
For Nekhludoff this early mass remained for ever after one of the brightest and most vivid memories of his life. —
对涅赫卢多夫来说,这场早晨的弥撒永远成为他一生中最明亮、最生动的回忆之一。 —

When he rode out of the darkness, broken only here and there by patches of white snow, into the churchyard illuminated by a row of lamps around the church, the service had already begun.

The peasants, recognising Mary Ivanovna’s nephew, led his horse, which was pricking up its cars at the sight of the lights, to a dry place where he could get off, put it up for him, and showed him into the church, which was full of people. —
农民认出了玛丽亚·伊万诺夫娜的侄子,带着他的马,马因为看到光亮而竖起耳朵,被领到一个可以下马的干燥地方,帮他搭好马,然后引导他进入教堂,里面挤满了人。 —

On the right stood the peasants; the old men in home-spun coats, and clean white linen bands [long strips of linen are worn by the peasants instead of stockings] wrapped round their legs, the young men in new cloth coats, bright-coloured belts round their waists, and top-boots.

On the left stood the women, with red silk kerchiefs on their heads, black velveteen sleeveless jackets, bright red shirt-sleeves, gay-coloured green, blue, and red skirts, and thick leather boots. —
左边是妇女,头上戴着红色丝巾,背着黑色的绒面无袖夹克,衬衣袖子是明亮的红色,穿着绿色、蓝色和红色的花哨裙子,脚穿厚实的皮靴。 —

The old women, dressed more quietly, stood behind them, with white kerchiefs, homespun coats, old-fashioned skirts of dark home-spun material, and shoes on their feet. —
老妇女们穿得相对低调,后面站着,头上戴着白色头巾,穿着自制外衣,以及经典的深色自制面料裙子和脚上的鞋。 —

Gaily-dressed children, their hair well oiled, went in and out among them.

The men, making the sign of the cross, bowed down and raised their heads again, shaking back their hair.

The women, especially the old ones, fixed their eyes on an icon surrounded with candies and made the sign of the cross, firmly pressing their folded fingers to the kerchief on their foreheads, to their shoulders, and their stomachs, and, whispering something, stooped or knelt down. —
特别是老妇人,凝视着一个被糖果包围的圣像,画着十字,用折叠的手指坚定地按在他们的头巾上,他们的肩膀上,他们的胃上,喃喃自语着,弯下腰或跪下。 —

The children, imitating the grown-up people, prayed earnestly when they knew that they were being observed. —
孩子们在模仿成年人,当他们知道自己被观察时,认真地祈祷。 —

The gilt case containing the icon glittered, illuminated on all sides by tall candles ornamented with golden spirals. —
包含圣像的镀金盒子,在所有的地方都闪闪发光,被装饰着有金色螺旋纹的高蜡烛照亮。 —

The candelabra was filled with tapers, and from the choir sounded most merry tunes sung by amateur choristers, with bellowing bass and shrill boys’ voices among them.

Nekhludoff passed up to the front. In the middle of the church stood the aristocracy of the place: —
尼赫鲁多夫走到前面。教堂中央站着这个地方的贵族们: —

a landed proprietor, with his wife and son (the latter dressed in a sailor’s suit), the police officer, the telegraph clerk, a tradesman in top-boots, and the village elder, with a medal on his breast; —
一个地主和他的妻子和儿子(后者穿着海员服),警察,电报员,穿着靴子的商人和戴着勋章的村长; —

and to the right of the ambo, just behind the landed proprietor’s wife, stood Matrona Pavlovna in a lilac dress and fringed shawl and Katusha in a white dress with a tucked bodice, blue sash, and red bow in her black hair.

Everything seemed festive, solemn, bright, and beautiful: —
一切都显得节日,庄严,明亮和美丽: —

the priest in his silver cloth vestments with gold crosses; —
牧师身穿银布袈裟,上面镶有金十字; —

the deacon, the clerk and chanter in their silver and gold surplices; —
执事、牧师和经行人穿着银色和金色的长袍; —

the amateur choristers in their best clothes, with their well-oiled hair; —
业余唱诗班穿着最好的衣服,润滑的头发; —

the merry tunes of the holiday hymns that sounded like dance music; —
节日赞美诗般的欢快曲调听起来就像舞曲; —

and the continual blessing of the people by the priests, who held candles decorated with flowers, and repeated the cry of “Christ is risen!” —
而持着装饰有鲜花的蜡烛,不断重复着”基督复活了!”的喊声,为人们祝福的牧师们。 —

