
From the Procureur Nekhludoff went straight to the preliminary detention prison. —
从检察长那里,尼哈鲁多夫径直去了预审拘留所。 —

However, no Maslova was to be found there, and the inspector explained to Nekhludoff that she would probably be in the old temporary prison. —
但是,在那里找不到马斯洛娃,监督向尼哈鲁多夫解释说她可能在旧临时监狱。 —

Nekhludoff went there.

Yes, Katerina Maslova was there.

The distance between the two prisons was enormous, and Nekhludoff only reached the old prison towards evening. —
两所监狱之间的距离很远,尼哈鲁多夫直到傍晚才到达旧监狱。 —

He was going up to the door of the large, gloomy building, but the sentinel stopped him and rang. —
他正走向那座大而阴暗的建筑的门口,但哨兵拦住了他并按了铃。 —

A warder came in answer to the bell. Nekhludoff showed him his order of admittance, but the warder said he could not let him in without the inspector’s permission. —
一个看守员应铃而来。尼哈鲁多夫出示了进入许可证,但看守员说他没有检查人员的允许不能让他进去。 —

Nekhludoff went to see the inspector. As he was going up the stairs he heard distant sounds of some complicated bravura, played on the piano. —
尼哈鲁多夫去见了检察官。当他往楼上走时,他听到远处传来一些复杂的勇气曲,钢琴演奏着。 —

When a cross servant girl, with a bandaged eye, opened the door to him, those sounds seemed to escape from the room and to strike his car. —
一个带着绷着眼睛的仆人打开了门,那些声音似乎从房间逃逸出来,击中了他的耳朵。 —

It was a rhapsody of Liszt’s, that everybody was tired of, splendidly played but only to one point. —
那是一首里斯特的狂想曲,每个人都厌倦了,演奏得很出色但只到一个地步。 —

When that point was reached the same thing was repeated. —
当达到那个地步时,同样的事情又重复。 —

Nekhludoff asked the bandaged maid whether the inspector was in. —
尼哈鲁多夫问那位戴着绷带的女仆监督是否在。 —

She answered that he was not in.

“Will he return soon?”

The rhapsody again stopped and recommenced loudly and brilliantly again up to the same charmed point.

“I will go and ask,” and the servant went away.

“Tell him he is not in and won’t be to-day; he is out visiting. What do they come bothering for?” —
“告诉他不在家,今天不会回来;他出去访友了。他们来烦什么事呢?” —

came the sound of a woman’s voice from behind the door, and again the rhapsody rattled on and stopped, and the sound of a chair pushed back was heard. —
门后传来一个女人的声音,随后狂想曲又响起,然后停下来,推椅声响起。 —

It was plain the irritated pianist meant to rebuke the tiresome visitor, who had come at an untimely hour. —
很明显,愤怒的钢琴家打算斥责这位令人讨厌的访客,因为他到来的时间不对。 —

“Papa is not in,” a pale girl with crimped hair said, crossly, coming out into the ante-room, but, seeing a young man in a good coat, she softened.

“Come in, please… . What is it you want?”

“I want to see a prisoner in this prison.”

“A political one, I suppose?”

“No, not a political one. I have a permission from the Procureur.”

“Well, I don’t know, and papa is out; but come in, please,” she said, again, “or else speak to the assistant. —
“好吧,我不知道,爸爸出去了;但请进,请进,”她再次说道,”或者去找助理。 —

He is in the office at present; apply there. What is your name?”

“I thank you,” said Nekhludoff, without answering her question, and went out.

The door was not yet closed after him when the same lively tones recommenced. —
大门还没有完全关闭,同样欢快的声音再次响起。 —

In the courtyard Nekhludoff met an officer with bristly moustaches, and asked for the assistant-inspector. —
在院子里,涅克卢多夫遇到了一个长着刺猬胡子的军官,问他要见副监工。 —

It was the assistant himself. He looked at the order of admittance, but said that he could not decide to let him in with a pass for the preliminary prison. —
那个人正好是副监工。他看了看入场许可,但说不能决定让他凭着前期监狱的通行证进去。 —

Besides, it was too late. “Please to come again to-morrow. —
而且,已经太晚了。”请明天再来吧。 —

To morrow, at 10, everybody is allowed to go in. —
明天十点,所有人都被允许进去。 —

Come then, and the inspector himself will be at home. —
那时你可以见到监工本人。 —

Then you can have the interview either in the common room or, if the inspector allows it, in the office.”

And so Nekhludoff did not succeed in getting an interview that day, and returned home. —
于是那一天涅克卢多夫没有成功完成面试,回到了家。 —

As he went along the streets, excited at the idea of meeting her, he no longer thought about the Law Courts, but recalled his conversations with the Procureur and the inspector’s assistant. —
当他走在街上,为即将见到她而兴奋,他不再想到法庭,而是回忆起他和检察官以及副监工的对话。 —

The fact that he had been seeking an interview with her, and had told the Procureur, and had been in two prisons, so excited him that it was long before he could calm down. —
他一直试图与她进行面谈,已经告诉了检察官,并且已经在两个监狱里,以至于他很激动,很久才能平静下来。 —

When he got home he at once fetched out his diary, that had long remained untouched, read a few sentences out of it, and then wrote as follows:

“For two years I have not written anything in my diary, and thought I never should return to this childishness. —
“两年来我没有在日记里写下任何东西,认为我永远都不会回到这种幼稚。 —

Yet it is not childishness, but converse with my own self, with this real divine self which lives in every man. —
但这不是幼稚,而是与我自己对话,与每个人体内生活的真实的上帝自我对话。 —

All this time that I slept there was no one for me to converse with. —
所有这段时间,当我沉睡时,没有人可以与我交谈。 —

I was awakened by an extraordinary event on the 28th of April, in the Law Court, when I was on the jury. —
4月28日,在法庭上,当我作为陪审团成员时,我被一场非同寻常的事件唤醒。 —

I saw her in the prisoners’ dock, the Katusha betrayed by me, in a prisoner’s cloak, condemned to penal servitude through a strange mistake, and my own fault. —
我看到她在被告席上,那个被我背叛的卡图莎,穿着囚衣,因为一场奇怪的误会和我的过错而被判处劳役。 —

I have just been to the Procureur’s and to the prison, but I was not admitted. —
我刚刚去了检察官办公室和监狱,但我没有被接受。 —

I have resolved to do all I can to see her, to confess to her, and to atone for my sin, even by a marriage. —
我已经决定尽我所能去见她,向她坦白,为我的罪行偿还,甚至通过婚姻。 —

God help me. My soul is at peace and I am full of joy.”