
The heat in the large third-class carriage, which had been standing in the burning sun all day, was so great that Nekhludoff did not go in, but stopped on the little platform behind the carriage which formed a passage to the next one. —
大三等车厢里的空气热得让涅赫鲁多夫无法进去,他只能停在车厢后面的小平台上,那里是通往下一节车厢的通道。 —

But there was not a breath of fresh air here either, and Nekhludoff breathed freely only when the train had passed the buildings and the draught blew across the platform.

“Yes, killed,” he repeated to himself, the words he had used to his sister. —
“是的,被杀害了,”他对自己重复着对姐姐说过的话。 —

And in his imagination in the midst of all other impressions there arose with wonderful clearness the beautiful face of the second dead convict, with the smile of the lips, the severe expression of the brows, and the small, firm ear below the shaved bluish skull.

And what seemed terrible was that he had been murdered, and no one knew who had murdered him. —
真可怕的是他被谋害了,而没有人知道凶手是谁。 —

Yet he had been murdered. He was led out like all the rest of the prisoners by Maslennikoff’s orders. —
他被杀害了。他像其他所有囚犯一样,遵循马斯列尼科夫的命令被带出来。 —

Maslennikoff had probably given the order in the usual manner, had signed with his stupid flourish the paper with the printed heading, and most certainly would not consider himself guilty. —
马斯列尼科夫很可能按照惯例下令,用印有标题的纸张签字,他自己肯定不会认为自己有罪。 —

Still less would the careful doctor who examined the convicts consider himself guilty. —
检查囚犯的细心医生更不可能觉得自己有罪。 —

He had performed his duty accurately, and had separated the weak. —
他准确执行了自己的职责,把虚弱者区分开来。 —

How could he have foreseen this terrible heat, or the fact that they would start so late in the day and in such crowds? —
他怎么会预料到这种可怕的炎热,或者他们会在那么晚的时间和那么拥挤的情况下出发呢? —

The prison inspector? But the inspector had only carried into execution the order that on a given day a certain number of exiles and convicts–men and women–had to be sent off. —
监狱督察呢?但督察只是执行了一个命令,根据这个命令,在特定的一天,必须送走一定数量的流放者和囚犯——男人和女人。 —

The convoy officer could not be guilty either, for his business was to receive a certain number of persons in a certain place, and to deliver up the same number. —
押送军官也不可能有罪,因为他的职责是在特定地点接收一定数量的人,并交付相同数量的人。 —

He conducted them in the usual manner, and could not foresee that two such strong men as those Nekhludoff saw would not be able to stand it and would die. —
他以通常的方式来处理他们,无法预料涅赫鲁多夫看到的这两个强壮男人会受不了而去世。 —

No one is guilty, and yet the men have been murdered by these people who are not guilty of their murder.

“All this comes,” Nekhludoff thought, “from the fact that all these people, governors, inspectors, police officers, and men, consider that there are circumstances in which human relations are not necessary between human beings. —
“尼哈鲁多夫想,所有这一切都源于这样一个事实,就是所有这些人,包括总督、检察官、警察和官员,认为在某些情况下,人与人之间并不需要人情。 —

All these men, Maslennikoff, and the inspector, and the convoy officer, if they were not governor, inspector, officer, would have considered twenty times before sending people in such heat in such a mass–would have stopped twenty times on the way, and, seeing that a man was growing weak, gasping for breath, would have led him into the shade, would have given him water and let him rest, and if an accident had still occurred they would have expressed pity. —
“所有这些人,包括马斯列尼科夫、检查员和押送军官,如果他们不是总督、检查员或官员,他们会在群众中在这样的炎热天气送人时思考二十次——他们会在途中停二十次,在看到一个人虚弱、气喘吁吁时领他走到阴凉处,给他水喝并让他休息,如果不幸发生了事故,他们会表示同情。 —

But they not only did not do it, but hindered others from doing it, because they considered not men and their duty towards them but only the office they themselves filled, and held what that office demanded of them to be above human relations. —
“但他们不仅没有这样做,而且阻止别人这样做,因为他们认为重要的不是人和他们对人的责任,而是他们自己所担任的职位,他们认为这个职位要求的事远高于人际关系。 —

That’s what it is,” Nekhludoff went on in his thoughts. —
“这就是事实,”尼哈鲁多夫继续想下去。 —

“If one acknowledges but for a single hour that anything can be more important than love for one’s fellowmen, even in some one exceptional case, any crime can be committed without a feeling of guilt.”

