
In this state of mind Nekhludoff left the Court and went into the jurymen’s room. —
内哈留多夫以这种心态离开了法庭,走进了陪审员的房间。 —

He sat by the window smoking all the while, and hearing what was being said around him.

The merry merchant seemed with all his heart to sympathise with Smelkoff’s way of spending his time. —
那个开朗的商人似乎全心全意地同情斯梅尔科夫的生活方式。 —

“There, old fellow, that was something like! Real Siberian fashion! —
“老哥,那才像样!真正的西伯利亚风格! —

He knew what he was about, no fear! That’s the sort of wench for me.”

The foreman was stating his conviction, that in some way or other the expert’s conclusions were the important thing. —
组长在表明自己的看法,某种程度上专家的结论是重要的。 —

Peter Gerasimovitch was joking about something with the Jewish clerk, and they burst out laughing. —
彼得·格拉西莫维奇正在和犹太文书员开玩笑,他们笑个不停。 —

Nekhludoff answered all the questions addressed to him in monosyllables and longed only to be left in peace.

When the usher, with his sideways gait, called the jury back to the Court, Nekhludoff was seized with fear, as if he were not going to judge, but to be judged. —
庭长斜着走路,叫陪审团回到法庭时,内哈留多夫被恐惧所折磨,仿佛自己不是在审判,而是在被审判。 —

In the depth of his soul he felt that he was a scoundrel, who ought to be ashamed to look people in the face, yet, by sheer force of habit, he stepped on to the platform in his usual self-possessed manner, and sat down, crossing his legs and playing with his pince-nez.

The prisoners had also been led out, and were now brought in again. —
囚犯们也已经被带出,现在又被带了回来。 —

There were some new faces in the Court witnesses, and Nekhludoff noticed that Maslova could not take her eyes off a very fat woman who sat in the row in front of the grating, very showily dressed in silk and velvet, a high hat with a large bow on her head, and an elegant little reticule on her arm, which was bare to the elbow. —
法庭上出现了一些新的面孔,证人们被问起姓名、宗教信仰等。 —

This was, as he subsequently found out, one of the witnesses, the mistress of the establishment to which Maslova had belonged.

The examination of the witnesses commenced: they were asked their names, religion, etc. —
他随后发现,这位就是其中一位证人,马斯洛娃曾在她的机构里工作过。 —

Then, after some consultation as to whether the witnesses were to be sworn in or not, the old priest came in again, dragging his legs with difficulty, and, again arranging the golden cross on his breast, swore the witnesses and the expert in the same quiet manner, and with the same assurance that he was doing something useful and important.

The witnesses having been sworn, all but Kitaeva, the keeper of the house, were led out again. —
证人被要求宣誓,除了房东基塔耶娃,其他人都被带出去了。 —

She was asked what she knew about this affair. —
她被问及对这件事了解多少。 —

Kitaeva nodded her head and the big hat at every sentence and smiled affectedly. —
基塔耶娃在每个句子末尾点头,戴着大帽子假笑。 —

She gave a very full and intelligent account, speaking with a strong German accent. —
她提供了非常详细而聪明的描述,口音带有浓重的德语口音。 —

First of all, the hotel servant Simeon, whom she knew, came to her establishment on behalf of a rich Siberian merchant, and she sent Lubov back with him. —
首先,她认识的酒店服务生西蒙代表一个富有的西伯利亚商人来到她的地方,她让卢波夫和他一起回去。 —

After a time Lubov returned with the merchant. —
过了一会,卢波夫和商人回来了。 —

The merchant was already somewhat intoxicated–she smiled as she said this–and went on drinking and treating the girls. —
商人已经有点喝醉了–她说这句话时微笑了–然后继续喝酒,对待这些女孩。 —

He was short of money. He sent this same Lubov to his lodgings. —
他缺钱了,就派同样的卢波夫去找他的住处。 —

He had taken a “predilection” to her. She looked at the prisoner as she said this.

Nekhludoff thought he saw Maslova smile here, and this seemed disgusting to him. —
尼哈鲁多夫觉得他看到马斯洛娃在这里微笑,这使得他感到恶心。 —

A strange, indefinite feeling of loathing, mingled with suffering, arose in him.

“And what was your opinion of Maslova?” asked the blushing and confused applicant for a judicial post, appointed to act as Maslova’s advocate.

“Zee ferry pesht,” answered Kitaeva. “Zee yoong voman is etucated and elecant. —
“非常聪明。”基塔耶娃回答说,“这个年轻女人受过教育、优雅。 —

She was prought up in a coot family and can reat French. —
她在一个优秀家庭长大,会说法语。 —

She tid have a trop too moch sometimes, put nefer forcot herself. —
她有时确实太过放纵,但从不忘记自己。 —

A ferry coot girl.”

Katusha looked at the woman, then suddenly turned her eyes on the jury and fixed them on Nekhludoff, and her face grew serious and even severe. —
卡琳卡看着那个女人,突然把目光转向了陪审团,将目光定格在涅克卢多夫身上,她的脸变得严肃甚至严厉。 —

One of her serious eyes squinted, and those two strange eyes for some time gazed at Nekhludoff, who, in spite of the terrors that seized him, could not take his look off these squinting eyes, with their bright, clear whites.

He thought of that dreadful night, with its mist, the ice breaking on the river below, and when the waning moon, with horns turned upwards, that had risen towards morning, lit up something black and weird. —
他想起了那个可怕的夜晚,薄雾笼罩着,河流下面的冰裂开了,清晨时分上升的月亮的倒角照亮了某种黑暗而古怪的东西。 —

These two black eyes now looking at him reminded him of this weird, black something. —
现在看着他的这双黑眼睛让他想起了这个古怪的、黑色的东西。 —

“She has recognised me,” he thought, and Nekhludoff shrank as if expecting a blow. —
“她认出了我,”他想,涅克卢多夫惊恐地退缩,仿佛在等待一击。 —

But she had not recognised him. She sighed quietly and again looked at the president. —
但她没有认出他。她轻轻叹了口气,再次看着法庭主席。 —

Nekhludoff also sighed. “Oh, if it would only get on quicker,” he thought.

He now felt the same loathing and pity and vexation as when, out shooting, he was obliged to kill a wounded bird. —
此时他感到的厌恶、怜悯和烦恼,就如同在射击时不得不杀死受伤的鸟时那样。 —

The wounded bird struggles in the game bag. —
那只受伤的鸟在猎物袋里挣扎。 —

One is disgusted and yet feels pity, and one is in a hurry to kill the bird and forget it.

Such mixed feelings filled Nekhludoff’s breast as he sat listening to the examination of the witnesses.