PETYA AND DOLOHOV, after dressing up in French uniforms and shakoes, rode to the clearing from which Denisov had looked at the French camp, and coming out of the wood, descended into the hollow in the pitch darkness. —
彼得亚和多洛霍夫穿上法国军服和帽子,骑向丹尼索夫所望法国营地的空地,从树林中出来后,他们在漆黑中下到了洼地。 —

When they had ridden downhill, Dolohov bade the Cossacks accompanying him to wait there, and set off at a smart trot along the road towards the bridge. —
他们下坡时,多洛霍夫吩咐跟随他的哥萨克人在那里等待,然后他迅速地驰骋在通向桥的道路上。 —

Petya, faint with excitement, trotted along beside him.

“If we are caught, I won’t be taken alive. I have a pistol,” whispered Petya.

“Don’t speak Russian,” said Dolohov, in a rapid whisper, and at that moment they heard in the dark the challenge: —
“别说俄语,”多洛霍夫迅速地低声说道,就在那时他们听到黑暗中一个声音问道:“是谁?”还有枪机的声音。 —

“Who goes there?” and the click of a gun.

The blood rushed into Petya’s face, and he clutched at his pistol.

“Uhlans of the Sixth Regiment,” said Dolohov, neither hastening nor slackening his horse’s pace.

The black figure of a sentinel stood on the bridge.

“The password?”

Dolohov reined in his horse, and advanced at a walking pace.

“Tell me, is Colonel Gerard here?” he said.

“Password?” repeated the sentinel, making no reply and barring their way.

“When an officer makes his round, sentinels don’t ask him for the password …” cried Dolohov, suddenly losing his temper and riding straight at the sentinel. —
“我问你,上校在这吗?” —

“I ask you, is the colonel here?”

And not waiting for an answer from the sentinel, who moved aside, Dolohov rode at a walking pace uphill.

Noticing the black outline of a man crossing the road, Dolohov stopped the man, and asked where the colonel and officers were. —
注意到一名黑影穿过马路,德洛霍夫停下来拦住这人,问上校和军官们在哪里。 —

The man, a soldier with a sack over his shoulder, stopped, came close up to Dolohov’s horse, stroking it with his hand, and told them in a simple and friendly way that the colonel and the officers were higher up the hill, on the right, in the courtyard of the farm, as he called the little manor-house.

After going further along the road, from both sides of which they heard French talk round the camp-fires, Dolohov turned into the yard of the manor-house. —
继续沿着道路前行,两边传来法语在篝火边的谈论声,德洛霍夫转入庄园的院子里。 —

On reaching the gate, he dismounted and walked towards a big, blazing fire, round which several men were sitting, engaged in loud conversation. —
到了大门口,他下了马,走向一个大而明亮的篝火,在那里有几个人围坐着,正在大声交谈。 —

There was something boiling in a cauldron on one side, and a soldier in a peaked cap and blue coat, kneeling in the bright glow of the fire, was stirring it with his ramrod.

“He’s a tough customer,” said one of the officers, sitting in the shadow on the opposite side of the fire.

“He’ll make them run, the rabbits” (a French proverb), said the other, with a laugh.

Both paused, and peered into the darkness at the sound of the steps of Petya and Dolohov approaching with their horses.

“Bonjour, messieurs!” Dolohov called loudly and distinctly.

There was a stir among the officers in the shadow, and a tall officer with a long neck came round the fire and went up to Dolohov.

“Is that you, Clément?” said he. “Where the devil …” but becoming aware of his mistake, he did not finish, and with a slight frown greeted Dolohov as a stranger, and asked him what he could do for him. —
“是你吗,克莱芒?”他问道,“你他娘的……”但意识到自己犯错了,他没有说完,稍微皱了下眉头,把德洛霍夫当成了陌生人,并问他需要什么。 —

Dolohov told him that he and his comrade were trying to catch up with their regiment, and asked, addressing the company in general, whether the officers knew anything about the Sixth Regiment. —
德洛霍夫告诉他,他和他的战友正试图赶上他们的团队,并问全体人员是否了解第六团军情。 —

No one could tell them anything about it; —
没有人对此能给他们任何信息; —

and Petya fancied the officers began to look at him and Dolohov with unfriendly and suspicious eyes.

