THE UNDERLYING ESSENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT FEATURE of the European events at the beginning of the present century is the military movement of masses of European peoples from west to east, and again from east to west. —
欧洲事件在本世纪初的一个重要特征是欧洲人民的军事迁徙,先是从西向东,然后又从东向西。 —

The original movement was that from west to east. —
最初的迁徙是从西向东。 —

That the peoples of the west might be able to accomplish the military march upon Moscow, which they did accomplish, it was essential (1) that they should be combined in a military group of such a magnitude as to be able to withstand the resistance of the military group of the east; —
为了能够实现对莫斯科的军事进军,他们必须(1)组成一个庞大的军事集团,能够抵御东方军事集团的抵抗; —

(2) that they should have renounced all their established traditions and habits; —
(2)他们必须放弃所有已建立的传统和习惯; —

and (3) that they should have at their head a man able to justify in his own name and theirs the perpetration of all the deception, robbery, and murder that accompany that movement.

And to start from the French Revolution, that old group of insufficient magnitude is broken up; —
从法国大革命开始,那个原来的规模不足的集团瓦解了; —

the old habits and traditions are destroyed; —
在这个过程中,旧的习惯和传统被摧毁; —

step by step a group is elaborated of new dimensions, new habits, and new traditions; —
逐步形成了一个新尺度、新习惯和新传统的集团; —

and the man is prepared, who is to stand at the head of the coming movement, and to take upon himself the whole responsibility of what has to be done.

A man of no convictions, no habits, no traditions, no name, not even a Frenchman, by the strangest freaks of chance, as it seems, rises above the seething parties of France, and without attaching himself to any one of them, advances to a prominent position.

The incompetence of his colleagues, the weakness and insignificance of his opponents, the frankness of the deception, and the dazzling and self-confident limitation of the man raise him to the head of the army. —
他的同事的无能,对手的软弱和无足轻重,欺骗的公开和这个人极具魅力且自信的限制将他推到了军队的首位。 —

The brilliant personal qualities of the soldiers of the Italian army, the disinclination to fight of his opponents, and his childish insolence and conceit gain him military glory. —
意大利军队士兵的出色个人素质、对手不愿战斗的倾向以及他幼稚的傲慢和自负使他获得了军事荣耀。 —

Innumerable so-called chance circumstances attend him everywhere. —
无数所谓的偶然情况随处陪伴着他。 —

The disfavour into which he falls with the French Directorate turns to his advantage. —
他在法国导演处遭到的不受喜爱最终成为他的优势。 —

His efforts to avoid the path ordained for him are unsuccessful; —
他努力避免注定的道路却没有成功; —

he is not received into the Russia army, and his projects in Turkey come to nothing.

During the wars in Italy he was several times on the verge of destruction, and was every time saved in an unexpected fashion. —
在意大利战争期间,他几次险些丧命,但每次都意外地得到了救援。 —

The Russian troops—the very troops which were able to demolish his glory—owing to various diplomatic considerations, do not enter Europe until he is there.

On his return from Italy, he finds the government in Paris in that process of dissolution in which all men who are in the government are inevitably effaced and nullified. —
从意大利回来后,他发现巴黎政府正在解体过程中,任何参与政府的人都不可避免地被抹去和抵销。 —

And an escape for him from that perilous position offers itself in the shape of an aimless, groundless expedition to Africa. —
一个毫无目标、毫无根据的非洲远征为他提供了从这种危险境地逃脱的机会。 —

Again the same so-called chance circumstances accompany him. —
再次,同样所谓的偶然情况伴随着他。 —

Malta, the impregnable, surrenders without a shot being fired; —
摩尔达这个坚不可摧的堡垒毫无抵抗地投降。 —

the most ill-considered measures are crowned with success. —
最不谨慎的举措却取得了成功。 —

The enemy’s fleet, which later on does not let one boat escape it, now lets a whole army elude it. —
敌人的舰队,随后再也不放过任何一艘船,现在却让一整支军队逃脱了。 —

In Africa a whole series of outrages is perpetrated on the almost unarmed inhabitants. —
在非洲,对几乎无武装的居民进行了一系列的暴行。 —

And the men perpetrating these atrocities, and their leader most of all, persuade themselves that it is noble, it is glory, that it is like C? —
犯下这些暴行的人,尤其是他们的领袖,自以为这是高尚的、荣耀的,就像是西塞罗和亚历山大大帝一样,他们认为这是美好的。 —

sar and Alexander of Macedon, and that it is fine.

