha and Simonson. —
涅赫卢多夫听不懂,但玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜解释说他指的是那个著名的数学问题,定义了太阳、月亮和地球的位置,而克里尔茨夫把它比作尼赫鲁多夫、卡图莎和西蒙松之间的关系。 —

Kryltzoff nodded, to show that Mary Pavlovna had explained his joke correctly.

“The decision does not lie with me,” Nekhludoff said.

“Did you get my note? Will you do it?” Mary Pavlovna asked.

“Certainly,” answered Nekhludoff; and noticing a look of displeasure on Kryltzoff’s face, he returned to his conveyance, and holding with both hands to the sides of the cart, got in, which jolted with him over the ruts of the rough road. —
“当然会的,”涅赫卢多夫回答;注意到克里尔茨夫脸上带着不悦的表情,他又回到了自己的马车里,双手抓住马车两侧,坐了进去,马车颠簸地在凹凸不平的路面上颠簸着。 —

He passed the gang, which, with its grey cloaks and sheepskin coats, chains and manacles, stretched over three-quarters of a mile of the road. —
他经过了那个囚禁者队伍,他们穿着灰色披风和羊皮外套,身上带着镣铐,铁链,他们沿着公路走了3/4英里。 —

On the opposite side of the road Nekhludoff noticed Katusha’s blue shawl, Vera Doukhova’s black coat, and Simonson’s crochet cap, white worsted stockings, with bands, like those of sandals, tied round him. —
路的另一边,涅赫卢多夫注意到卡图莎的蓝色披肩,维拉·杜霍娃的黑色外套,西蒙松的钩编帽子,白色的毛线长袜,像凉鞋那样的绑带。 —

Simonson was walking with the woman and carrying on a heated discussion.

When they saw Nekhludoff they bowed to him, and Simonson raised his hat in a solemn manner. —
看到涅赫卢多夫他们向他鞠了一个躬,西蒙松庄重地举起了帽子。 —

Nekhludoff, having nothing to say, did not stop, and was soon ahead of the carts. —
涅赫卢多夫没有要说的话,没有停下,很快就超过了马车。 —

Having got again on to a smoother part of the road, they drove still more quickly, but they had continually to turn aside to let pass long rows of carts that were moving along the road in both directions.

The road, which was cut up by deep ruts, lay through a thick pine forest, mingled with birch trees and larches, bright with yellow leaves they had not yet shed. —
这条被深沟划破的道路穿过一片茂密的松树林,掺杂着白桦和落叶松,明亮的黄叶还没有掉落。 —

By the time Nekhludoff had passed about half the gang he reached the end of the forest. —
当涅赫卢多夫走过一半的囚犯时,他来到了森林的尽头。 —

Fields now lay stretched along both sides of the road, and the crosses and cupolas of a monastery appeared in the distance. —
现在,路两旁展开着田野,远处出现了修道院的十字架和圆顶。 —

The clouds had dispersed, and it had cleared up completely; —
云散开了,完全放晴了; —

the leaves, the frozen puddles and the gilt crosses and cupolas of the monastery glittered brightly in the sun that had risen above the forest. —
树叶、冻结的水坑以及修道院的金色十字架和圆顶在上升到森林上方的太阳下闪闪发光。 —

A little to the right mountains began to gleam white in the blue-grey distance, and the trap entered a large village. —
稍微向右边,蓝灰色的远处开始闪耀白色的山峰,马车进入了一个大村庄。 —

The village street was full of people, both Russians and other nationalities, wearing peculiar caps and cloaks. —
村子的街道上挤满了穿着奇特帽子和斗篷的俄罗斯人和其他国籍的人。 —

Tipsy men and women crowded and chattered round booths, traktirs, public houses and carts. —
喝醉了的男人和女人挤在摊位、小酒馆、酒吧和马车周围闲谈。 —

The vicinity of a town was noticeable. Giving a pull and a lash of the whip to the horse on his right, the driver sat down sideways on the right edge of the scat, so that the reins hung over that side, and with evident desire of showing off, he drove quickly down to the river, which had to be crossed by a ferry. —
镇的附近多少有些明显。驾驶员给了右边的马一拉绳子和鞭子的鞭打,他向右边坐下,以侧身坐在座位的右边缘,使缰绳悬在那边,显然是想炫耀,他快速地驶向河边,那里需要乘渡船过河。 —

The raft was coming towards them, and had reached the middle of the river. —
筏子正朝他们驶来,已经到了河中间。 —

About twenty carts were waiting to cross. Nekhludoff had not long to wait. —
有大约二十辆马车在等候过河。涅赫卢多夫等的时间不长。 —

The raft, which had been pulled far up the stream, quickly approached the landing, carried by the swift waters. —
那艘筏子被拉到河上游远处,很快接近了码头,被急流冲着。 —

The tall, silent, broad-shouldered, muscular ferryman, dressed in sheepskins, threw the ropes and moored the raft with practised hand, landed the carts that were on it, and put those that were waiting on the bank on board. —
高大、沉默、宽肩膀、有肌肉的渡船夫,穿着绵羊皮,熟练地抛绳,系住筏子,把上面的马车卸下来,把等候在岸边的车辆拉上船。 —

The whole raft was filled with vehicles and horses shuffling at the sight of the water. —
整个筏子上挤满了车辆和因看到水而踅动的马匹。 —

The broad, swift river splashed against the sides of the ferryboats, tightening their moorings.

When the raft was full, and Nekhludoff’s cart, with the horses taken out of it, stood closely surrounded by other carts on the side of the raft, the ferryman barred the entrance, and, paying no heed to the prayers of those who had not found room in the raft, unfastened the ropes and set off.

All was quiet on the raft; one could hear nothing but the tramp of the ferryman’s boots and the horses changing from foot to foot.