NATASHA, as soon as she was alone with her husband, had begun talking too, as only husband and wife can talk, that is, understanding and communicating their thoughts to each other, with extraordinary clearness and rapidity, by a quite peculiar method opposed to all the rules of logic, without the aid of premises, deductions, and conclusions. —
当她与丈夫独处时,娜塔莎马上开始说话了,就像只有丈夫和妻子之间可以交流的那样,即用一种非常清晰和快速的方式,通过一种完全违反逻辑规则的独特方法,没有前提、推理和结论的帮助。 —

Natasha was so used to talking to her husband in this fashion that a logical sequence of thought on Pierre’s part was to her an infallible symptom of something being out of tune between them. —
对于纳塔莎来说,这种方式与丈夫交谈已经习以为常,以至于皮埃尔的理性思考对她来说是两人关系不和谐的无误迹象。 —

When he began arguing, talking reasonably and calmly, and when she was led on by his example into doing the same, she knew it would infallibly lead to a quarrel.

From the moment they were alone together and Natasha, with wide-open, happy eyes, crept softly up to him and suddenly, swiftly seizing his head, pressed it to her bosom, saying, “Now you’re all mine, mine! —
他们独处的那一刻起,纳塔莎眼睛睁得大大的,幸福地轻轻靠近他,突然迅速地抓住他的头,把它按在她的胸口,说:“现在你完全是我的,属于我的!你逃不掉了!”就是那个违反了逻辑规则的对话开始了,尤其因为他们同时谈论了好几个不同的话题。 —

You shan’t escape!” that conversation began that contravened every rule of logic, especially because they talked of several different subjects at once. —
这种同时讨论各种事物,远不会阻碍理解的清晰度,反而是彼此完全理解的最确定的标志。 —

This discussion of all sorts of things at once, far from hindering clearness of comprehension, was the surest token that they understood one another fully.

As in a dream everything is uncertain, meaningless, and contradictory except the feeling that directs the dream, so in this communion of ideas, apart from every law of reason, what is clear and consecutive is not what is said, but the feeling that prompts the words.

Natasha talked to Pierre of the daily round of existence at her brother’s; —
这些探讨各种事物的讨论,并未妨碍理解的清晰度,反而是彼此充分理解的最可靠证据。 —

told him how she had suffered and been half-dead without him; —
她告诉他她在没有他的时候曾经受尽苦难,几乎活不下去; —

and that she was fonder of Marie than ever, and Marie was better in every way than she was. —
她比以往更喜欢玛丽,而且玛丽在各方面都比她更优秀; —

In saying this Natasha was quite sincere in acknowledging Marie’s superiority, but at the same time she expected Pierre to prefer her to Marie and all other women, and now, especially after he had been seeing a great many women in Petersburg, to tell her so anew. —
纳塔莎说这话是真心实意地承认玛丽的优越性,但同时她也期望皮埃尔会更偏爱她而不是玛丽或其他女人,尤其是在他在彼得堡见了很多女人之后,会再次告诉她这样的话; —

In response to Natasha’s words, Pierre told her how intolerable he had found the evening parties and dinners with ladies in Petersburg.

“I have quite lost the art of talking to ladies,” he said; —
“我已经完全丧失了与女士们交谈的艺术,”他说; —

“it was horribly tiresome. Especially as I was so busy.”

Natasha looked intently at him, and went on. “Marie, now she is wonderful!” she said. —
纳塔莎凝视着他,继续说道:“玛丽,她真是太棒了!”她说; —

“The insight she has into children. She seems to see straight into their souls. —
“她对孩子们的了解。她好像能直接看到他们的灵魂”; —

Yesterday, for instance, Mitenka was naughty…”

“And isn’t he like his father?” Pierre put in.

Natasha knew why he made this remark about Mitenka’s likeness to Nikolay. —
纳塔莎知道他为什么提到弥田卡像尼古拉。他不喜欢想起与他姐夫的争执,渴望听听她对此的看法; —

He disliked the thought of his dispute with his brother-in-law, and was longing to hear what she thought about it.

“It’s a weakness of Nikolay’s, that if anything is not generally accepted, he will never agree with it. —
“而且我看到你正是看重这一点来开创你的事业”,她说,重复了皮埃尔曾经说过的一句话; —

And I see that that’s just what you value to ouvrir une carrière,” she said, repeating a phrase Pierre had once uttered.