That ideal of glory and of greatness, consisting in esteeming nothing one does wrong, and glorying in every crime, and ascribing to it an incomprehensible, supernatural value—that ideal, destined to guide this man and those connected with him, is elaborated on a grand scale in Africa. —
在这个人和与他有关的人身上,那种将荣耀和伟大定义为不认为自己所做的事情有错,并为每一次罪行自豪,将其赋予无法理解的、超自然的价值的理想在非洲得到了精心制定。 —

Whatever he does succeeds. The plague does not touch him. —
不管他做什么都会成功。瘟疫不会触及他。 —

The cruelty of murdering his prisoners is not remembered against him. —
屠杀囚犯的残忍行为并没有让人们记恨他。 —

His childishly imprudent, groundless, and ignoble departure from Africa, abandoning his comrades in misfortune, does him good service; —
他幼稚、鲁莽和卑劣地离开非洲,并抛弃了同伴,却对他产生了好处。 —

and again the enemy’s fleet lets him twice slip through their hands. —
而敌方的舰队两次都让他溜走了。 —

At the moment when, completely intoxicated by the success of his crimes and ready for the part he has to play, he arrives in Paris entirely without any plan, the disintegration of the Republican government, which might have involved him in its ruin a year before, has now reached its utmost limit, and his presence, a man independent of parties, can now only aid his elevation.

He has no sort of plan; he is afraid of everything; —
他毫无计划,对一切都感到害怕。 —

but all parties clutch at him and insist on his support.

He alone—with the ideal of glory and greatness he has acquired in Italy and Egypt, with his frenzy of self-adoration, with his insolence in crime, and his frankness in mendacity—he alone can justify what has to be accomplished.

He is needed for the place that awaits him, and so, almost apart from his own volition, and in spite of his uncertainty, the lack of plan, and the blunders he commits, he is drawn into a conspiracy that aims at seizing power; —
他被需要于等待着他的位置上,所以几乎不由自主地、尽管他的不确定性、缺乏计划和犯下的错误,他被卷入了一个旨在夺取权力的阴谋中。 —

and that conspiracy is crowned with success.

He is dragged into the assembly of the rulers. —
他被拉进统治者的大会。 —

In alarm he tries to flee, believing himself in danger; —
惊恐中,他试图逃离,认为自己处于危险之中。 —

pretends to faint, says the most senseless things that should have been his ruin. —
假装晕倒,说出了最无意义的话,这本该毁了他。 —

But the rulers of France, once proud and discerning, now feeling their part is over, are even more panic-stricken than he, and fail to utter the words they should have pronounced to preserve their power and crush him.

Chance, millions of chances, give him power; —
机遇,无数的机遇,给予了他权力。 —

and all men, as though in league together, combine to confirm that power. —
而所有男人,彷佛共谋一般,联合起来证实他的权力。 —

Chance circumstances create the characters of the rulers of France, who cringe before him; —
偶然情况造就了法国的统治者们,他们在他面前屈服; —

chance creates the character of Paul I., who acknowledges his authority; —
偶然塑造了保罗一世的性格,他承认他的权威; —

chance causes the plot against him to strengthen his power instead of shaking it. —
偶然导致了针对他的阴谋加强了他的权力,而不是动摇它。 —

Chance throws the Duc d’Enghien into his hands and accidentally impels him to kill him, thereby convincing the crowd by the strongest of all arguments that he has the right on his side since he has the might. —
偶然将杜克·丹吉安送入他的掌握,并意外地使他杀了他,以此向人群证明他有权因为他有力量。 —

Chance brings it to pass that though he strains every nerve to fit out an expedition against England, which would unmistakably have led to his ruin, he never puts this project into execution, and happens to fall upon Mack with the Austrians, who surrender without a battle. —
偶然使他尽最大努力准备一场针对英国的远征,这本应明确导致他的毁灭,然而他从未实施这个计划,并偶然遇到奥地利人的麦克,他在没有战斗的情况下投降。 —

Chance and genius give him the victory at Austerlitz; —
偶然和天才让他在奥斯特利茨获得胜利; —

and by chance it comes to pass that all men, not only the French, but all the countries of Europe except England, which takes no part in the events that are to be accomplished, forget their old horror and aversion for his crimes, and now recognise the power he has gained by them, acknowledge the title he has bestowed upon himself, and accept his ideal of greatness and glory, which seems to every one something fine and rational.

As though practising and preparing themselves for the great movement before them, the forces of the west made several dashes—in 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1809—into the east, growing stronger and more numerous. —
仿佛在练习和准备他们面前的重大运动,西方的力量在1805年、1806年、1807年和1809年进行了几次冲击,越来越强大和庞大。 —

In 1811 a group of men formed in France is joined by an enormous group from the peoples of Central Europe. —
1811年,一群法国人组成的团体与来自中欧各国的大规模团体联合起来。 —

As the numbers of the great mass increase, the power of justification of the man at the head of the movement gathers more and more force. —
随着这个庞大群体的人数增加,领导者的合理化能力越来越强。 —

During the ten years of the preparatory period preceding the great movement, this man forms relations with all the crowned heads of Europe. —
在伟大运动之前的十年准备期间,这个人与欧洲所有的加冕之头建立了关系。 —