Nekhludoff was so engrossed by his thoughts that he did not notice how the weather changed. —
“尼哈鲁多夫的思想让他如此专心,以至于没有注意到天气的变化。 —

The sun was covered over by a low-hanging, ragged cloud. —
“太阳被一朵低垂零乱的云朵遮住了。 —

A compact, light grey cloud was rapidly coming from the west, and was already falling in heavy, driving rain on the fields and woods far in the distance. —
“一团紧密的淡灰色云朵迅速从西边逼近,已经在远处的田野和树林上倾盆而下。 —

Moisture, coming from the cloud, mixed with the air. —
“云朵带来的湿气与空气融为一体。 —

Now and then the cloud was rent by flashes of lightning, and peals of thunder mingled more and more often with the rattling of the train. —
“云朵不时被闪电撕裂,雷声与火车的轰鸣声越来越频繁地混在一起。 —

The cloud came nearer and nearer, the rain-drops driven by the wind began to spot the platform and Nekhludoff’s coat; —
“云朵越来越靠近,被风吹走的雨点开始在站台和尼哈鲁多夫的外套上点缀出斑点; —

and he stepped to the other side of the little platform, and, inhaling the fresh, moist air–filled with the smell of corn and wet earth that had long been waiting for rain–he stood looking at the gardens, the woods, the yellow rye fields, the green oatfields, the dark-green strips of potatoes in bloom, that glided past. —
“他走到小站台的另一侧,呼吸着装满玉米和等待雨水已久的潮湿清新空气的味道,静静地看着滑过的花园、林地、黄色的秸秆田地、绿油油的燕麦地、翠绿的开花马铃薯地。 —

Everything looked as if covered over with varnish–the green turned greener, the yellow yellower, the black blacker.

“More! more!” said Nekhludoff, gladdened by the sight of gardens and fields revived by the beneficent shower. —
“再多一点!再多一点!”尼哈鲁多夫欣喜地说,看到被这场恩泽雨复苏的花园和农田。 —

The shower did not last long. Part of the cloud had come down in rain, part passed over, and the last fine drops fell straight on to the earth. —
“雨不持续很久。云朵的一部分变成了雨水,一部分飘过,最后的细雨直直地落在大地上。” —

The sun reappeared, everything began to glisten, and in the east–not very high above the horizon–appeared a bright rainbow, with the violet tint very distinct and broken only at one end.

“Why, what was I thinking about?” Nekhludoff asked himself when all these changes in nature were over, and the train ran into a cutting between two high banks.

“Oh! I was thinking that all those people (inspector, convoy men–all those in the service) are for the greater part kind people–cruel only because they are serving.” —
“噢!我在想那些人(督察、押送人员–所有这些在职的人)大部分都是善良的人–只是因为他们在任职才会残忍。” —

He recalled Maslennikoff’s indifference when he told him about what was being done in the prison, the inspector’s severity, the cruelty of the convoy officer when he refused places on the carts to those who asked for them, and paid no attention to the fact that there was a woman in travail in the train. —
他回忆起马斯连尼科夫告诉他监狱里正在发生的事情时的冷漠态度,督察的严厉,押送官拒绝那些请求坐车的人并不理会火车上有一个正在分娩的女人的残忍。 —

All these people were evidently invulnerable and impregnable to the simplest feelings of compassion only because they held offices. —
所有这些人显然是不可动摇和无法动摇的,只因为他们有职位而对最简单的怜悯之情视而不见。 —

“As officials they were impermeable to the feelings of humanity, as this paved ground is impermeable to the rain.” —
“作为官员,他们对人性的感受是不可渗透的,就像这铺着不同颜色石头的铁路路堤对雨水是不可渗透的一样。” —

Thus thought Nekhludoff as he looked at the railway embankment paved with stones of different colours, down which the water was running in streams instead of soaking into the earth. —
正如奈克卢杜夫看着铁路路堤里铺满了不同颜色石头,水流而下而不是渗入土壤,于是他这样想着。 —

“Perhaps it is necessary to pave the banks with stones, but it is sad to look at the ground, which might be yielding corn, grass, bushes, or trees in the same way as the ground visible up there is doing–deprived of vegetation, and so it is with men,” thought Nekhludoff. —
也许铺上石头是必要的,但看着这块地面却让人感到悲伤,这块地本来可能长着玉米、草、灌木或树木,就像那边可见的地面一样——被剥夺了植被,人也是这样,涅赫卢多夫想。 —

“Perhaps these governors, inspectors, policemen, are needed, but it is terrible to see men deprived of the chief human attribute, that of love and sympathy for one another. —
也许这些总督、检察官、警察是需要的,但看到这些被剥夺了对彼此的爱与同情这一人类的主要属性的人是可怕的。 —

The thing is,” he continued, “that these people consider lawful what is not lawful, and do not consider the eternal, immutable law, written in the hearts of men by God, as law. —
事情是这样的,”他继续说道,“这些人认为合法的事情其实是不合法的,却不将上帝写在人们心中的永恒不变的法律视为法律。 —

