THERE was nothing in Pierre’s soul now like what had passed within him in similar circumstances during the time of his being betrothed to Ellen.

He did not go over, as he had then, with a sickening sense of shame the words he had uttered; —
他没有像之前那样感到恶心的耻辱,对他所说的话感到恶心; —

he did not say to himself: “Oh, why did I not say that, and why, oh why, did I say then: —
他没有对自己说:哦,我为什么不说那个,为什么,为什么,我说了那句话: —

I love you.” Now, on the contrary, every word of hers and of his own, he went over in his imagination with every detail of look and smile, and wanted to add nothing, to take nothing away, he longed only to hear it over again. —
我爱你。”现在,相反地,他想象中的每一个她和他自己的每一个字都在他脑海中重复,他渴望再次听到它们。 —

As for doubts— whether what he contemplated doing was right or wrong—there was never a trace of them now. —
至于他考虑要做的事情是否对或错的疑虑,现在已经完全没有了一丝迹象。 —

Only one terrible doubt sometimes assailed his mind. Was it not all a dream? —
只有一个可怕的疑虑有时袭击他的思绪。难道这一切不都是一个梦吗? —

Was not Princess Marya mistaken? Am I not too conceited and self-confident? I believe in it; —
难道玛丽亚公主错了吗?难道我不是太自负和自信吗?我相信这件事; —

but all at once— and it’s what is sure to happen—Princess Marya tells her; —
但突然之间-这是注定会发生的-玛丽亚公主告诉她; —

and she smiles and answers: “How queer! He has certainly made a mistake. —
她笑了笑回答:“多么奇怪!他肯定弄错了。 —

Doesn’t he know that he is a man, a mere man, while I? —
他不知道他是男人,仅仅是个男人,而我? —

… I am something altogether different, higher.”

This doubt alone often beset Pierre. He made no plans of any sort now. —
这个疑虑经常困扰着皮埃尔。现在他没有任何计划。 —

The happiness before him seemed to him so incredible that the only thing that mattered was to bring it to pass, and nothing could be beyond. —
他眼前的幸福对他来说是如此难以置信,唯一重要的事情就是要实现它,没有什么是不可能的。 —

Everything else was over.

A joyful, unexpected frenzy, of which Pierre had believed himself incapable, seized upon him. —
一个喜悦的、出乎意料的狂热,皮埃尔认为自己不可能有这种思绪。 —

The whole meaning of life, not for him only, but for all the world, seemed to him centred in his love and the possibility of her loving him. —
整个生活的意义,不仅仅是对他来说,而是对整个世界来说,似乎只集中在他的爱和她可能爱他的可能性上。 —

Sometimes all men seemed to him to be absorbed in nothing else than his future happiness. —
有时候,所有的男人都似乎只沉迷于他未来的幸福。 —

It seemed to him sometimes that they were all rejoicing as he was himself, and were only trying to conceal that joy, by pretending to be occupied with other interests. —
有时候他觉得他们都像他自己一样欢欣鼓舞,只是在掩盖那份喜悦,假装忙于其他事情。 —

In every word and gesture he saw an allusion to his happiness. —
在每个字和每个动作中,他都看到了对他幸福的影射。 —

He often surprised people by his significant and blissful looks and smiles, that seemed to express some secret understanding with them. —
他常常以他充满意味和幸福的眼神和微笑,让人惊讶,那似乎表达了与他们的某种秘密默契。 —

But when he realised that people could not know of his happiness, he pitied them from the bottom of his heart, and felt an impulse to try to make them somehow understand that all that they were interested in was utter nonsense and trifles not deserving of attention.

When suggestions were made to him that he should take office under government, or when criticisms of any sort on general, political questions, or on the war, were made before him, on the supposition that one course of events or another would affect the happiness of all men, he listened with a gentle smile of commiseration, and astounded the persons conversing with him by his strange observations. —
当有人建议他在政府部门任职,或者当有人在他面前对一般的政治问题或战争作出评论,假设某种事件的发展会影响所有人的幸福时,他带着同情的微笑听着,并以他奇怪的观点让与他交谈的人感到震惊。 —

But both those persons, who seemed to Pierre to grasp the true significance of life, that is, his feeling, and those luckless wretches who obviously had no notion of it—all at this period appeared to Pierre in the radiant light of his own glowing feeling; —
但是那些似乎理解生活真正意义的人,也就是他的感觉,以及那些明显对此毫无概念的可怜人,在这个时期都在皮埃尔眼中照射着他自己灼热感觉的明亮光芒中。 —

so that on meeting any one, he saw in him without the slightest effort everything that was good and deserving of love.

As he looked through his dead wife’s papers and belongings, he had no feeling towards her memory but one of pity that she had not known the happiness he knew now. —
当他浏览他已故妻子的文件和物品时,对她的记忆并没有任何感觉,只有遗憾她没有体验到他现在所知道的幸福。 —

Prince Vassily, who was particularly haughty just then, having received a new post and a star, struck him as a pathetic and kind-hearted old man, very much to be pitied.

Often afterwards Pierre recalled that time of happy insanity. —
后来皮埃尔常常回忆起那段幸福的疯狂时光。 —

All the judgments he formed of men and circumstances during that period remained for ever true to him. —
他在那段时间里对人和事物的所有判断对他来说永远是正确的。 —

Far from renouncing later on those views of men and things, on the contrary, in inner doubts and contradictions, he flew back to the view he had had during that time of madness; —
远非在之后放弃那些对于人和事物的看法,相反,面对内心的怀疑和矛盾,他重新回到了他在发疯期间的观点; —

and that view always turned out to be a true one.

“Perhaps,” he thought, “I did seem strange and absurd then; —
“也许,”他想,“我当时看起来很奇怪和荒谬; —

but I was not so mad then as I seemed. On the contrary, I was cleverer and had more insight then than at any time, and I understood everything worth understanding in life, because … I was happy.”

Pierre’s madness showed itself in his not waiting, as in old days, for those personal grounds, which he had called good qualities in people, in order to love them; —
皮埃尔的疯狂表现在他不再像过去那样,为了爱一个人而等待那些他所称之为人的优点的个人原因; —

but as love was brimming over in his heart he loved men without cause, and so never failed to discover incontestable reasons that made them worth loving.