
“Well? Je suis a vous. Will you smoke? But wait a bit; —
“那么?我听着。你要抽烟吗?但等一下; —

we must be careful and not make a mess here,” said Maslennikoff, and brought an ashpan. “Well?”
我们必须小心,不能搞砸这里,” 马斯列尼科夫说道,并拿来了一个灰盘。“那么呢?”

“There are two matters I wish to ask you about.”

“Dear me!”

An expression of gloom and dejection came over Maslennikoff’s countenance, and every trace of the excitement, like that of the dog’s whom its master has scratched behind the cars, vanished completely. —
一种忧郁和沮丧的表情浮现在马斯列尼科夫的脸上,所有兴奋的痕迹都消失了,就像当主人摸狗的背脊时那样。 —

The sound of voices reached them from the drawing- room. —
从客厅传来声音。 —

A woman’s voice was heard, saying, “Jamais je ne croirais,” and a man’s voice from the other side relating something in which the names of la Comtesse Voronzoff and Victor Apraksine kept recurring. —
一位女性的声音说着,“我永远不会相信”,另一边传来一位男子在讲述一些内容,涉及到沃龙佐夫女伯爵和维克多•阿普拉克辛的名字。 —

A hum of voices, mixed with laughter, came from another side. —
另一边传来一阵声音,夹杂着笑声。 —

Maslennikoff tried to listen to what was going on in the drawing-room and to what Nekhludoff was saying at the same time.

“I am again come about that same woman,” said Nekhludoff.
“我再次是为了那个女人而来。” 涅赫卢多夫说。

“Oh, yes; I know. The one innocently condemned.”

“I would like to ask that she should be appointed to serve in the prison hospital. —
“我希望她能被任命到监狱医院服务。 —

I have been told that this could be arranged.”

Maslennikoff compressed his lips and meditated. “That will be scarcely possible,” he said. —
马斯列尼科夫嘴唇紧闭,深思着。“这几乎是不可能的,”他说。 —

“However, I shall see what can be done, and shall wire you an answer tomorrow.”

“I have been told that there were many sick, and help was needed.”

“All right, all right. I shall let you know in any case.”

“Please do,” said Nekhludoff.

The sound of a general and even a natural laugh came from the drawing-room.

“That’s all that Victor. He is wonderfully sharp when he is in the right vein,” said Maslennikoff.

“The next thing I wanted to tell you,” said Nekhludoff, “is that 130 persons are imprisoned only because their passports are overdue. —
“我接下来想告诉你的一件事是,有130人被关押,只因为身份证过期了。 —

They have been kept here a month.”

And he related the circumstances of the case.

“How have you come to know of this?” said Maslennikoff, looking uneasy and dissatisfied.

“I went to see a prisoner, and these men came and surrounded me in the corridor, and asked …”

“What prisoner did you go to see?”

“A peasant who is kept in prison, though innocent. —
“一个被错误关押的农民。 —

I have put his case into the hands of a lawyer. —
我已经把他的案子交给了律师。 —

But that is not the point.”

“Is it possible that people who have done no wrong are imprisoned only because their passports are overdue? And …”

“That’s the Procureur’s business,” Maslennikoff interrupted, angrily. —
“那是检察官的事情,”马斯连尼科夫生气地打断了。 —

“There, now, you see what it is you call a prompt and just form of trial. —
“你看,这就是你称之为及时公正的审判方式。 —

It is the business of the Public Prosecutor to visit the prison and to find out if the prisoners are kept there lawfully. —
公诉人的工作是去监狱查看囚犯是否合法拘留。 —

But that set play cards; that’s all they do.”

“Am I to understand that you can do nothing?” —
“我可以理解你无能为力吗?” —

Nekhludoff said, despondently, remembering that the advocate had foretold that the Governor would put the blame on the Procureur.

“Oh, yes, I can. I shall see about it at once.”

“So much the worse for her. C’est un souffre douleur,” came the voice of a woman, evidently indifferent to what she was saying, from the drawing-room.

“So much the better. I shall take it also,” a man’s voice was heard to say from the other side, followed by the playful laughter of a woman, who was apparently trying to prevent the man from taking something away from her.

“No, no; not on any account,” the woman’s voice said.

“All right, then. I shall do all this,” Maslennikoff repeated, and put out the cigarette he held in his white, turquoise-ringed hand. —
“好,那么我会做这一切的,”马斯连尼科夫重复道,并熄灭手中的香烟。 —

“And now let us join the ladies.”

“Wait a moment,” Nekhludoff said, stopping at the door of the drawing-room. —
“等一等,”涅赫卢多夫在客厅的门口停下来说。 —

“I was told that some men had received corporal punishment in the prison yesterday. Is this true?”

Maslennikoff blushed.

“Oh, that’s what you are after? No, mon cher, decidedly it won’t do to let you in there; —
“哦,你想追求的就是这个?不行,亲爱的,绝对不能让你进去那里; —

you want to get at everything. Come, come; —
你什么都想知道。来吧,来吧; —

Anna is calling us,” he said, catching Nekhludoff by the arm, and again becoming as excited as after the attention paid him by the important person, only now his excitement was not joyful, but anxious.

Nekhludoff pulled his arm away, and without taking leave of any one and without saying a word, he passed through the drawing-room with a dejected look, went down into the hall, past the footman, who sprang towards him, and out at the street door.

“What is the matter with him? What have you done to him?” asked Anna of her husband.

“This is a la Francaise,” remarked some one.

A la Francaise, indeed–it is a la Zoulou.”

“Oh, but he’s always been like that.”

Some one rose, some one came in, and the clatter went on its course. —
有人站起来,有人进来,噼里啪啦声音不绝于耳。 —

The company used this episode with Nekhludoff as a convenient topic of conversation for the rest of the “at-home.”

On the day following his visit to Maslennikoff, Nekhludoff received a letter from him, written in a fine, firm hand, on thick, glazed paper, with a coat-of-arms, and sealed with sealing-wax. —
访问了马斯连尼科夫后的第二天,涅克拉多夫收到了他的一封信,信用细字体、厚厚的光面纸写成,还有一处家族纹章,并用印章盖上了印章。 —

Maslennikoff said that he had written to the doctor concerning Maslova’s removal to the hospital, and hoped Nekhludoff’s wish would receive attention. —
马斯连尼科夫说他已经写信给医生,谈到了马斯洛娃转移到医院的事情,并希望涅克拉多夫的愿望能够得到考虑。 —

The letter was signed, “Your affectionate elder comrade,” and the signature ended with a large, firm, and artistic flourish. —
这封信以“你的亲爱的长辈同志”签名,签名处有一个大大的、笔挺的、有艺术感的花体字。 —

“Fool!” Nekhludoff could not refrain from saying, especially because in the word “comrade” he felt Maslennikoff’s condescension towards him, i. —
“傻瓜!”涅克拉多夫不禁说出来,尤其是在“同志”这个词中,他感到马斯连尼科夫对他的屈尊。 —

e., while Maslennikoff was filling this position, morally most dirty and shameful, he still thought himself a very important man, and wished, if not exactly to flatter Nekhludoff, at least to show that he was not too proud to call him comrade.