That is why I feel so depressed when I am with these people. —
这就是为什么在和这些人在一起时我感到如此沮丧。 —

I am simply afraid of them, and really they are terrible, more terrible than robbers. —
我只是怕他们,而事实上他们是可怕的,比强盗更可怕。 —

A robber might, after all, feel pity, but they can feel no pity, they are inured against pity as these stones are against vegetation. —
强盗毕竟可能会感到怜悯,但他们不会,对怜悯他们像这些石头对植被一样麻木了。 —

That is what makes them terrible. It is said that the Pougatcheffs, the Razins [leaders of rebellions in Russia: —
这才是让他们可怕的原因。据说,普加乔夫,拉津 [俄罗斯的叛乱领袖:Pougatcheff在18世纪的拉辛17世纪] 是可怕的。 —

Stonka Razin in the 17th and Pougatcheff in the 18th century] are terrible. —
这些人可是可怕千倍,“他在思维中继续说道。 —

These are a thousand times more terrible,” he continued, in his thoughts. —
如果给我们这个时代的基督徒、人道主义者、纯朴善良的人提出一个心理问题,即使不感到内疚,也要让他们犯下最可怕的罪行,只有一个解决方案: —

“If a psychological problem were set to find means of making men of our time–Christian, humane, simple, kind people–perform the most horrible crimes without feeling guilty, only one solution could be devised: —
继续做现在的事情。唯一需要的是这些人应该成为总督、检察官、警察; —

to go on doing what is being done. It is only necessary that these people should he governors, inspectors, policemen; —
他们应该完全确信有一种叫做政府服务的业务,可以让人将其他人视为东西,而没有人类兄弟般的关系,而且这些人应该通过这种政府服务相互联系在一起,这样他们行为结果的责任就不会单独落在他们任何一个人身上。 —

that they should be fully convinced that there is a kind of business, called government service, which allows men to treat other men as things, without human brotherly relations with them, and also that these people should be so linked together by this government service that the responsibility for the results of their actions should not fall on any one of them separately. —
没有这些条件,我今天目睹的可怕行为在我们这个时代是不可能发生的。 —

Without these conditions, the terrible acts I witnessed to-day would be impossible in our times. —
所有的问题都在于人们认为有些情况下可以不用爱对待人类; —

It all lies in the fact that men think there are circumstances in which one may deal with human beings without love; —
而事实上根本就不存在这种情况。可以不用爱对待物事。 —

and there are no such circumstances. One may deal with things without love. —
一个人可以不爱惜对待物品的方式对待物品的。 —

One may cut down trees, make bricks, hammer iron without love; —
一个人可以砍树、制砖、锤铁而没有爱; —

but you cannot deal with men without it, just as one cannot deal with bees without being careful. —
但与人打交道时却不能没有爱,就像不能不小心处理蜜蜂一样。 —

If you deal carelessly with bees you will injure them, and will yourself be injured. —
如果你粗心地对待蜜蜂,你会伤害它们,也会受伤害。 —

And so with men. It cannot be otherwise, because natural love is the fundamental law of human life. —
所以对待人也是如此。不能不这样,因为自然的爱是人类生活的基本法则。 —

It is true that a man cannot force another to love him, as he can force him to work for him; —
一个人无法强迫另一个爱他,就像他能迫使别人为他工作一样; —

but it does not follow that a man may deal with men without love, especially to demand anything from them. —
但这并不意味着一个人可以不具备爱心去对待人,特别是向他们要求任何东西。 —

If you feel no love, sit still,” Nekhludoff thought; —
如果你感觉不到爱,那就安静地坐着,涉足事物、自己,或者其他你喜欢的任何事物,只是不要涉及人。 —

“occupy yourself with things, with yourself, with anything you like, only not with men. —
你只有在想吃的时候才能吃得津津有味而不伤害自己,所以只有在你热爱的时候,才能有效地处理与人的关系。 —

You can only eat without injuring yourself when you feel inclined to eat, so you can only deal with men usefully when you love. —
如果你没有爱,那就自闭吧,”涅克罗杜夫想; —

Only let yourself deal with a man without love, as I did yesterday with my brother-in-law, and there are no limits to the suffering you will bring on yourself, as all my life proves. —
“专心处理事务、自己,或者你喜欢的任何事情,只是不要涉及人。 —

Yes, yes, it is so,” thought Nekhludoff; “it is good; —
是的,是的,是这样的,”涅克罗杜夫想;”这很好; —

yes, it is good,” he repeated, enjoying the freshness after the torturing heat, and conscious of having attained to the fullest clearness on a question that had long occupied him.
