JUST AS IT IS DIFFICULT to explain why the ants hurry back to a scattered ant-hill, some dragging away from it bits of refuse, eggs, and corpses, while others run back again, and what is their object in crowding together, overtaking one another, fighting with each other, so it would be hard to give the reasons that induced the Russians, after the departure of the French, to flock back to the place which had been known as Moscow. —
正如很难解释蚂蚁为什么会匆匆返回散落的蚁丘,并且有些蚂蚁会拖走废料、蚁卵和蚂蚁尸体,而其他蚂蚁会再次返回,并且他们在一起争夺、追赶、相互争斗,同样,俄国人在法军撤离后,为何会蜂拥返回被称为莫斯科的地方也很难解释。 —

But just as looking at the ants hurrying about a ruined ant-heap, one can see by the tenacity, the energy, and the multitude of the busy insects that though all else is utterly destroyed, there is left something indestructible and immaterial that was the whole strength of the colony, so too Moscow in the month of October, though without its governing authorities, without its churches, without its holy things, without its wealth and its houses, was still the same Moscow as it had been in August. —
但是,正如观察那些在一座废弃的蚁丘上匆忙忙碌的蚂蚁,通过它们的坚韧、活力和眾多,我们可以看到尽管其他的一切都被彻底摧毁,但仍然有一些无法被破坏和无形的东西,这是整个群体的力量所在,同样,在十月的莫斯科,虽然没有统治机构、没有教堂、没有圣物、没有财富和房屋,但它仍然是与八月时一样的莫斯科。 —

Everything was shattered except something immaterial, but mighty and indestructible.

The motives of the people, who rushed from all parts to Moscow after it was evacuated by the enemy, were of the most varied and personal kind, and at first mostly savage and brutal impulses. —
在法军撤离后,冲向莫斯科的人们动机各异,多数是野蛮和残暴的冲动。 —

Only one impulse was common to all—the attraction to the place which had been called Moscow in order to set their energies to work there.

Within a week there were fifteen thousand persons in Moscow, within a fortnight twenty-five thousand; and so it went on. —
一个星期后,莫斯科已经有一万五千人,两个星期后二万五千人,如此一直增加下去。 —

The number went on mounting and mounting till by the autumn of 1813 it had reached a figure exceeding the population of the city in 1812.

The first Russians to enter Moscow were the Cossacks of Wintzengerode’s detachment, the peasants from the nearest villages and the residents who had fled from Moscow and concealed themselves in the environs. —
首先进入莫斯科的是温岑格罗德的哥萨克分队、最近村庄的农民和逃离莫斯科并躲藏在周边地区的居民。 —

On entering the ruined city, and finding it pillaged, the Russians fell to pillaging it too. —
进入这座荒废的城市后,发现被掠夺了,俄国人也开始抢劫。 —

They continued the work begun by the French. —
他们继续法军所开始的工作。 —

Trains of peasants’ waggons drove into Moscow to carry away to the villages all that had been abandoned in the ruined Moscow houses and streets. —
农民的马车队驶入莫斯科,将废弃的房屋和街道中的一切搬回村庄。 —

The Cossacks carried off what they could to their tents; —
哥萨克人把他们能拿到的东西带回他们的帐篷。 —

the householders collected all they could out of other houses, and removed it to their own under the pretence that it was their property.

But the first pillaging parties were followed by others; —
但第一批抢劫队伍引来了其他人。 —

and every day as the numbers pillaging increased, the work of plunder became more difficult and assumed more definite forms.

The French had found Moscow deserted but with all the forms of an organically normal town life still existent, with various branches of trades and crafts, of luxury, and political government and religion. —
法国人发现莫斯科被遗弃,但所有有机正常城市生活的形式依然存在,包括各种行业和手工艺品、奢侈品、政府和宗教。 —

These forms were lifeless but they still existed. —
这些形式虽然没有生命,但它们仍然存在。 —

There were markets, shops, stores, corn-exchanges, and bazaars—most of them stocked with goods. —
有市场、商店、仓库、粮食交易所和市场,其中大部分都有商品。 —

There were factories and trading establishments. —
有工厂和贸易机构。 —

There were palaces and wealthy houses filled with articles of luxury. —
有宫殿和富人的房屋,里面摆满了奢侈品。 —

There were hospitals, prisons, courts, churches, and cathedrals. —
还有医院、监狱、法院、教堂和大教堂。 —

The longer the French remained, the more these forms of town life perished, and at the end all was lost in one indistinguishable, lifeless scene of pillage.

The longer the pillaging of the French lasted, the more complete was the destruction of the wealth of Moscow and of the forces of the pillagers. —
法国人的掠夺持续的时间越长,莫斯科的财富和掠夺者的力量就越完全被摧毁。 —

The longer the pillaging lasted that was carried on by the Russians on their first return to the capital, and the more there were taking part in it, the more rapidly was the wealth of Moscow and the normal life of the town re-established.

Apart from those who came for plunder, people of all sorts, drawn thither, some by curiosity, some by the duties of office, some by self-interests—householders, priests, officials, high and low, traders, artisans, and peasants—flowed back to Moscow from all sides, as the blood flows to the heart.

Within a week the peasants who had come with empty carts to carry off goods were detained by the authorities, and compelled to carry dead bodies out of the town. —
不到一个星期,带着空车来运走货物的农民被当局扣留,并被迫将尸体搬出城。 —

Other peasants, who had heard of their companions’ discomfiture, drove into the town with wheat, and oats, and hay, knocking down each others’ prices to a figure lower than it had been in former days. —
其他听说了他们伙伴的困境的农民,带着小麦、燕麦和干草驱车进城,互相压低价格,比以往更低。 —

Gangs of carpenters, hoping for high wages, were arriving in Moscow every day; —
希望能得到高工资的木工团队每天都来到莫斯科。 —

and on all sides there were new houses being built, or old half-burnt ones being repaired. —
各处都在新修或修复半焚的房屋。 —

Tradesmen carried on their business in booths. —
商贩们在临时摊位上开展生意。 —

Cook-shops and taverns were opened in fire-blackened houses. —
炉火焚烧过的房子里开设了饭馆和酒馆。 —

The clergy held services in many churches that had escaped the fire. —
幸免于火的许多教堂举行礼拜。 —

Church goods that had been plundered were restored as offerings. —
被掠夺的教堂财物作为供物归还。 —

Government clerks set up their baize-covered tables and pigeon-holes of papers in little rooms. —
政府职员在小房间里摆放着蓝褐色桌子和文件格子。 —

The higher authorities and the police organised a distribution of the goods left by the French. —
高级官员和警察组织了法军遗留物的分发。 —

The owners of houses in which a great many of the goods plundered from other houses had been left complained of the injustice of all goods being taken to the Polygonal Palace. —
一些房屋的主人抱怨所有从其他房屋掠夺出来的物品全都运到了多边宫殿,感到这种做法不公平。 —

Others maintained that the French had collected all the things from different houses to one spot, and that it was therefore unfair to restore to the master of the house the things found in it. —
其他人则认为法国人把各处物品收集到一个地点,因此将被发现的东西归还给房屋的主人是不公平的。 —

The police were abused and were bribed; estimates for government buildings that had been burnt were reckoned at ten times their value; —
警察受到谩骂和贿赂;被火烧毁的政府建筑估价是实际价值的十倍。 —

and appeals for help were made. Count Rastoptchin wrote his posters again.