“Christ is risen!” All was beautiful; but, above all, Katusha, in her white dress, blue sash, and the red bow on her black head, her eyes beaming with rapture.
“基督复活了!” 一切美丽无比;但最美的是卡秋莎,穿着白色连衣裙,蓝色饰带,头上系着红色蝴蝶结,眼中闪烁着狂喜。

Nekhludoff knew that she felt his presence without looking at him. —
尼赫鲁多夫知道她感受到了他的存在,即使没有看向他。 —

He noticed this as he passed her, walking up to the altar. —
当他走向圣坛时,他注意到这一点。 —

He had nothing to tell her, but he invented something to say and whispered as he passed her: —
他没有什么好告诉她,但他编造了一些话对她说,并在走过她身边时低声说道: —

“Aunt told me that she would break her fast after the late mass.” —
“阿姨告诉我,她会在晚弥撒后进食。” —

The young blood rushed up to Katusha’s sweet face, as it always did when she looked at him. —
年轻的热血涌上卡秋莎甜美的脸庞,她一直这样,每当看着他时。 —

The black eyes, laughing and full of joy, gazed naively up and remained fixed on Nekhludoff.

“I know,” she said, with a smile.

At this moment the clerk was going out with a copper coffee-pot [coffee-pots are often used for holding holy water in Russia] of holy water in his hand, and, not noticing Katusha, brushed her with his surplice. —
此刻,礼拜员手持一只铜制咖啡壶(在俄罗斯通常用于装贮圣水)出去准备圣水,没有注意到卡秋莎,擦到了她的法衣。 —

Evidently he brushed against Katusha through wishing to pass Nekhludoff at a respectful distance, and Nekhludoff was surprised that he, the clerk, did not understand that everything here, yes, and in all the world, only existed for Katusha, and that everything else might remain unheeded, only not she, because she was the centre of all. —
很显然,礼拜员因希望以尊敬的距离走过尼赫鲁多夫而擦到卡秋莎,尼赫鲁多夫很惊讶礼拜员不明白这里的一切,甚至整个世界,只是为卡秋莎存在,而其他一切可以被忽视,唯有她不可,因为她是一切的中心。 —

For her the gold glittered round the icons; —
对她来说,金子在圣像周围闪闪发光; —

for her all these candles in candelabra and candlesticks were alight; —
对她来说,所有这些烛台和烛台上的蜡烛都点燃了; —

for her were sung these joyful hymns, “Behold the Passover of the Lord” “Rejoice, O ye people!” —
对她来说,这些欢乐的圣歌都是为她唱的,“看哪,主的逾越节!” “欢乐吧,人民!” —

All–all that was good in the world was for her. —
所有——世界上所有的美好事物都是为她存在的。 —

And it seemed to him that Katusha was aware that it was all for her when he looked at her well-shaped figure, the tucked white dress, the wrapt, joyous expression of her face, by which he knew that just exactly the same that was singing in his own soul was also singing in hers.

In the interval between the early and the late mass Nekhludoff left the church. —
在早期和晚期弥撒之间,涅赫留多夫离开了教堂。 —

The people stood aside to let him pass, and bowed. —
人们让他通过,鞠躬。 —

Some knew him; others asked who he was.

He stopped on the steps. The beggars standing there came clamouring round him, and he gave them all the change he had in his purse and went down. —
他在台阶上停下来。站在那里的乞丐们围拢上来,他把皮夹里所有的零钱都给了他们,然后走了下去。 —

It was dawning, but the sun had not yet risen. —
天刚开始破晓,太阳还没有升起。 —

The people grouped round the graves in the churchyard. —
人们围绕着教堂墓地聚集。 —

Katusha had remained inside. Nekhludoff stood waiting for her.

The people continued coming out, clattering with their nailed boots on the stone steps and dispersing over the churchyard. —
人们继续走出来,在石阶上带着钉子的靴子发出咔嚓声,分散在教堂墓地上。 —

A very old man with shaking head, his aunts’ cook, stopped Nekhludoff in order to give him the Easter kiss, his old wife took an egg, dyed yellow, out of her handkerchief and gave it to Nekhludoff, and a smiling young peasant in a new coat and green belt also came up.