“No, the real thing is that to Nikolay,” said Pierre, “thoughts and ideas are an amusement, almost a pastime. —
(原文未提供15行的内容) —

Here he’s forming a library and has made it a rule not to buy a new book till he has read through the last he has bought—Sismondi and Rousseau and Montesquieu,” Pierre added with a smile. —
他正在组建一座图书馆,并制定了一个规则:在读完最近购买的书籍——《Sismondi and Rousseau and Montesquieu》后才能购买新的书籍,”皮埃尔笑着补充道。 —

“You know how I—,” he was beginning to soften his criticism; —
“你知道,我——,”他开始缓和批评的口吻; —

but Natasha interrupted, giving him thereby to understand that that was not necessary.

“So you say ideas to him are not serious…”

“Yes, and to me nothing else is serious. —
“是的,对我来说,没有别的事情是认真的。 —

All the while I was in Petersburg, I seemed to be seeing every one in a dream. —
当我沉浸在一个理念中时,其他事情都变得不重要。” —

When I am absorbed by an idea, nothing else is serious.”

“Oh, what a pity I didn’t see your meeting with the children,” said Natasha. —
“谁最高兴呢?丽萨,当然吧?” —

“Which was the most pleased? Liza, of course?”

“Yes,” said Pierre, and he went on with what interested him. —
“尼古拉说我们不应该思考。但我无法控制。 —

“Nikolay says we ought not to think. But I can’t help it. —
更不用说(我可以对你说)在圣彼得堡,我感觉到如果没有我,整个事物都会崩溃,每个人都朝着自己的方向推动。 —

To say nothing of the fact (I can say so to you) that in Petersburg I felt that the whole thing would go to pieces without me, every one pulled his own way. —
但我成功地把他们都团结在一起;而且我的想法很清晰和简单。 —

But I succeeded in bringing them all together; and then my idea is so clear and simple. —
我不是说我们应该对抗谁谁。我们可能会犯错。 —

I don’t say we ought to work against so and so. We may be mistaken. —
但我说让那些关心公正事业的人们携手并进,让我们的唯一衡量标准是活力和诚实。 —

But I say let those join hands who care for the good cause, and let our one standard be energy and honesty. —
但我说让那些关心公正事业的人们携手并进,让我们的唯一衡量标准是活力和诚实。 —

Prince Sergey is a capital fellow, and clever.”

Natasha would have had no doubt that Pierre’s idea was a grand idea, but that one thing troubled her. It was his being her husband. —
娜塔莎毫不怀疑彼得的想法是一种伟大的想法,但有一件事困扰着她。那就是他是她的丈夫。 —

“Is it possible that a man of such value, of such importance to society, is at the same time my husband? —
“一个在社会上如此有价值、如此重要的人物,竟然同时是我的丈夫?这可能吗?” —

How can it have happened?” She wanted to express this doubt to him. —
她想向他表达这个疑问。 —

“Who are the persons who could decide positively whether he is so much cleverer than all of them? —
“到底是哪些人可以肯定地决定他是否比他们聪明得多?”她想着,然后在想象中回顾了一下彼得非常尊敬的人。根据他自己的说法,没有人比普拉顿·卡拉塔耶夫更值得他尊敬。 —

” she wondered, and she went over in imagination the people who were very much respected by Pierre. There was nobody whom, to judge by his own account, he had respected so much as Platon Karataev.

“Do you know what I am thinking about?” she said. “About Platon Karataev. —
他会说什么?他现在会赞同你吗? —

What would he have said? Would he have approved of you now?”

Pierre was not in the least surprised at this question. —
他理解妻子思维的联系。 —

He understood the connection of his wife’s ideas.
他说:“普拉顿·卡拉塔耶夫?” 然后他若有所思地思考着,显然是真诚地试图揣摩卡拉塔耶夫对这个问题的判断。

“Platon Karataev?” he said, and he pondered, evidently trying sincerely to picture what Karataev’s judgment would have been on the subject. —
“他不会理解,但也许他会。” —

“He would not have understood, and yet, perhaps, he would.”

“I like you awfully!” said Natasha all at once. “Awfully! awfully!”

“No, he wouldn’t have approved,” said Pierre, musing. —
“他会赞同的是我们的家庭生活。” —

“What he would have approved of is our home life. —
她觉得这个家庭生活太好了!太好了!太好了! —

He did so like to see seemliness, happiness, peace in everything, and I could have shown him all of us with pride. —
他确实很喜欢看到一切的得体、幸福、和平,我可以自豪地向他展示我们所有人。 —

You talk about separation. But you would not believe what a special feeling I have for you after separation …”

“And, besides, …” Natasha was beginning.

