
Nekhludoff had to wait in the hall for a long time. —
涅赫留多夫在大厅里等了很长时间。 —

When he had arrived at the prison and rung at the entrance door, he handed the permission of the Procureur to the jailer on duty who met him.

“No, no,” the jailer on duty said hurriedly, “the inspector is engaged.”

“In the office?” asked Nekhludoff.

“No, here in the interviewing-room.”.

“Why, is it a visiting day to-day?”

“No; it’s special business.”

“I should like to see him. What am I to do?” said Nekhludoff.

“When the inspector comes out you’ll tell him–wait a bit,” said the jailer.

At this moment a sergeant-major, with a smooth, shiny face and moustaches impregnated with tobacco smoke, came out of a side door, with the gold cords of his uniform glistening, and addressed the jailer in a severe tone.

“What do you mean by letting any one in here? The office… .”

“I was told the inspector was here,” said Nekhludoff, surprised at the agitation he noticed in the sergeant-major’s manner.

At this moment the inner door opened, and Petrov came out, heated and perspiring.

“He’ll remember it,” he muttered, turning to the sergeant major. —
“他会记得的,”他对军士长嘟囔着说。 —

The latter pointed at Nekhludoff by a look, and Petrov knitted his brows and went out through a door at the back.

“Who will remember it? Why do they all seem so confused? —
“谁会记得呢?为什么他们看起来都那么困惑呢? —

Why did the sergeant-major make a sign to him?” Nekhludoff thought.

The sergeant-major, again addressing Nekhludoff, said: “You cannot meet here; —
再次对涅克拉多夫说:“你不能在这里见面; —

please step across to the office.” And Nekhludoff was about to comply when the inspector came out of the door at the back, looking even more confused than his subordinates, and sighing continually. —
请到办公室来。” 就在涅克拉多夫准备移步时,监狱长从后面的门走了出来,看起来比他的下属更困惑,一直叹气。 —

When he saw Nekhludoff he turned to the jailer.

“Fedotoff, have Maslova, cell 5, women’s ward, taken to the office.”

“Will you come this way, please,” he said, turning to Nekhludoff. —
“请走这边,请” 他转向涅克拉多夫说。 —

They ascended a steep staircase and entered a little room with one window, a writing-table, and a few chairs in it. —
他们上了一段陡峭的楼梯,进入一个有一个窗户、一张写字桌和几把椅子的小房间。 —

The inspector sat down.

“Mine are heavy, heavy duties,” he remarked, again addressing Nekhludoff, and took out a cigarette.
“我的责任重,重。” 他再次对涅克拉多夫说,并取出一支香烟。

“You are tired, evidently,” said Nekhludoff.

“Tired of the whole of the service–the duties are very trying. —
“对整个服务感到疲惫,职责很繁重。 —

One tries to lighten their lot and only makes it worse; —
人们努力希望减轻他们的负担,结果只是让事情变得更糟; —

my only thought is how to get away. Heavy, heavy duties!”

Nekhludoff did not know what the inspector’s particular difficulties were, but he saw that to-day he was in a peculiarly dejected and hopeless condition, calling for pity.

“Yes, I should think the duties were heavy for a kind-hearted man,” he said. —
“是的,我想对于一个心地善良的人来说,这些责任是沉重的,”他说。 —

“Why do you serve in this capacity?”

“I have a family.”

“But, if it is so hard–”

“Well, still you know it is possible to be of use in some measure; I soften down all I can. —
“嗯,你知道还是有可能在某种程度上帮到忙的;我尽力减轻一切我能减轻的。” —

Another in my place would conduct the affairs quite differently. —
“一个像我这样的人会以完全不同的方式来处理事务。” —

Why, we have more than 2,000 persons here. And what persons! One must know how to manage them. —
“为什么,我们这里有超过2,000人。而且是什么样的人! 一个必须知道如何来管理他们。” —

It is easier said than done, you know. After all, they are also men; one cannot help pitying them.” —
“这容易说却难做,你知道的。毕竟,他们也是人;人是无法不怜悯的。” —

The inspector began telling Nekhludoff of a fight that had lately taken place among the convicts, which had ended by one man being killed.

The story was interrupted by the entrance of Maslova, who was accompanied by a jailer.

Nekhludoff saw her through the doorway before she had noticed the inspector. —
尼赫鲁多夫在她注意到督察之前就通过门口看到了她。 —

She was following the warder briskly, smiling and tossing her head. —
她跟着看守员快步走,笑得开心,摇着头。 —

When she saw the inspector she suddenly changed, and gazed at him with a frightened look; —
当她看到督察时,她突然变了,用害怕的眼神望着他; —

but, quickly recovering, she addressed Nekhludoff boldly and gaily.

“How d’you do?” she said, drawling out her words, and Resurrection smilingly took his hand and shook it vigorously, not like the first time.
“你好吗?”她慢吞吞地说道,Resurrection 笑着握住他的手,用力地摇了摇,并不像第一次那样。

“Here, I’ve brought you a petition to sign,” said Nekhludoff, rather surprised by the boldness with which she greeted him to-day.
“我带来了一份请愿书让你签字,”Nekhludoff 有点惊讶她今天这样大胆地打招呼。

“The advocate has written out a petition which you will have to sign, and then we shall send it to Petersburg.”

“All right! That can be done. Anything you like,” she said, with a wink and a smile.

And Nekhludoff drew a folded paper from his pocket and went up to the table.
Nekhludoff 从口袋里拿出一张折叠的纸,走到桌前。

“May she sign it here?” asked Nekhludoff, turning to the inspector.
“她可以在这里签字吗?”Nekhludoff 转向监工问。

“It’s all right, it’s all right! Sit down. Here’s a pen; you can write?” said the inspector.
“没问题,没问题!坐下。这里有支笔,你会写字吗?” 监工说。

“I could at one time,” she said; and, after arranging her skirt and the sleeves of her jacket, she sat down at the table, smiled awkwardly, took the pen with her small, energetic hand, and glanced at Nekhludoff with a laugh.
“我以前会的,”她说;在整理好裙子和夹克的袖口后,她坐在桌旁,笨拙地笑了笑,用那只小巧有力的手拿起笔,朝 Nekhludoff 瞥了一眼。

Nekhludoff told her what to write and pointed out the place where to sign.
Nekhludoff 告诉她应该写什么,指着签字的地方。

Sighing deeply as she dipped her pen into the ink, and carefully shaking some drops off the pen, she wrote her name.

“Is it all?” she asked, looking from Nekhludoff to the inspector, and putting the pen now on the inkstand, now on the papers.
“这样就可以了吗?”她问,把目光从 Nekhludoff 转向监工,把笔放在墨水瓶上,又放在文件上。

“I have a few words to tell you,” Nekhludoff said, taking the pen from her.
“我有几句话要告诉你,”Nekhludoff 从她手中拿走笔。

“All right; tell me,” she said. And suddenly, as if remembering something, or feeling sleepy, she grew serious.

The inspector rose and left the room, and Nekhludoff remained with her.
监工站起来离开了房间,只留下了 Nekhludoff 和她。