“Christ is risen,” he said, with laughing eyes, and coming close to Nekhludoff he enveloped him in his peculiar but pleasant peasant smell, and, tickling him with his curly beard, kissed him three times straight on the mouth with his firm, fresh lips.

While the peasant was kissing Nekhludoff and giving him a dark brown egg, the lilac dress of Matrona Pavlovna and the dear black head with the red bow appeared.

Katusha caught sight of him over the heads of those in front of her, and he saw how her face brightened up.

She had come out with Matrona Pavlovna on to the porch, and stopped there distributing alms to the beggars. —
她和马特罗娜·帕夫洛芙娜一起走出门廊,停在那里给乞丐施舍。 —

A beggar with a red scab in place of a nose came up to Katusha. —
一个鼻子上有红疹代替的乞丐走到卡秋莎跟前。 —

She gave him something, drew nearer him, and, evincing no sign of disgust, but her eyes still shining with joy, kissed him three times. —
她给了他一些东西,走近他,没有表现出厌恶,而是眼睛依然闪着喜悦,亲了他三下。 —

And while she was doing this her eyes met Nekhludoff’s with a look as if she were asking, “Is this that I am doing right?” —
当她这样做的时候,她的眼睛与涅克拉杜夫的眼睛相遇,带着一种询问的神色,仿佛在问:“我所做的是对的吗?” —

“Yes, dear, yes, it is right; everything is right, everything is beautiful. I love!”

They came down the steps of the porch, and he came up to them.

He did not mean to give them the Easter kiss, but only to be nearer to her. —
他本意并不是要给他们复活节的亲吻,而只是为了更靠近她。 —

Matrona Pavlovna bowed her head, and said with a smile, “Christ is risen!” —
母女帕夫洛夫娜低下头笑着说:“基督复活了!” —

and her tone implied, “To-day we are all equal.” —
她的语气暗示着:“今天我们都是平等的。” —

She wiped her mouth with her handkerchief rolled into a ball and stretched her lips towards him.

“He is, indeed,” answered Nekhludoff, kissing her. Then he looked at Katusha; —
“基督确实已经复活了,”涅克拉杜夫回答说,吻了她。然后他看着卡秋莎; —

she blushed, and drew nearer. “Christ is risen, Dmitri Ivanovitch.” —
她脸红了,靠近了一些。“基督复活了,迪米特里·伊万诺维奇。” —

“He is risen, indeed,” answered Nekhludoff, and they kissed twice, then paused as if considering whether a third kiss were necessary, and, having decided that it was, kissed a third time and smiled.

“You are going to the priests?” asked Nekhludoff.

“No, we shall sit out here a bit, Dmitri Ivanovitch,” said Katusha with effort, as if she had accomplished some joyous task, and, her whole chest heaving with a deep sigh, she looked straight in his face with a look of devotion, virgin purity, and love, in her very slightly squinting eyes.

In the love between a man and a woman there always comes a moment when this love has reached its zenith–a moment when it is unconscious, unreasoning, and with nothing sensual about it. —
在男女之间的爱里,总会有一个时刻,这种爱达到了顶峰——一个无意识、无理智、不带任何肉欲的时刻。 —

Such a moment had come for Nekhludoff on that Easter eve. —
对涅克拉杜夫来说,那个复活节前夕就是这样一个时刻。 —

When he brought Katusha back to his mind, now, this moment veiled all else; —
当他现在让卡秋莎回到他的记忆中时,这一刻掩盖了一切; —

the smooth glossy black head, the white tucked dress closely fitting her graceful maidenly form, her, as yet, un-developed bosom, the blushing cheeks, the tender shining black eyes with their slight squint heightened by the sleepless night, and her whole being stamped with those two marked features, purity and chaste love, love not only for him (he knew that), but for everybody and everything, not for the good alone, but for all that is in the world, even for that beggar whom she had kissed.

He knew she had that love in her because on that night and morning he was conscious of it in himself, and conscious that in this love he became one with her. —
他知道她心中怀有这种爱,因为在那个夜晚和早晨,他自己也意识到自己内心有这种爱,并意识到在这种爱情中,他与她融为一体。 —

Ah! if it had all stopped there, at the point it had reached that night. —
啊!如果事情就此止步,停留在那个夜晚达到的阶段就好了。 —

“Yes, all that horrible business had not yet happened on that Easter eve!” —
“是的,那可怕的事情还没有发生在那个复活节前夜!” —

he thought, as he sat by the window of the jurymen’s room.