“No, not so. I never leave off loving you. And one couldn’t love more; —
“不,不是这样。我从来没有停止爱你。而且没有人能更爱了; —

but it’s something special.…” He did not finish, because their eyes meeting said the rest.

“What nonsense,” said Natasha suddenly, “it all is about the honeymoon and that the greatest happiness is at first. —
“真鸡毛蒜皮,”娜塔莎突然说,“这一切都是关于蜜月和最初的最大幸福。 —

On the contrary, now is much the best. If only you wouldn’t go away. —
相反,现在是最好的时候。只要你不要走。 —

Do you remember how we used to quarrel? And I was always in the wrong. —
你还记得我们曾经争吵吗?而且我总是错的。 —

It was always my doing. And what we quarrelled about—I don’t remember even.”

“Always the same thing,” said Pierre smiling. “Jea …”
“总是一样的事,”皮埃尔笑着说。“Jea …”

“Don’t say it, I can’t bear it,” cried Natasha, and a cold, vindictive light gleamed in her eyes. —
“别说了,我受不了,”娜塔莎喊道,她的眼睛里闪烁着冷酷、报复的光芒。 —

“Did you see her?” she added after a pause.

“No; and if I had, I shouldn’t have known her.”

They were silent.

“Oh! do you know, when you were talking in the study, I was looking at you,” said Natasha, obviously trying to drive away the cloud that had come between them. —
“哦!你知道吗,当你在书房里说话的时候,我一直在看着你,”娜塔莎说,显然试图驱散他们之间的阴云。 —

“And do you know you are like him as two drops of water, like the boy. —
“你知道你们两个简直是一个模子刻出来的,就像孩子那样。” —

” That was what she called her baby son. —
“那就是她给她儿子取的名字。” —

“Ah, it’s time I went to him. … But I am sorry to go away.”

They were both silent for some seconds. Then all at once, at the same moment, they turned to each other and began talking. —
他们都保持沉默了几秒钟。然后突然,他们同时转向对方开始交谈。 —

Pierre was beginning with self-satisfaction and enthusiasm, Natasha with a soft, happy smile. —
皮埃尔带着自满和热情开始说话,娜塔莎则面带温和幸福的微笑。 —

Interrupting each other, both stopped, waiting for the other to go on.

“No, what is it? Tell me, tell me.”

“No, you tell me, it wasn’t anything, only nonsense,” said Natasha.

Pierre said what he had been going to say. —
皮埃尔说出了他原本打算说的话。 —

It was the sequel to his complacent reflections on his success in Petersburg. —
这是他对自己在彼得堡的成功的得意思考的续集。 —

It seemed to him at that moment that he was destined to give a new direction to the progress of the whole of Russian society and of the whole world.

“I only meant to say that all ideas that have immense results are always simple. —
“我只是想说,所有具有巨大成果的想法都是简单的。 —

All my idea really is that if vicious people are united and form a power, honest men must do the same. —
我真正的想法只是,如果邪恶的人团结起来形成一种力量,善良的人也必须这样做。 —

It’s so simple, you see.”


“But what were you going to say?”

“Oh, nothing, nonsense.”

“No, say it though.”

“Oh, nothing, only silly nonsense,” said Natasha, breaking into a more beaming smile than ever. —
“哦,没什么,只是无聊的胡扯,”娜塔莎说着,比以往更灿烂地笑着。 —

“I was only going to tell you about Petya. Nurse came up to take him from me to-day, he laughed and puckered up his face and squeezed up to me—I suppose he thought he was hiding. —
“我只是想告诉你关于彼特亚的事。护士今天过来把他从我这里带走,他笑了笑,皱起了脸,挤到了我身边——我想他以为他躲起来了。 —

He’s awfully sweet. … There he is crying. —
他好可爱……他在哭呢。 —

Well, good-bye!” and she ran out of the room.