For several seconds no one spoke.

“If you’re reckoning on some soup, you have come too late,” said a voice from behind the fire, with a smothered laugh.

Dolohov answered that they had had supper, and wanted to push on further that night.

He gave their horses to the soldier who was stirring the pot, and squatted down on his heels beside the officer with the long neck. —
他把他们的马交给正在搅拌锅里的士兵,然后蹲下身子,靠在一位脖子很长的军官旁边。 —

The latter never took his eyes off Dolohov, and asked him again what regiment did he belong to.

Dolohov appeared not to hear the question. —
多洛霍夫似乎没有听到这个问题。 —

Making no answer, he lighted a short French pipe that he took from his pocket, and asked the officers whether the road ahead of them were safe from Cossacks.

“The brigands are everywhere,” answered an officer from behind the fire.

Dolohov said that the Cossacks were only a danger for stragglers like himself and his comrade; —
多洛霍夫说哥萨克人只对像他和他的战友这样的分散者构成威胁; —

“he supposed they would not dare to attack large detachments,” he added inquiringly.

No one replied.

“Well, now he will come away,” Petya was thinking every moment, as he stood by the fire listening to the talk.

But Dolohov took up the conversation that had dropped, and proceeded to ask them point-blank how many men there were in their battalion, how many battalions they had, and how many prisoners.

When he asked about the Russian prisoners, Dolohov added:

“Nasty business dragging those corpses about with one. —
“拖拽这些尸体真是令人厌恶的事情。 —

It would be better to shoot the vermin,” and he broke into such a strange, loud laugh, that Petya fancied the French must see through their disguise at once, and he involuntarily stepped back from the fire.

Dolohov’s words and laughter elicited no response, and a French officer whom they had not seen (he lay rolled up in a coat), sat up and whispered something to his companion. —
杜洛霍夫的话和笑声没有引起任何反应,而他们没有见过的一名法国军官(他蜷缩在一件外套里)坐起来对他的同伴低声说了些什么。 —

Dolohov stood up and called to the men, who held their horses.

“Will they give us the horses or not?” Petya wondered, unconsciously coming closer to Dolohov.

They did give them the horses. “Bonsoir, messieurs,” said Dolohov.

Petya tried to say “Bonsoir,” but he could not utter a sound. —
彼得亚想要说“晚上好”,但他无法发出声音。 —

The officers were whispering together. Dolohov was a long while mounting his horse, who would not stand still; —
军官们在私下里低声交谈着。杜洛霍夫骑马上了很长时间,马始终不肯站住。 —

then he rode out of the gate at a walking pace. —
然后他缓缓地走出大门。 —

Petya rode beside him, not daring to look round, though he was longing to see whether the French were running after him or not.

When they came out on to the road, Dolohov did not turn back towards the open country, but rode further along it into the village.

At one spot he stood still, listening. “Do you hear?” he said. —
在一个地方他停了下来,倾听着。“你听到了吗?”他说。 —

Petya recognised the sound of voices speaking Russian, and saw round the camp-fire the dark outlines of Russian prisoners. —
彼得亚听出了俄语的声音,并且在营火周围看到了俄国俘虏的黑影。 —

When they reached the bridge again, Petya and Dolohov passed the sentinel, who, without uttering a word, paced gloomily up and down. —
当他们再次到达桥边时,彼得亚和杜洛霍夫经过了岗哨,那个岗哨默不作声地阴郁地来回巡逻。 —

They came out to the hollow where the Cossacks were waiting for them.

“Well now, good-bye. Tell Denisov, at sunrise, at the first shot,” said Dolohov, and he was going on, but Petya clutched at his arm.

“Oh!” he cried, “you are a hero! Oh! how splendid it is! how jolly! How I love you!”

“That’s all right,” answered Dolohov, but Petya did not let go of him, and in the dark Dolohov made out that he was bending over to him to be kissed. —
“没关系,”多洛霍夫回答道,但彼特亚没有放手,在黑暗中,多洛霍夫看出他正在弯下身子要亲吻他。 —

Dolohov kissed him, laughed, and turning his horse’s head, vanished into the darkness.