The sovereigns of the world, stripped bare by him, can oppose no rational ideal to the senseless Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness. —
世界上的君主被剥夺了权力,无法对抗拿破仑追求荣耀和伟大的愚蠢理念。 —

They vie with one another in demonstrating to him their insignificance. —
他们互相竞争,以展示他们的微不足道。 —

The King of Prussia sends his wife to sue for the good graces of the great man; —
普鲁士国王派他的妻子去拉拢这位伟人的好感。 —

the Emperor of Austria considers it a favour for this man to take the daughter of the Kaisers to his bed. —
奥地利皇帝认为这位伟人娶皇家女儿是一种荣幸。 —

The Pope, the guardian of the faith of the peoples, uses religion to aid the great man’s elevation. —
作为人民信仰的守护者,教皇利用宗教来帮助这位伟人的崛起。 —

Napoleon does not so much prepare himself for the part he is to play as all around him lead him on to take upon himself the responsibility of what is being done and is to be done. —
拿破仑并没有为他即将扮演的角色做太多准备,而是周围的人鼓励他承担正在进行和即将进行的事情的责任。 —

There is no act, no crime, no petty deceit which he would not commit, and which would not be at once represented on the lips of those about him as a great deed. —
他会犯任何行为、任何罪行、任何小小的欺骗,而周围的人会立即将其描绘为伟大的壮举。 —

The most suitable fête the Germans could think of in his honour was the celebration of Jena and Auerstadt. —
德国人认为他荣誉的最合适庆典是庆祝耶拿和奥尔斯塔特战役。 —

Not only is he great; his forefathers, his brothers, his step-children, and his brothers-in-law are great too. —
他不仅伟大,他的祖先、兄弟、继子和姐妹的丈夫也是伟大的。 —

Everything is done to deprive him of the last glimmering of reason, and to prepare him for his terrible part. —
一切都是为了剥夺他最后一丝理智,并为他可怕的角色做准备。 —

And when he is ready, his forces too are in readiness.

The invading army flows towards the east and reaches its final goal: Moscow. —
侵略军向东方涌去,最终到达目标:莫斯科。 —

The ancient city is taken; the Russian army suffers greater losses than were ever suffered by the opposing armies in the previous wars from Austerlitz to Wagram. —
古老的城市被占领;俄罗斯军队的损失比从奥斯特利茨到瓦格拉姆之间的战争中对阵部队所遭受的任何损失都要大。 —

But all at once, instead of that chance and genius, which had so consistently led him hitherto by an uninterrupted series of successes to his destined goal, an immense number of chance circumstances occur of an opposite kind from the cold caught at Borodino to the spark that fired Moscow; —
但突然间,曾经持续将他一步步引领向既定目标的机会和才能消失了,取而代之的是大量相反的偶然情况,从在博羅迪諾冷到莫斯科失火的火花。 —

and instead of genius there was shown a folly and baseness unexampled in history.

The invading army flees away, turns back and flees again; —
入侵的军队逃走了,又转身逃跑; —

and all the chances now are consistently not for but against him.

Then there follows the opposing movement from east to west, with a remarkable similarity to the eastward movement from the west that had preceded it. —
然后接着是从东向西的对立运动,与之前的从西向东的运动相似得惊人; —

There were similar tentative movements westward as had in 1805, 1807 and 1809 preceded the great eastward movement. —
也有类似于1805年、1807年和1809年前大规模东进运动的试探性西进运动; —

There was the same cohesion together of all into one group of immense numbers; —
所有人都聚集在一起形成了一个庞大的群体; —

the same adherence of the peoples of Central Europe to the movement; —
中欧各国人民对这个运动的坚持不懈; —

the same hesitation midway, and the same increased velocity as the goal was approached.

Paris, the furthest goal, was reached. Napoleon’s government and armies are shattered. —
最远的目标巴黎被占领,拿破仑的政府和军队被摧毁; —

Napoleon himself is of no further consequence; all his actions are obviously paltry and mean; —
拿破仑本人毫无重要性;显然他的所有行动都是微不足道和卑劣的; —

but again inexplicable chance comes in. The allies detest Napoleon, in whom they see the cause of all their troubles. —
但是又是不可解释的机会出现了。同盟国厌恶拿破仑,他们把他视为一切麻烦的根源; —

Stripped of his power and his might, convicted of frauds and villainies, he should have been seen by them as he had been ten years before, and was a year later—a brigand outside the pale of the law. —
剥夺了他的权力和威力,揭发了他的欺骗和恶行,他应该被他们视为十年前那样,一年后那样——法律之外的强盗; —

But by some strange freak of chance no one sees it. His part is not yet played out. —
但出于一些奇怪的机遇,没有人看到这一点。他的角色还没有演完; —

The man who ten years back, and one year later, was looked on as a miscreant outside the law, was sent by them to an island two days’ journey from France, given to him as his domain, with guards and millions of money, as though to pay him for some service he had done.