Meanwhile, below in Nikolinka Bolkonsky’s bedroom a lamp was burning as usual (the boy was afraid of the dark and could not be cured of this weakness). —
与此同时,在尼古林卡·博尔孔斯基的卧室下面,一盏灯像往常一样亮着(男孩害怕黑暗,这个弱点无法改变)。 —

Dessalle was asleep with his head high on his four pillows, and his Roman nose gave forth rhythmic sounds of snoring. —
德萨尔躺在他四个枕头上高高地睡着,他的罗马鼻子发出有规律的打鼾声。 —

Nikolinka had just waked up in a cold sweat, and was sitting up in bed, gazing with wide-open eyes straight before him. —
尼古林卡刚刚出了一身冷汗,坐在床上,睁大眼睛直视前方。 —

He had been waked by a fearful dream. In his dream his Uncle Pierre and he in helmets, such as appeared in the illustrations in his Plutarch, were marching at the head of an immense army. —
他被一个可怕的梦惊醒了。在梦里,他和他的叔叔皮埃尔戴着头盔,就像他的普鲁塔克书中的插图一样,带领着一支庞大的军队前进。 —

This army was made up of slanting, white threads that filled the air like those spider-webs that float in autumn and that Dessalle used to call le fil de la Vierge. —
这支军队由斜白色线条组成,就像秋天漂浮在空中的那些蜘蛛网,德萨尔过去常称之为“圣母之线”。 —

Ahead of them was glory, which was something like those threads too, only somewhat more opaque. —
在他们前面是光荣,有点像那些线条,只是稍微不透明一些。 —

They—he and Pierre—were flying lightly and happily nearer and nearer to their goal. —
他们——他和皮埃尔——轻盈而愉快地飞向他们的目标越来越近。 —

All at once the threads that moved them seemed to grow weak and tangled; —
突然间,推动他们的那些线条似乎变得虚弱而纠缠不清; —

and it was all difficult. And Uncle Nikolay stood before them in a stern and menacing attitude.

“Have you done this?” he said, pointing to broken pens and sticks of sealing-wax. —
“你做的吗?”他指着破碎的笔和蜡封的棍子说道。 —

“I did love you, but Araktcheev has bidden me, and I will kill the first that moves forward.”

Nikolinka looked round for Pierre; but Pierre was not there. —
尼古林卡四处找皮埃尔,但皮埃尔不在那里。 —

Instead of Pierre, there was his father—Prince Andrey—and his father had no shape or form, but he was there; —
取而代之的是他的父亲—安德烈亲王—他的父亲没有形状或形式,但他在那里; —

and seeing him, Nikolinka felt the weakness of love; he felt powerless, limp, and relaxed. —
看到他,尼古林卡感到了爱的无力;他感到无力、无力和松弛。 —

His father caressed him and pitied him, but his Uncle Nikolay was moving down upon them, coming closer and closer. —
他的父亲抚摸着他,怜悯着他,但他的叔叔尼古拉伊正向他们走来,越来越近。 —

A great horror came over Nikolinka, and he waked up.

“My father!” he thought. (Although there were two very good portraits of Prince Andrey in the house, Nikolinka never thought of his father in human form. —
“我的父亲!”他思索着。(虽然房子里有两张非常好的安德烈亲王的肖像画,尼古林卡从未想过他的父亲有人类的形态。 —

) “My father has been with me, and has caressed me. He approved of me; —
)“我的父亲一直和我在一起,他抚摸着我。他同意我; —

he approved of Uncle Pierre. Whatever he might tell me, I would do it. —
他同意皮埃尔叔叔。无论他告诉我什么,我都会做。 —

Mucius Scaevola burnt his hand. But why should not the same sort of thing happen in my life? —
缪修斯·斯卡沃拉烧伤了自己的手。为什么在我生活中不可能发生同样的事情呢? —

I know they want me to study. And I am going to study. —
我知道他们希望我学习。我要去学习。 —

But some day I shall have finished, and then I will act. —
但是总有一天我会完成学业,然后我将采取行动。 —

One thing only I pray God for, that the same sort of thing may happen with me as with Plutarch’s men, and I will act in the same way. —
我只祈求上帝,使我像普鲁塔克的人一样发生同样的事情,我将以同样的方式行动。 —

I will do more. Every one shall know of me, shall love me, and admire me. —
我会做更多的事情。每个人都会知道我,喜欢我,崇拜我。 —

” And all at once Nikolinka felt his breast heaving with sobs, and he burst into tears.

“Are you ill?” he heard Dessalle’s voice.

“No,” answered Nikolinka, and he lay back on his pillow. “How good and kind he is; I love him! —
尼古林卡回答:“没有,”然后他躺回枕头上。“他多么好又善良;我爱他!” —

” He thought of Dessalle. “But Uncle Pierre! Oh, what a wonderful man! And my father? Father! —
“他想起德萨尔。“可是皮尔叔叔!哦,他是多么了不起的人!还有我的父亲?父亲! —

Father! Yes, I will do something that even he would be content with …”