
The corridors of the Court were already full of activity. —
法庭的走廊已经充满了活动。 —

The attendants hurried, out of breath, dragging their feet along the ground without lifting them, backwards and forwards, with all sorts of messages and papers. —
服务人员匆忙地走来走去,上气不接下气,拖着脚步,不抬脚,来回穿梭,手里拿着各种消息和文件。 —

Ushers, advocates, and law officers passed hither and thither. —
传达员、律师和法官来回走动。 —

Plaintiffs, and those of the accused who were not guarded, wandered sadly along the walls or sat waiting.

“Where is the Law Court?” Nekhludoff asked of an attendant.

“Which? There is the Civil Court and the Criminal Court.”

“I am on the jury.”

“The Criminal Court you should have said. Here to the right, then to the left–the second door.”

Nekhludoff followed the direction.

Meanwhile some of the Criminal Court jurymen who were late had hurriedly passed into a separate room. —
与此同时,一些迟到的刑事法庭陪审团成员匆匆走进一个单独的房间。 —

At the door mentioned two men stood waiting.

One, a tall, fat merchant, a kind-hearted fellow, had evidently partaken of some refreshments and a glass of something, and was in most pleasant spirits. —
其中一个,一个高大的胖商人,一个心地善良的家伙,显然已经吃了一些东西和喝了一杯什么东西,心情非常愉快。 —

The other was a shopman of Jewish extraction. —
另一个是一个犹太裔店员。 —

They were talking about the price of wool when Nekhludoff came up and asked them if this was the jurymen’s room.

“Yes, my dear sir, this is it. One of us? On the jury, are you?” —
“亲爱的先生,是的,正是这样。你也是我们中的一员?在陪审团上,对吗?” —

asked the merchant, with a merry wink.

“Ah, well, we shall have a go at the work together,” he continued, after Nekhludoff had answered in the affirmative. —
“啊,好吧,我们一起努力完成这项工作吧,”涅赫留多夫回答后,他继续说道。 —

“My name is Baklasheff, merchant of the Second Guild,” he said, putting out his broad, soft, flexible hand.

“With whom have I the honour?”

Nekhludoff gave his name and passed into the jurymen’s room.

Inside the room were about ten persons of all sorts. —
房间里大约有十个各种类型的人。 —

They had come but a short while ago, and some were sitting, others walking up and down, looking at each other, and making each other’s acquaintance. —
他们不久前才来,有些人坐着,有些人在走动,彼此看着对方,结识彼此。 —

There was a retired colonel in uniform; some were in frock coats, others in morning coats, and only one wore a peasant’s dress.

Their faces all had a certain look of satisfaction at the prospect of fulfilling a public duty, although many of them had had to leave their businesses, and most were complaining of it.

The jurymen talked among themselves about the weather, the early spring, and the business before them, some having been introduced, others just guessing who was who. —
陪审员们相互谈论着天气、早春和面前的事务,有些人已经被介绍过,而另一些人只是在猜测谁是谁。 —

Those who were not acquainted with Nekhludoff made haste to get introduced, evidently looking upon this as an honour, and he taking it as his due, as he always did when among strangers. —
那些不认识涅赫留多夫的人急着要认识他,显然把这当作一种荣誉,而他则认为这是理所当然的,就像他在陌生人中经常做的那样。 —

Had he been asked why he considered himself above the majority of people, he could not have given an answer; —
如果问他为什么认为自己高人一等,他无法回答; —

the life he had been living of late was not particularly meritorious. —
他最近过的生活并不特别值得称道。 —

The fact of his speaking English, French, and German with a good accent, and of his wearing the best linen, clothes, ties, and studs, bought from the most expensive dealers in these goods, he quite knew would not serve as a reason for claiming superiority. —
他说英语、法语和德语带有良好的口音,穿着从这些商品最昂贵的经销商购买的最好的亚麻布制品、衣服、领带和裾边,他完全知道这些不能成为宣称优越性的理由。 —

At the same time he did claim superiority, and accepted the respect paid him as his due, and was hurt if he did not get it. —
与此同时,他确实声称自己比别人优越,接受向他表示的尊重视为理所当然,如果没有得到尊重反而感到受伤。 —

In the jurymen’s room his feelings were hurt by disrespectful treatment. —
在陪审员室里,他因为受到不尊重的对待而感到受伤。 —

Among the jury there happened to be a man whom he knew, a former teacher of his sister’s children, Peter Gerasimovitch. —
在陪审团中有一个他认识的人,是他姐姐的孩子们的曾经的老师,彼得·格拉西莫维奇。 —

Nekhludoff never knew his surname, and even bragged a bit about this. —
尼赫卢多夫从来不知道他的姓,甚至有点为此而吹嘘。 —

This man was now a master at a public school. —
这个人现在是一所公立学校的校长。 —

Nekhludoff could not stand his familiarity, his self-satisfied laughter, his vulgarity, in short.

“Ah ha! You’re also trapped.” These were the words, accompanied with boisterous laughter, with which Peter Gerasimovitch greeted Nekhludoff. —
“啊哈!你也中圈套了。” 彼得·格拉西莫维奇带着大声笑说道这些话,欢迎尼赫卢多夫。 —

“Have you not managed to get out of it?”

“I never meant to get out of it,” replied Nekhludoff, gloomily, and in a tone of severity.
“我从来没打算脱身,” 尼赫卢多夫严肃地回答说。

“Well, I call this being public spirited. —
“嗯,我称这为公德心。 —

But just wait until you get hungry or sleepy; —
但等你饿了或累了; —

you’ll sing to another tune then.”

“This son of a priest will be saying ‘thou’ [in Russian, as in many other languages, “thou” is used generally among people very familiar with each other, or by superiors to inferiors] to me next,” thought Nekhludoff, and walked away, with such a look of sadness on his face, as might have been natural if he had just heard of the death of all his relations. —
“这个牧师之子接下来会对我说 ‘你’ ,” 尼赫卢多夫心想,并带着一脸悲伤的表情走开,就像他刚听说他所有的亲戚都去世了一样。 —

He came up to a group that had formed itself round a clean-shaven, tall, dignified man, who was recounting something with great animation. —
他走到一个围着一个修剪整齐、高大、庄重的男人组成的小组旁边,那个男人正兴高采烈地讲述着什么。 —

This man was talking about the trial going on in the Civil Court as of a case well known to himself, mentioning the judges and a celebrated advocate by name. —
这个人正在谈论民事法庭上正在审理的案件,好像是他自己非常熟悉的事情,提到了法官和一个著名的律师的名字。 —

He was saying that it seemed wonderful how the celebrated advocate had managed to give such a clever turn to the affair that an old lady, though she had the right on her side, would have to pay a large sum to her opponent. —
他说,这位著名的律师是如何巧妙地把事情处理得这么精彩,以至于一个老太太,尽管她理直气壮,最终还得支付一大笔钱给对手。 —

“The advocate is a genius,” he said.

The listeners heard it all with respectful attention, and several of them tried to put in a word, but the man interrupted them, as if he alone knew all about it.

Though Nekhludoff had arrived late, he had to wait a long time. —
尽管涅赫留多夫到达得晚了,他还是不得不等很久。 —

One of the members of the Court had not yet come, and everybody was kept waiting.
