
Nekhludoff was admitted by the advocate before his turn. —
顺序到来,内赫卢多夫被律师接见。 —

The advocate at once commenced to talk about the Menshoffs’ case, which he had read with indignation at the inconsistency of the accusation.

“This case is perfectly revolting,” he said; —
“这个案子简直令人厌恶,“他说; —

“it is very likely that the owner himself set fire to the building in order to get the insurance money, and the chief thing is that there is no evidence to prove the Menshoffs’ guilt. —
“很有可能是业主自己纵火,为了索赔保险金,最重要的是没有证据证明门舍夫家的罪行。 —

There are no proofs whatever. It is all owing to the special zeal of the examining magistrate and the carelessness of the prosecutor. —
完全没有证据。这都是审讯法官特别热心和检察官粗心造成的。 —

If they are tried here, and not in a provincial court, I guarantee that they will be acquitted, and I shall charge nothing. —
如果他们在这里受审,而不是在地方法院受审,我保证他们会被无罪释放,并且不会收取任何费用。 —

Now then, the next case, that of Theodosia Birukoff. The appeal to the Emperor is written. —
现在,下一个案子,忒奥多西娅·比鲁科夫的案子。上诉书已经写好。 —

If you go to Petersburg, you’d better take it with you, and hand it in yourself, with a request of your own, or else they will only make a few inquiries, and nothing will come of it. —
如果你去彼得堡,最好把它带上,并亲自交给他们,并提出请求,否则他们只会做一些调查,没有结果。 —

You must try and get at some of the influential members of the Appeal Committee.”

“Well, is this all?”

“No; here I have a letter … I see you have turned into a pipe–a spout through which all the complaints of the prison are poured,” said the advocate, with a smile. —
“不,这里有一封信…我看你已经变成了一个管子–监狱里所有投诉涌入的出口,“辩护律师笑着说。 —

“It is too much; you’ll not be able to manage it.”

“No, but this is a striking case,” said Nekhludoff, and gave a brief outline of the case of a peasant who began to read the Gospels to the peasants in the village, and to discuss them with his friends. —
“不,但这是一个引人注目的案子,“内赫卢多夫说,并简要概述了一个农民开始向村民读福音书,并与朋友讨论的案例。 —

The priests regarded this as a crime and informed the authorities. —
牧师们把这视为一种罪行并通知了当局。 —

The magistrate examined him and the public prosecutor drew up an act of indictment, and the law courts committed him for trial.

“This is really too terrible,” Nekhludoff said. “Can it be true?”

“What are you surprised at?”

“Why, everything. I can understand the police-officer, who simply obeys orders, but the prosecutor drawing up an act of that kind. —
“为什么,一切。我可以理解警官,他只是听命行事,但检察官起草这样的法案。” —

An educated man …”

“That is where the mistake lies, that we are in the habit of considering that the prosecutors and the judges in general are some kind of liberal persons. —
“问题就在于我们习惯于认为检察官和法官们总体上是某种自由主义者。 —

There was a time when they were such, but now it is quite different. —
曾经有过这样的时候,但现在完全不同了。 —

They are just officials, only troubled about pay-day. —
他们只是官员,只关心发薪日。 —

They receive their salaries and want them increased, and there their principles end. —
他们领取薪水,并希望增加薪水,这就是他们的原则终结之处。 —

They will accuse, judge, and sentence any one you like.”

“Yes; but do laws really exist that can condemn a man to Siberia for reading the Bible with his friends?”

“Not only to be exiled to the less remote parts of Siberia, but even to the mines, if you can only prove that reading the Bible they took the liberty of explaining it to others not according to orders, and in this way condemned the explanations given by the Church. —
“不仅是流放到西伯利亚的较不偏远的地方,甚至连矿山,如果你可以证明他们读圣经时冒犯地解释给其他人听,不按照规定,并且这种方式谴责了教会给出的解释。 —

Blaming the Greek orthodox religion in the presence of the common people means, according to Statute … the mines.”


“I assure you it is so. I always tell these gentlemen, the judges,” the advocate continued, “that I cannot look at them without gratitude, because if I am not in prison, and you, and all of us, it is only owing to their kindness. —
“我向你保证是这样。我总是告诉这些先生,法官们,”辩护律师继续说道,”我无法感激地看着他们,因为如果我没有在监狱里,你们,我们所有人,那仅仅是因为他们的仁慈。” —

To deprive us of our privileges, and send us all to the less remote parts of Siberia, would be an easy thing for them.”

“Well, if it is so, and if everything depends on the Procureur and others who can, at will, either enforce the laws or not, what are the trials for?”

The advocate burst into a merry laugh. “You do put strange questions. —
辩护人忍不住发出了一阵开怀的笑声。“你问的问题真古怪。” —

My dear sir, that is philosophy. Well, we might have a talk about that, too. —
亲爱的先生,那就是哲学。嗯,我们也可以讨论这方面的问题。 —

Could you come on Saturday? You will meet men of science, literary men, and artists at my house, and then we might discuss these general questions,” said the advocate, pronouncing the words “general questions” with ironical pathos. —
你能在周六来吗?在我家你会见到科学家、文学家和艺术家们,届时我们可以讨论这些一般性的问题,”辩护人说着,带着讽刺的热忱说出了”一般性的问题”这个词。 —

“You have met my wife? Do come.”

“Thank you; I will try to,” said Nekhludoff, and felt that he was saying an untruth, and knew that if he tried to do anything it would be to keep away froth the advocate’s literary evening, and the circle of the men of science, art, and literature.

The laugh with which the advocate met Nekhludoff’s remark that trials could have no meaning if the judges might enforce the laws or not, according to their notion, and the tone with which he pronounced the words “philosophy” and “general questions” proved to Nekhludoff how very differently he and the advocate and, probably, the advocate’s friends, looked at things; —
当辩护律师对涅克露多夫说的审判如果法官可以根据自己的看法来执行法律的话就失去了意义这一言论发出的嘲笑声,以及他在发音“哲学”和“一般问题”这两个词时的语调,让涅克露多夫意识到他和辩护律师及律师的朋友对事物看法有多么不同; —

and he felt that in spite of the distance that now existed between himself and his former companions, Schonbock, etc. —
他感到尽管他与以前的同伴,如绍恩博克等之间现在已经产生了距离, —

, the difference between himself and the circle of the advocate and his friends was still greater.
